chapter 41

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Sahil:akshara  r u ok ...  Abhimanyu  looked at sahil seriously

Akshara :I dont know I feel that I have  twisted my ankle..she said standing straight

As sahil was about to see ...Abhimanyu  carried her in his arms and made her sit on the chair

Abhimanyu : u r  so careless.. y were u running so much in heels he said while checking her ankle...

akshara :  Abhimanyu   what r u doing over here ...and  that too at this  time..Abhimanyu  for a sec felt like he will get caught and tried to think of an excuse

Akshara :Abhimanyu  r u listening

Abhimanyu :I'll get the spray from the car he said  getting up and was about to go

Sahil:Abhimanyu  dont worry ... I can fix it

Abhimanyu :its best if i spray her ankle first to lessen the pain and then examine to see tuere is no serious damage   he said and took few steps to walk away

Sahil examined akshara  ankle and  then after few secs twisted it so quickly

Akshara :ahhhhhh she shouted in pain ... Abhimanyu  looked at akshara  and then at sahil

Abhimanyu :sahil I told u na let me handle it... see she is in more pain he said annoyingly

Sahil:relax Abhimanyu  nothing has happened

Abhimanyu :what do u mean nothing has ... he stopped speaking  and turned to akshara  as she spoke

Akshara :I'm actually not feeling any pain any more she  said moving her feet but there were no sign of pain near her ankle

Abhimanyu :that's amazing sahil.  You were faster than us doctors he said smilong

Akshara :sahil u r actually my life saver she said and got up and hugged him

Abhimanyu  looked at akshara  when she said that.. he was not happy as it felt  like akshara  is giving his place  to sahil as she had told him many times how he is her life saver and will always be but now she just said that to someone else and recalled a time when akshara  had called Abhimanyu  her life saver


During their early days of college Abhimanyu  and Akshara  were alone at home as juhi vidyut and Abhimanyu  went to buy some things for the house

Abhimanyu  was downstairs while akshara  was in the kitchen

She was first time going to try and make an omelette.. she somehow added eggs and others things in the pan...God knows what she was making but for her it looked like an omelette... she wiped her hands with a napkin  and placed it on the platform without looking  as the edge of the napkin was near the gas and since it was on high flame it caught fire in few secs...akshara  had closed the fridge and turned around when her eyes widend seen the fire expanding slightly...

Akshara :Abhimanyu  she screamed and went near the platform to remove the other end of the cloth but she couldnt as it was slowly spreading the fire more

Abhimanyu  came down and was shocked

Abhimanyu :akshuuu move he said and quickly got water and started pouring until the fire was put down

Akshara :gosh I'm sorry

Abhimanyu  turned to her and examined her

Abhimanyu :u ok na chatterbox u r not hurt right he asked

Akshara  smiled and hugged Abhimanyu  while he hugged her back

Akshara :I'm fine Abhi.. afterall I have my life saver with me so nothing can happen to me

Abhimanyu  smiled and kissed the top of her head

Abhimanyu :I'll always be your life saver 

End of flashback

Abhimanyu :I thought I was your life saver but now u just made sahil your life saver...y does it feel like sahil is slowly trying to take my place he thought to himself

Akshara  looked at Abhimanyu  to see him looking into space she frowned 

Akshara :Abhimanyu? 

Abhimanyu  was still lost in his thoughts...

Akshara :Abhimanyu she called a little bit loudly while placing her hand on his arm shaking it a bit

Abhimanyu  looked at akshara  coming back to reality and saw all looking at him...he shrugged his thoughts away

Akshara :where were u lost 

Abhimanyu :nothing...was just thinking about a case 

Akshara :I see but u didnt answer me when I asked u what  r you doing over here ? 

Abhimanyu :I..i....the thing is I actually finished early and was heading home...was near by so

thought y not come and pick u up and go together 

Akshara :oh I see but dont worry I will come with sahil u go as I'm not in a rush to go home 

Abhimanyu :no actually u will have to come with me...I mean its important as I want to get

Taiji something l so I wanted your advice he said as for some reason he wanted to spend some time with akshara  

Akshara :ok then that's fine.. sahil I'll see u tommrow then 

Sahil:bye he said hugging her while Abhimanyu  raised his eyebrow..

Neil :yaar u forgot this friend of yours. 

Akshara :how can I forget u she said moving to hug him 

Abhimanyu :come on neil we r akshara s friend how can she forget us so easily he said looking at sahil and then moved his gaze to akshara  and neil as both smiled at him 

Akshara :let's go she said. 

Abhimanyu  nodded and both started to head to the car...once getting inside..Abhimanyu  drove off 

After a while 

Akshara :Abhimanyu? 

