Part 01: Chapter 04

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"I won't let you go to the barracks alone." Taehyung grabbed Yoongi's wrist, determined not to let him go without him. Taehyung usually had a gentle personality but when he was intent on doing something, his dominance began to rise. Yoongi respected that and sometimes, he couldn't help but obey.

"I can go alone. I won't faint on the road or something." Yoongi convinced the younger, even though he knew it certainly wouldn't change Taehyung's mind.

"You look too pale right now, like you would break anytime, Yoonie. I won't let you go without me or Seokie."

Not Hoseok of course, his beta mate was busy providing the light on the horizon for the sailors every night, Yoongi didn't have the heart to steal the precious sleep from him. And Taehyung was right, maybe he wasn't confident enough to go to the barracks alone either. He felt a little dizzy, apparently from lack of sleep for several days in a row.

"Okay, you go with me," Yoongi said, and he saw Taehyung exhale in relief. The younger Omega pulled him into a chair, stacked the boxes of food on the table, and spoke.

"You wait here, I'll ride the carriage to the front yard." Yoongi could do nothing else rather than follow Taehyung's order. He nervously chewed his thumb as his mate left. What if Jungkook didn't forgive him? What if everything between him and his mates never got back to normal? What if he messed up again? What if Jungkook lost interest in him once he knew he was in menopause? Oh my God, Jungkook was only 25 years old, it was so unfair for him to have an omega like Yoongi.

"He's hurt because he loves you so much." Seokjin's voice broke Yoongi's assumptions all of sudden. He turned his gaze to their bedroom's door and found Seokjin was looking at him lovingly, daylight from the window shining on half of his figure. At the moment Taehyung walked inside, Seokjin moved his wheelchair towards Yoongi. He pulled the omega's thumb from his mouth and kissed his knuckles. Yoongi felt like inside him was boiling but Seokjin's firm look really did calm him down.

"He will forgive you, there is no doubt about it."

"Okay, come on," Taehyung said and leaned down to kiss Seokjin's temple, then held Yoongi's hand to help him up.

"Later Jin, we will bring good news home."


On the way to the barracks, Yoongi said nothing while Taehyung kept talking about random and weird things on the road they passed through, such as the Sparkling Lake of Turquoise Water and the White Wedding Ceremony of Dreams with English Primrose. Yoongi was too focused on thinking about what to say to Jungkook to make him less hurt. What could he do if Jungkook didn't want to meet him?

"Wait, what? Don't think as if he won't come back home anymore, Yoonie!" Yoongi was startled when Taehyung suddenly uttered. He didn't realize he vocalized his thoughts out loud until then.

"Uhm... I got scared." Yoongi responded hesitantly, biting his nail as he noticed Taehyung shook his head and sighed.

"It was just a small fight. You only need to tell him the truth."

"Okay," Yoongi mumbled. He didn't say anything else and then timidly snuggled up against Taehyung, who was riding the carriage and continued to chatter about the Demonic Branches and the Valleys of Solitude. When the horse followed the bank of Shining Brook - according to Taehyung's words, the younger started singing. The sweet voice and soothing melody slowly put Yoongi at ease.

As the sun had risen overhead, Yoongi and Taehyung arrived at the barracks where Jungkook was stationed. When the horse came to a stop, Yoongi hurriedly jumped out of the carriage and squatted down to throw up. Noticing Yoongi wasn't in good condition, Taehyung rushed over to him, crouching down to pat his mate on the back.

"You're alright? I didn't think you got motion sickness." Taehyung asked in concern and Yoongi nodded in response. Taehyung handed him the water pouch, but it was too hard for him to open his eyes because of the dizziness so the younger omega helped him open the lid.

This was unusual. There was no way Yoongi got motion sickness when he had spent half of his life fighting on the battlefields. He had used to ride horses through the mountains, waded rivers, and crossed waterfalls. He had defeated thousands of enemies to survive back then, but now just riding on a carriage could knock him out. How embarrassing it was.

"I think I'm really old." Yoongi wiped the water from his lips, smirking but his voice was bitter.

"It's okay to get old, my beloved." Yoongi heard Taehyung retort as he was helped up by the younger. Yoongi was also held in his arms to regain his balance.

"We are human, not goblins. To me, getting old is a truly beautiful blessing." Taehyung added.

"I still wish I were a goblin." Yoongi teased, making Taehyung giggle.

"Okay, okay. Mr. Goblin. Are you ready to win our little prince's heart again?"

Then Yoongi nodded, smiling so brightly.


Living like a big pack was not uncommon, but a pack with more alphas than omegas often made people curious. And the story of Jungkook having two beautiful omega mates, one beta and three alphas at his young age was well known in his barracks, the other soldiers were very eager to admire the beauty of this man's two omegas. When the two omegas entered the barracks and claimed to be Jungkook's mate, some young soldiers couldn't take their eyes off them. They were instructed to sit on a bench near the training area, waiting for Jungkook to take a break. Several betas, omegas, and also alphas surrounded them, all of whom claim to be Jungkook's friends. While Taehyung warmly talked with those people, Yoongi stayed silent, looking around to find his youngest mate. The omega didn't feel comfortable being noticed by a lot of people, especially when he was the center of attention. As he was the Captain of the Special Operations Squad before, he had used to avoid ceremonies as much as possible even though his team achieved a big victory in the operation. He was not haughty, he was just not good at taking compliments, once Jimin commented about Yoongi when they first met.

A while later, the bell went off, and Yoongi immediately realized it was the break time. Still wandering his eyes around the crowded training ground, he found Jungkook running toward them with a wide grin. The alpha looked so cool in his brown military uniform and glossy black combat boots, his beret off to the side. Unexpectedly Yoongi felt his heart flutter, like the first time he had a crush on his youngest mate. Without thinking more, Yoongi quickly stood up from the bench, broke the circle around him, and rushed to Jungkook. At that moment, everything that was spinning around Yoongi suddenly blurred out, and the sounds went quiet. In his mind there was only Jungkook, all he could see was Jungkook's smile and the eyes shining as if they were filled with the entire galaxy. Just one night without being in each other's arms, it felt like a century had passed.

When they were only half an arm's length apart, Yoongi dropped to his knees and fell into Jungkook's arms. Jungkook caught him, burying his nose in the sweet scent of the omega, inhaling deeply. And Yoongi did the same after placing on the alpha's cheek a greeting kiss.

"I have a lot of things to explain to you, but-" Yoongi panted, his heart pounding in his chest. He continued as their faces were so close, their breaths mingling together.

"Taehyung said that getting old was a truly beautiful blessing God gave us. I want you to grow old with me because I fell deeper in love with you every day. Because, because I'm always in love with you, I never want you to be with anyone else but us. So, please, please, please forgive me and don't leave, my baby alpha."

"I won't... I mean I never leave you and I forgive you, my love." Jungkook smiled, one tear running down his cheeks. Then he kissed Yoongi, locking his lips with love and affection. Yoongi finally could feel his heart relieved because he already knew he was loved.

When they ended their passionate kiss, Jungkook looked up to find Taehyung watching them with adoration. He opened his arm to welcome the omega into his embrace. Yoongi was sandwiched between his mates, protected by their comfortable scent. In a flash Yoongi realized in the past he risked his life to fight for this present precious moment. It was all worthy.

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