Part 01: Chapter 03

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They loved each other, but sometimes, they fought too.

One of the hardest things about living as a big pack was having at least two of them conflicting. The other members of the pack would not be able to choose sides, much less couldn't ignore that contradiction. Yoongi and his mates had lived as a big pack for eight years, and arguments had also been inevitable. They argued from serious things to the smallest like who put the knife in the chopsticks holder. Sometimes they just needed a hug to make up, sometimes it took months for things to get back to normal.

This time, it was Yoongi and his youngest alpha mate, Jungkook.

No one knew the details of what happened between Yoongi and Jungkook. They only heard Yoongi shout and the youngest alpha ran out of the kitchen with tears in his eyes. Yoongi tried his best to avoid his mates' questions, continuing to prepare meals with Taehyung as if nothing happened. He heard Seokjin sigh and could feel Namjoon's gaze glued on his back with concern.

"I will get baby alpha" was what Jimin said before he headed to their shared bedroom.

The harder Yoongi tried to pretend that he wasn't affected by the recent argument, to pretend that it was just silly, it was nothing, the more he realized how heartbroken he truly was when he saw Jungkook's tears fall.

Their dinner became awkward, silence was wrapping around them. Yoongi sat between Seokjin and Taehyung, Namjoon's seat at the head of the table, and Jimin and Jungkook on the opposite side. Nobody said anything while the youngest alpha was still crying. Yoongi noticed he barely ate and it made the omega's heart ache.

"I'm writing a script for a new play," Seokjin spoke first, trying to break the tense atmosphere. Namjoon turned his gaze from Jungkook to him, responding calmly.

"Does everything go well with it?"

Yoongi saw Seokjin shrug and pout, reminding him of Seokjin's complaint about his writer's block yesterday.

"Maybe I need your help," said Seokjin. He looked at Jungkook then at Yoongi.

"I'm writing about a Garrison soldier, who fell in love with an ex-soldier from Survey Corp. And I decide the role model will be based on you, Yoongi, and baby alpha."

"Well," Yoongi hesitated, rolling his eyes. He put his chopsticks on the table and replied.

"I think this is the reason you ran out of ideas. The character of the ex-soldier properly suits Joon better. He was the Commander of Survey Corp, now a dedicated teacher. And-" Before Yoongi could finish his words, he saw Jungkook suddenly standing up, his fist clenching. He inhaled deeply and said with his eyes closed.

"I will bring Hoseok dinner."

Jimin stood up too to suggest going with Jungkook but the youngest alpha shook his head.

"I will go alone" was everything Jungkook answered before he left the dining room with the meal box. Yoongi kept his eyes on Jungkook until his figure disappeared from his sight, an overwhelming feeling welling up in his chest and for a moment he just wanted to cry it out loud.


Yoongi could hardly sleep. Jungkook didn't come home last night. Even though he knew his youngest mate would stay with Hoseok at the lighthouse, he still felt uneasy. Too restless to stay in bed, Yoongi one more time tiptoed to leave their bed before dawn came. Yoongi went to the living room and sat down in front of the fireplace after making himself a cup of hot cocoa. Hot cocoa was always Jungkook's favorite drink in winter. After every guard duty, Jungkook often stopped by Yoongi's teahouse and whined for a cup of hot cocoa. Yoongi never said no to anything Jungkook wanted, especially when he looked at him with his puppy, round eyes filled with thousand twinkling stars.

Yoongi was about to lift his cup to take a sip but then lowered it again. He thought he didn't deserve a hot drink while Jungkook was out there getting hurt because of him. Yoongi doubted Jungkook had a nice sleep last night when the ocean waves kept crashing on the shore, making the noisy sound that Jungkook hated, and when the young boy's heart was full of sadness and confusion.


Yoongi turned his head to the main door when it opened. Hoseok appeared before his eyes with a smile as bright as the summer morning sunlight. His beta mate was wearing yesterday's outfit when he left home, a light khaki jacket with brown pants and black, leather boots. He was also wearing the dark red woolen scarf that Yoongi knitted clumsily and gifted him last year. Suddenly, Yoongi's vulnerable heart felt warm, but at the same time, he got a strong urge to cry.

"Oh, oh, what's wrong, sweetheart?" Yoongi heard Hoseok's panicked voice, and through the blurred tears, he saw Hoseok rush toward him.

Hoseok knelt down on one knee next to Yoongi and rubbed omega's cheeks gently with both of his thumbs to wipe away his tears. Yoongi looked straight into Hoseok's eyes, still sobbing. His eyes were filled with tears, the tip of his nose was red from crying, and his cheeks blushed because of being in front of the fireplace for so long. Yoongi's fist was held in Hoseok's warm hand, he rested his forehead on his mate's shoulder. Hoseok caressed Yoongi's nape circle to calm him down.

"I wondered what happened with baby alpha yesterday. Maybe now I know," said Hoseok as Yoongi's tears finally stopped falling down. The beta carefully lifted him up from the floor and put him down on the couch. He sat down too, motioning for Yoongi to put his legs over his lap. If it was before, Yoongi would never let his mates do these things, he was an omega but he was also the Captain of the most elite squad in the country, it was a shame to be weak. However, now he was exhausted and emotional, he just needed his mate to lend him a shoulder.

"How's Kook?" Yoongi's voice was so small and trembling, and couldn't hide his tiredness.

"He cried himself to sleep yesterday. He left the lighthouse for the barracks early this morning without having breakfast." Hoseok sighed heavily. He placed a kiss on Yoongi's temple as the omega whimpered, being about to cry again.

"I'm sorry," Yoongi whispered, trying his best to keep the tears from streaming down. He hid his face in Hoseok's chest, quivering.

"If you need to say sorry, I think Jungkook should be the one hearing it, sweetheart." Hoseok talked to Yoongi as he stroked the omega's hair.

"I shouldn't have to shout at him." The beta didn't ask but Yoongi wanted to open up himself.

"He just worried because he thought I took the herbs to suppress my heat again. He just worried about me, cared for me but I was too sentimental and self-deprecating to take it so I yelled at him, asked him to find other younger omegas to satisfy his need."

Yoongi's heart was broken one more time when he recalled what happened between him and Jungkook. He couldn't forget the gaze that the young alpha threw at him. He did upset Jungkook, he did disappoint him. He pitied himself only because he was in menopause while his mate was a 25-year-old young man, so he hurt him for his selfish and stupid reason.

"If you didn't mean it, tell him. Make him a cup of hot, sweet cocoa, tell him what you felt, and apologize to him. He will forgive you, I promise."

Yoongi exhaled and nodded. He shut his eyes close when Hoseok chased his lips from his top to chin. Yoongi was grateful that Hoseok gave him the courage. When the daylight comes, he will tell his youngest mate the truth and beg for his forgiveness. He hoped he would understand.

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