Abhimanyu :hmmm 

Akshara :what do u need to get taiji 

Abhimanyu  was baffled as what to say since  getting something for mahima was just an excuse 

Abhimanyu :I dont know something that she likes 

Akshara :ok...any ideas? 

Abhimanyu :nope...that's y I got you along  so u can choose something 

Akshara :hmm.....ok then first tell me y  r u gifting her something in the first place I

mean as far as I know there is no such occasion

Abhimanyu :Abhimanyu... u r gone he mumbled 

Akshara :what did u say ?

Abhimanyu :no...I mean the thing is taiji is recovering and is much better than before  u know....and i thought  I can get something for her to make her feel special 

Akshara :hmm that's nice.. how about flowers as taiji loves flowers 

Abhimanyu :flowers It is then 

10 mins later they reached outside a flower shop...akshara  got out of the jeep and inhaled deeply taking in the fragrance of flowers.. she looked around to see all type of flowers 

Abhimanyu  got out and admired the smile on akshara  face and how her hair was blowing slightly due to the wind 

He went near her slowly while she was looking at the flowers 

As akshara was about to turn to Abhimanyu  he pretended to look at the flowers 

Akshara is this one she said picking up a bouquet

Abhimanyu :lovely...suddenly he saw the smile drop from akshara  face 

Akshara :actually no they r nice but not that nice she said moving to the other flower section while Abhimanyu  followed just
watching her look at the flowers so carefully. 

Abhimanyu  looked at akshara ...the way she was looking at the flowers and touching them made him smile ...she  was caressing them as if they will break is she puts too much pressure on it... 

Abhimanyu  picked up a rose bouquet and looked at akshara

Abhimanyu :akshuuu

Akshara  turned and looked at Abhimanyu  

Abhimanyu :this is for u he whispered taking a step closer to her 

Akshara :for me? she asked as he saw the surprised look on her face 

Abhimanyu :yes for u. He said gesturing her to take the rose 

Akshara :that's...that's actually sweet of u but for what reasons  r u giving me these Rose's for  

Abhimanyu :just like that... I felt like giving it to u he said 

Akshara  smiled taking the Roses 

Abhimanyu :getting flowers for taiji was just an excuse to spend time with u he whispered 

Akshara  turned to look at him 

Akshara :and y is that 

Abhimanyu :because I wanted to spend time with u.. keep u near me.. dont ask y but I just cant stand seeing anyone else close to u

Akshara :Abhimanyu she gulped 

Abhimanyu :shh....please dont say anything please.he said placing a finger on her lips .he took a rose out of the bouquet he gave her 

Akshara  felt a shiver run down her spine as her moved his hand around her waist brining her closer to him..but then she felt goose bumps when Abhimanyu  traced the rose from her
forehead tracing it down her nose, her cheeks and slowly around her lips making her close her eyes due to the beautiful feeling   

He saw how akshara  lips parted while the bouquet that was in her hand fell on the floor...Abhimanyu  moved his face closer to her as their lips barely touched 

Abhimanyu :u r beautiful akshara .. very beautiful he whispered against her lips and he felt her grab his collar tightly while her chest was moving up and down agaisnt his chest...

She turned around in his arms while he traced the rose down her arms back and forth and then  moved  it to her neck before turning her around 

Akshara  looked at him seeing the emotions on his face..she saw him move his face closer 

Abhimanyu  placed wet kisses on both her cheeks ... he then eyed her lips but before locking his lips with her he licked her lips making her shiver 

Abhimanyu :strawberry lip gloss tastes so amazing he said...

akshara  looked at Abhimanyu  and her cheeks heated up due to what he said
but also the way his eyes were looking at her ..How she saw him look down at her lips while he was able to feel her breathing  heavingly..  

Abhimanyu  slowly claimed her lips kissing her slowly while akshara  joined in after a sec... she felt Abhimanyu  pull her even more closer as her hand moved on to the back of his hair... he then sucked on her lower lip and bit on it making her gasp with that his tounge found a way in her mouth coaxing hers to touch his... he felt their tounge wrap around each others couple of times making their body mingle against each other setting it on fire...

 Both then stopped while trying to breath properly with their forehead resting against each other... she felt his fingers caress ber jawline and then he traced his lips on to the side of her neck moving it back and forth making akshara  moan slightly when she felt him kiss her on the sensitive spot 

Abhimanyu :u r making me crazy akshara  very crazy... I just cant get enough of u...what r u doing to me he whispered against her earlobe while she found that gesture ticklish. 

