Part 01: Chapter 05

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It felt so nice.

When the morning light shined so beautifully and brightly, when the fragrant, soft blanket embraced you, making you warm and safe when the sleepiness still invaded your mind and you knew it was okay to keep closing your eyes with the comforting scent wrapping around your shape, when hundreds kisses woke you up slowly and the first person you saw was one of your charming mates, the others surrounding you, it felt so nice.

"Good morning, love."

Jungkook whispered on Yoongi's lips, caressing his jawline and pulling him into a deeper kiss. Before Yoongi's eyes was his young mate's alluring beauty with twinkling eyes, adorable nose, and pretty mouth. The brilliant sunlight spilled over his jet-black hair, onto his vigorous, bare shoulder. This was so dazzling, so overwhelming, but also so nice. Yoongi felt like he was still in an addicted, sweet daydream.

It reminded him of the first morning after their Mating Ceremony with Jungkook. The youngest alpha snuggled into Yoongi's and Seokjin's embraces, crying his heart out because he felt happier than ever. He had had to wait a long time until he was old enough to be mated legally. The alpha was only an eighteen-year-old boy back then, looking so innocent, so pure, and lovely, who often saw everything with his curious and exciting eyes, full of adoration. He had used to be slender and smaller, giving Yoongi a vibe that his youngest alpha needed putting in his pocket and protecting at all costs. However, the table already turned, Jungkook was here so reliable and mature, so manly and strong, creating for Yoongi a feeling of being able to depend on.

"I didn't know you came home," Yoongi's voice was low and quiet, he was afraid he would awaken the others.

"While you were sleeping, I came home," Jungkook answered, giving him a soft smile. He leaned over until their nose touched. Since knowing him in menopause, his mates had not only not lost interest in him but had also shown more affection for him so that he no longer felt insecure. Yesterday, Seokjin even touched him when they took a bath together, it was truly amazing. And now it was Jungkook, he came home from the barracks at night just to give him morning kisses. He was stupid to doubt his mates. He still felt guilty about what he had said to Jungkook, but his youngest alpha made him better at the moment by the way he looked at him. He felt so loved.

"No duty today so I can spend my whole day with you three." It sounded good but Yoongi also wished Namjoon had no class, the farm didn't need Jimin every day, and Hoseok got a chance to rest for a night.

Then all of a sudden, a nasty surge rolled up in Yoongi's esophagus, making him want to vomit. He covered his mouth with one hand, the other patting Jungkook's bicep to get his attention.

"Oh love, what's wrong?" Jungkook immediately sat up, and also supported Yoongi's shoulders to pull him up. The alpha's eyebrows furrowed worriedly.

Not wasting any more seconds, Yoongi rushed his life to the bathroom like a ghost was chasing him. He bent down, one hand clinging to the wall to keep balance, and threw up all of his gut. The bitter and terrible taste after puking, at the same time, made him want to vomit even more.

It was about the seventh time he threw up in five days in a row. It was not simply motion sickness, maybe he was ill. Right, he was not the young and invincible Captain anymore, or the big hero who slayed the Dragon without fear and hesitance as Taehyung always said. The relentless battles in his youth might leave their consequences as he got older. Now it was too easy for him to get sick.

"No more stubborn, I will take you to the healer Kang after our breakfast." Yoongi heard Jimin talk firmly behind him. Although his voice was still a bit sleepy, he was extremely stern, which made a chill run through omega's spine.

Jungkook was still there, handed Yoongi a dipper of water to rinse his mouth, then helped him back to their bed. His mates were all up, staring at him in concern. Namjoon didn't even bother to get dressed, his naked body surprisingly snuggling up against him. He found the alpha stuck his nose into his scent gland inhaling deeply, then he moved to Yoongi's abdomen, making snuffles again. The others looked at them with wide eyes while Jungkook looked like he didn't understand what was going on. This time it was Taehyung's turn. He's more moderate than Namjoon, bringing Yoongi's wrist closer to his nose.

"What are you doing?" Yoongi asked, bewildered. There was a vague thought forming in his head, but he quickly dismissed it.

"Have you ever considered you're not in menopause but-" Taehyung hesitated, and he instantly stopped talking when Yoongi's scent went very, very sour. However, Namjoon was not that observant.

"You're pregnant... At least I think so."

Yoongi gasped. He was really about to cry. No, no, no, no! No way he was pregnant. He was too old for that. It was unbelievable. It didn't mean he didn't want to, he did want to, but he was too afraid to raise his hope up. He was too afraid to raise their hopes up. Before Yoongi could speak, he heard a familiar cheerful voice come from the living room. It was Hoseok's.

"Sweetheart, darling, honeybun, pretty, baby, cookie, I'm home!"

Hoseok appeared at the bedroom door with his arms opening and a beaming smile on his face as he finished his greetings. As usual, his partners would laugh when he called their loving names one after another, but today they just stared at him with bemused eyes. However, the surprise wasn't because of Hoseok's presence.

"What's happening?"

The heart-shaped smile on Hoseok's lips was quickly replaced by a worried look. Beta entered the room, rolling his eyes at his mates. Yoongi couldn't open his mouth to speak, his mind was buzzing. Like a hallucination, he heard Jungkook cry.

"We are having a baby!"

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