54 ~ Abhiraj! Once again.

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Rajvardhan POV

A loud slap landed right on my cheek that shook me to the core. I shivered suddenly and looked at her.

"Maa Saheb?"

"How dare you to do this?" She asked in anger.

I got a little angrier as to how could she slap me like that. I was the King for God's sake.

"Maa Saheb, you know situations were not normal then" I tried to tell her.

"Situations were not correct. Are you out of your mind?" She asked and yelled at me.

"Maa Saheb, I know it is my mistake" I agreed and tried to convince her.

"Mistake? It is a sin. You ruined her life. what the hell you think of yourself." She roared at me and I couldn't lift my gaze to look at her.

I didn't have an answer and moreover, I wanted to meet Abhi anyhow.

"Hum kuch pooch rahe hai Raj!"

"I am asking something, Raj!" She asked again and I took a few steps back in nervousness.

"Hum nahi Jaante Maa Saheb, lekin us waqt hame kuch samajh hi nahi aaya. Jo man me aaya bass kar liya"

"I don't know Maa Saheb, Whatever came to my mind at that moment. I just did that. I wasn't able to understand anything that time." I tried to say.

My heart was beating so fast, it was paining deeply and I was worried for Abhi. I didn't know my actions would take such a turn.

"Aapki harkato pe sharam aari hai hume"

"I am feeling ashamed of your actions."

She said and coming closer, she continued.

"She is the Queen of Mahabaleshgarh now. And if people of kingdom will get to know about such an act of yours. Do you think they will let Abhishree even here"

Hearing her I felt scared, I couldn't see anything happening to her because of me.

"But Maa Saheb, who will know about it?" I asked looking at me.

"So, are you keeping it that way only" She yelled at me and I shut myself instantly.

She was really very angry with me. And I agreed that I have done a sin.

"I want this all fixed Raj!" She said at last and left me alone there in my chamber.

I didn't know what to do know. And the most hurting thing was Abhi wasn't willing to see me. She wasn't talking to me. She was feeling low and hurt.

It has been more than three days since she stopped seeing me. I didn't know who said to her what, what made her change her mind, and what the hell happened to her.

She was normal before that, everything was normal. I had to talk to her. 

I went out of my chamber and walked towards her.

It was almost midnight and the news about how our married happened got leaked somehow. I couldn't believe who the hell was there who was doing such kind of thing there.

And most of it, someone said a lot of Abhi's character regarding it. Even though Maa Saheb got against our relation. I couldn't believe the one who was planning our wedding got against us.

I entered her chamber showing my palm to attendee's not to announce. I walked through the different parts of the chamber and entered her bedroom. She was lying on the bed and I called her slowly.


She moved a little and the slight noise of anklets raced my heartbeats.

She sat up and looked at me.

I walked closer to her and sat beside her.

She washed her tears and asked.

"Have you had dinner?" She asked slowly.

I shook my head and she clapped two times quickly.

An attendee showed up and she said.

"Bring something to eat for us" 

I held her hand softly and she looked back at me.

"Abhi, please talk to me" I requested.

"What do I talk, Maharaj," She said lowering her gaze. Her eyes were swollen and she looked tired too.

"Anything," I said in a low tone.

"What will happen now?" She asked looking back at me.

I didn't have an answer because the harm was already done.

"You know they said that our relationship is illegitimate. You don't even know what kind of names they fave to me. Even Maa Saheb was against me. I didn't know what to do. I have done a sin. I am a woman, I should have taken care of my limits. I shouldn't keep them in deceive" She said.

"Abhi," I breathed and tried to confront her.

"Abhi, you know that our relationship is pure. Our relation is true. We both love each other and that's the only that matters." 

"Life doesn't go like we want. If the King and Queen would be breaking the rules, offending the elder. What would the kingdom be learning from us? To be in an illegitimate relationship? I cannot be the Queen here." She said and tears rolling down her eyes.

"Abhi," I tried to say.

"Not his time, we can't continue this. I don't want you to see me anymore. I am no one to me"

"Shhhhh, YOU ARE EVERYTHING TO ME! Never ever say this. You are what I have all. I can't be anything without you, just a body." I tried to say.

"But, this is wrong. You know, how we got married. When Maa Saheb got to know about it. She couldn't believe it. I am very ashamed of it." She said and I could feel my heart feeling hurt.

"Abhi, you know whatever happened was what I did in anger. I didn't mean anything. But, that doesn't mean my love for you isn't pure. My love for you isn't true. I am devoted to you more than any husband could be." I tried to say.

"But, that won't change the fact that we aren't married. And whatever we did, whatever happened between us is a Sin." She claimed to look into my eyes.

I took a breath in disbelief. How could she be so vulnerable?

"Abhi, you have changed me a lot. I never believed in legitimate or illegitimate. I love you and that is the reality. I don't care what others think about our relationship. I know that's true and pure. And this is all that matters." I tried to say.

She looked at me. Her eyes burning with fire was visible in this slightly dim chamber.

She nodded a little and then in a hoarse voice asked me again.

"We can live with that. I can live with that. But, when our child comes into existence. would you be able to hear the same for him. What if they call him illegitimate too?" She asked and l lowered my gaze.

I didn't know where this conversation was going but I was sure I couldn't win this. And she was correct somewhere. We were the Queen and King of our Empire and if this information gets leaked, nobody would understand us.

"Fine, let's get married again" I declared.

She smiled a little and I pulled her in a hug.

"I hope you are not angry with me Abhi. At least, you understand that Whatever I did was out of anger. I didn't mean those promises. I am deep down extremely sorry for that." I said.

"I know, but we have hurt Maa Saheb somewhere and they are angry with me too." She said.

"I hope everything will be sought again." I prayed.

"I just want us to be together forever," She said.

"I know," I said and she looked at my face.

"Did she hurt you?" She asked.


"Maa Saheb," She asked.

"Nah, Just a slap," I said with a smile.

She chuckled a little and said. "The bay boy still gets slapped by his mother"

"Of course, motherhood doesn't see any king or queen. She only sees her child." I said.

"I wanted to ask you something?" She said.

"What?" I asked.

"It has been always my dream that I get married to a great King and enjoy all the rituals," She said and continued.

"And, you know all this happened to me before when I was willing to marry Suryadev. But, I wanted to do this all for you. I want you to fulfill all the rituals truly." She said looking at me.

"What rituals? I don't believe in all this. You enjoy your rituals, let me know if I have to do something." I said.

"Of course, and the first thing is before marriage. Man and woman can't see each other. I want you to stay away from me until we get married."

I pulled her closer in a jerk and snaked her waist.

"Screw the rituals, I haven't touched you for two weeks," I said and she smiled a little. 

I placed a small kiss on her cheeks and climbed over her making her lie on the bed.

"You can't. You have to follow the rules." She laughed and I pinned both of her hands over her head.

Her smile vanished when she realized what was going to happen.

"I will follow all the rules from tomorrow onwards," I said.

Helloooooooo Loveliessss!!!!

Welcome back... Many of you were asking me to update few more chapters of Abhishree and here they are. I will try to update soon.

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