Akshara :Abhimanyu...she said caressing his lips

Abhimanyu :hmm 

Akshara : Abhii

Abhimanyu :r just going to keep saying my name 


Abhimanyu  looked at akshara  as he felt her shake his arm...he frowned seeing her few steps  away as few secs back she was in his arms 

Akshara : Abhimanyu r u listening I said I found taiji the flowers she will like 

Abhimanyu  looked down to see there was no red roses on the floor which akshara  had dropped and realised he was day dreaming ... a dream which he enjoyed but also confused as to y he had such dream...he looked at her to see her staring at him 

Akshara  raised her eyebrows giving a questioning look..while Abhimanyu  shook his head saying nothing. 

She picked up a bouquet and turned to Abhimanyu  

Akshara :Abhi this will be perfect na she said picking up a bouquet of fresh flowers 

Abhimanyu :great.. I'll buy these then...akshara  nodded and held the flowers while Abhimanyu  payed 

Once they got into the car Abhimanyu  started the Car and headed straight to go home.. they were actually stuck in traffic 

He kept on looking at akshara  who was looking at the flower with a  smile... he kind of laughed thinking how this akshara  loves flowers now while the old akshara  hated it and remembered an incident 


Akshara  and Abhimanyu  were in their last year of high school... one day Abhimanyu  had got flowers for akshara  as she had done well in her exams 

Abhimanyu :chatterbox..chatterbox,

chatterbox r u here  he asked  coming in with a bunch of flowers
Akshara :what is it Abhimanyu ?  has an earthquake.happened that u r shouting.. everyone is an enemy of my sleep she said annoyingly coming out of her room 

Abhimanyu :I got something for u 

Akshara :y? What great work have I done that u got me something 

Abhimanyu :because u passed stupid so for that I got u something.. I'm sorry it was a last min thing so got u whatever I was able to he said as he had the flowers hidden 

Akshara :ok what is it 

Abhimanyu :first close your eyes and forward your hand ..akshara  shook her head and closed her eyes 

Abhimanyu  grabbed the flowers and placed it in akshara  hands

Akshara  frowned as she started to feel what Abhimanyu  kept in her she opened her eyes she saw it was flowers 

Abhimanyu :like them

Akshara :Abhimanyu. who gives floweres to someone 

Abhimanyu :everyone does ..especially to girls

Taking a deep breath akshara spoke  

Akshara :See....I'm a girl but I'm not like those clingy girls and tell me one thing have u had a short term memory loss

Abhimanyu :hein...what sort of question is that 

Akshara :its a sensible u know me since childhood and what do u give me ? flowers.... instead of that u could  have given me chocolates or football ya phir tennis player she said 

Abhimanyu  rolled his eyes 

Abhimanyu :gosh sometimes I wonder r u a guy who is pretending to be a girl.. here I bought u flowers and u r not even appreciating 1%

End of flaksabck 

Suddenly he came back to reality when he heard akshara  call his name couple of times 

Abhimanyu :what happened akshara  

Akshara :Abhimanyu the green light is on hurry as too many horns  r beeping  sbe said and that's when he actually heard the other vehicles  beeping sound 

Abhimanyu  nodded  his head and drove while mentally laughing recalling those golden days 

As they had reached home they headed inside.

Akshara : u go she said handing him the flowers

Mahima :arien wah akshara  your flowers r beautiful she said coming back from the garden 

Akshara :arien no taiji these flowers r not for me but for u from Abhimanyu  

Mahima:for me ?...what is the occasion Abhimanyu 

Abhimanyu :just like that taiji he said hugging her and then looked at akshara  who was staring at taiji adore the flowers 

Mahima:I'll.go and keep this in my room...both abhi and akshu  nodded 

Once mahima left akshara  received a call from arohi 

Abhimanyu :who is it ? 

Akshara :arohi...

 Abhimanyu nodded while  akshara  answered the call 


Akshara :hey..what happend? how Did u remember  me today 

Arohi:akshu..neil has came up with an awesome idea that we all can do 

Akshara: what idea ?

Arohi:movie night at goenka mansion 

Akshara :oh 

Arohi:kya oh its today so u and Abhimanyu  better  come here..  it's actually a 2 in one thing where it will be movie nights along with sleepover 

Akshara :haan.haan we will come 

Arohi:okies catch u later...Need to call juhi and vidyut too 

Akshara :ok see u..

as akshara. ended the call she turned to Abhimanyu  who was busy on his phone but he was everything akshara  said 

Akshara : Abhi

Abhimanyu :yh? 

Akshara :arohi.said a movie night has been planned at the goenka mansion tonight so we will have to go there as we would be staying the night there

Abhimanyu :cool I'll pack a pair of clothes 

Akshara :ok ..till then I'll go and inform taiji and maa 

Abhimanyu  nodded while  akshara  left 

Abhimanyu : movie night with akshara  he said getting excited 

Akshara  and Abhimanyu   had left as they headed to the goenka mansion

Abhimanyu  was admiring akshara  now and then when rohan had to call regarding a case ... he answered and got busy talking to him while akshara  looked at him for a sec and then looked outside  

Soon they had reached to the goenka mansion where the rest of the gang had already arrived 

Vidyut and neil were arranging the love seats for all of them. 

Abhimanyu :hey guys he said walking over to the boys 

Neil :arien Abhimanyu Good u came.. these love  seats r awesome na he said excited

Vidyut:Abhimanyu look how excited he is getting.. no wonder y he chose to watch horror movies and wanted love seats he said slapping Abhimanyu  back slightly 

Abhimanyu :horror movies he asked surprisingly  

Vidyut:haan.. horror movie with our partner sitting beside us how lovely kairav and vansh bhaiya are not here so this guy has full chance to romance without being scared he said jokingly as he patted neils shoulder 

Neil: oh please im not scared of goenka the way i still remember  akshara  would get scared and use bhai  as a shield to hide herself .

Abhimanyu  looked at neil and smiled remembering those old days 


Abhimanyu ,Neil ,arohi and akshara  were young....after their school exams they had holiday and decided to spend the night watching movies at the birla mansion 

Akshara  wanted action movie...arohi wanted to watch romantic ...neil and Abhimanyu  were up for horror 

The boys won as their horror chit came out..while arohi didnt mind horror but akshara  was scared of it like hell..

Akshara :u know what u guys can watch I'll sit with shweta aunty 

Abhimanyu :oye...chatterbox u r not going anywhere ...u r sitting over here and that's final 

Akshara :but I don't want to watch horror movie  

Abhimanyu :well u have to as we all r now..  so stay ok he said warning her while akshara  made a face and sat down with arms crossed  

The movie had started while all ate popcorn and had soft drinks 

Akshara  was eating popcorn slowly while making weird faces...when a little scary scene was shown  she jumped and was about to drop the popcorn but got hold of it.. she looked at neil,arohi  and Abhimanyu  to see them engrossed in the akshara  looked at the movie she was hell scared as a scary  face popped out of nowhere in the movie  scaring her for a sec 

Akshara :mumma she screamed and clutched Abhimanyu's hand...

she tried to breath normally trying to convince herself it's only a movie when another  scary scene popped up again  making her hide her face in his side abs while Abhimanyu  looked at her shaking his head and patted her back as he got  back to watching the movie again while akshara  stayed like that 

End of flashback 

Neli: bhai where r u lost 

Abhimanyu :nowhere yaar was remembering our movies night during school days 

Neil: they were epic . He said smiling 

Abhimanyu  smiled and nodded when he saw sahil come down the stairs with blankets 

Abhimanyu (in.his mind) :how can I forget he will be here too

Sahil:hey Abhimanyu

Abhimanyu :hey he said faking a smile 

Sahil:neil these r the blankets sirat aunty gave me 

Neil:they will do Thanks sahil 

Sahil: no worries

Abhimanyu :umm I'll call mum telling her that we reached 

Vidyut:ya otherwise aunty will be calling non stop 

Abhimanyu :exactly 

Abhimanyu  gave a look to sahil who was talking to neil and left 

Meanwhile the girls had come out with all of the  food and drinks arrangements.

Akshara :love seats? I didnt even see them while coming in She said seeing the seats 

Arohi:haan it will be so romantic na while watching horror movie 

Akshara  rolled her and sat down when she just realised what arohi said 

Akshara : did u just say horror movies with her eyes wide 

Arohi:yup....akshara closed her eyes and took a deep breath..while the rest cracked up slightly 

Juhi:akshara  is still scared of horror movies 

Akshara :I...i am but I can handle it I mean I'm not scared like before u see
Arohi :really? She asked teasingly while akshara  glared ..all sat down while vidyut and neil were making the boys special drink..sahil saw akshara  sit alone and went and sat  next to akshara  while she was checking something on her phone 

After few mins Abhimanyu  came in when he saw sahil sitting next to akshara  and that did it...jealousy came back making him clutch his phone tightly 

Abhimanyu :this.sahil ....cant he sit anywhere else..always wants to be next to akshara .. like give her a break dude... only I can sit next to her as we have always sat.together while watching movies  and I'll make sure I sit next to her..come on Abhimanyu  do something so that u sitext to akshara  and not that sahil..think Abhimanyu  think ...

few sec later  he got an idea and smirked   

Precrap :
will Abhimanyu  be able to sit next to akshara

 Sorry for the late sure all expected season was on in the fam 

Please excuse for any spelling or grammar mistake 

Thank you to those who commented and voted on the previous part 

Lots of love 


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