Part 01: Chapter 02

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Sometimes Yoongi fantasized about a kid with Taehyung's mesmerizing eyes and healthy complexion. Perhaps they would inherit his sweet and bright personality, and they would certainly be a good child. When they grew up a little more, Namjoon would teach them the alphabet, poetry, history, and the whole world. There was no way they wouldn't be smart with Namjoon as their father, but if they were not that was okay, Yoongi just needed them to be happy and live in peace.

If the baby were a boy, Yoongi thought he'd be as active and sly as Yoongi's youngest mate, but he'd better not get too passionate about riding on his father Jungkook's shoulders, it would give Hoseok a heart attack. If they were a girl, she might be tricky but delicate and considerate like her father Jimin. She would make fun of Seokjin's silly jokes but also be the first to burst out laughing at them. Seokjin couldn't carry her on his back like her other fathers, but he would definitely give her more kisses than anyone else.

However, once Yoongi opened his eyes and saw the long, crisscrossed scars on Taehyung's stomach and waist under the water, the brutal reality hit him hard, and his fantasies vanished. Every time he saw the devastating proof of war engraved on Taehyung's skin, Yoongi's heart still ached like those marks were carved on it again and again.

After the breakdown at the teahouse, Yoongi was prepared a hot tub by Taehyung as he promised. They sat facing each other with Yoongi's foot between the other's legs.

"They don't hurt anymore, no need to observe them as if they were gonna bleed again, Yoonie." Taehyung spoke as he rubbed Yoongi's ankle to get his attention.

"And I don't think they are attractive enough for you to stare at them, Captain. However, I admit they are a bit impressed."

Every time Taehyung called him Captain Yoongi always giggled. That was how strange it was. Previously most people didn't know his full name, but everyone knew him as the captain of the Special Operations Squad. Sometimes he thought Captain was his real name. However, when the war ended and ten years passed, people gradually forgot about the gusty people who fought fearlessly on the battlefields, he forgot his own name Captain. Only Taehyung remembered that Yoongi used to be the bravest soldier.

Yoongi reached out and touched the scars on Taehyung's abdomen. Those marks were only the surface of the devastation of war on Taehyung's beautiful body. Everybody, except for their mates, just always thought Taehyung was really lucky to have survived after being taken hostage but no one cared how much trauma he had to go through.

"Don't just think about the painful past when looking at those scars, please remember the heroic moments too." Taehyung lifted Yoongi's hand and gifted him a kiss. Although they mated for a very long time, Yoongi's heart still fluttered because of his mate's lips encountering his skin. He loved the caresses, even when they hid under a lot of clothes or when they were naked. All those touches were so intimate, so pure, enchanting, sensual, and exciting.

"So, what moment do you remember?" Yoongi asked, then he burst into tears when he heard Taehyung's answer.

"The moment you became my hero. The moment you gave me hope and made me survive. You rebirth me one more time. You are my life savior."

And then they kissed on their lips. Their fingers interlaced and their heartbeat synced. It was like the old tale about a knight and a princess who was trapped on top of a castle. Without fear and hesitance, Yoongi slayed a ferocious, fire-breathing dragon to rescue his destined person, the one at that moment he knew he would belong.

"I'm sorry, my beloved," whispered Taehyung. He lowered his head to bury his nose in Yoongi's neck, where their mating marks were on. The light pinewood and citrus fragrance of Yoongi, which was always Taehyung's favorite, blended with the steamy warmth from the bathtub. Taehyung bit on Yoongi's scent glands as if enjoying a ripe fruit. It was sweet, so intoxicating. Yoongi closed his eyes, and ran his fingers through Taehyung's hair, pulling lightly. He tilted his neck, welcoming the younger's kisses. His skin was burning with love, passion, and lust.

"Why did you say sorry?" Yoongi guided Taehyung's face closer to his until their noses touched. Their breath matched and their gaze locked together.

"Because I put all the responsibility on your shoulders. I'm sorry for being a young but infertile omega."

"Don't-" Yoongi was about to sob again. He cupped Taehyung's cheeks with his hands and traced his lips on the younger's face, tasted his tears, and swallowed his sadness.

"It's not your fault, Tae ah. We can just blame it on the war."

"But now we have peace," Taehyung answered. He looked Yoongi in the eyes so sincerely.

"It is enough, for me and for us ."

"Yeah." Yoongi snorted and gave his young mate a smile. His throat constricted but he didn't cry.

"At least, all of us survive."


Taehyung wanted to soak a little more so only Yoongi went back to the bedroom, barefoot and naked body. He found Seokjin at his desk, the golden light from the lamp lingering on his brown hair. Seokjin slung a plum-colored wool blanket over his shoulders, a fountain pen in his hand, and he wrote carefully word by word on a kraft paper. Yoongi secretly approached Seokjin from behind and looked down, enjoying admiring his oldest mate's neat handwriting.

"So beautiful," said Yoongi, and Seokjin replied calmly like he already knew the other's presence.

"I know."

"Creating another masterpiece?"

Seokjin quickly looked up when Yoongi asked, and he frowned, raising his voice to scold the younger.

"Hey, be careful! You will catch a cold!" As he grumbled, Seokjin grabbed the blanket from his shoulders and wrapped it around Yoongi. Yoongi lowered himself so his mate could do it without any difficulty.

Seokjin turned his wheelchair to face his omega mate. They contacted their eyes and kept silent for a while until Seokjin leaned his face against Yoongi's stomach, two pairs of hands clasped together.

"You seem down lately," Alpha said. He brushed his nose in Yoongi's abdomen.

"You know I'm always here for you, right?"

Yoongi might say Seokjin looked carefree on the outside, but he was actually extremely observant. Not even a slight change in expression or an eye roll could escape from his sight. Though Yoongi didn't need to say it out loud, Seokjin was able to catch his thought.

"I'm so grateful that I have you, alpha." Yoongi smiled and caressed Seokjin's jawline. He suddenly got an urge to lean down and give the older the passionate kisses; however, he didn't do it.

"You can tell me whenever you feel want to."

Yoongi thanked Seokjin for never forcing him to talk when he had yet to be ready. His alpha always created for him the safest zone. He knew he was safe whenever and wherever Seokjin was with him.

"But" Seokjin hesitated for a moment before he continued.

"Don't take the herbs too long. Our baby alpha will wonder and be confused if you don't explain anything to him."

Seokjin tried to find Yoongi's gaze, his expression was so firm. Yoongi sighed and nodded. Yoongi understood that the longer he hid from them, the more their worries grew. Someday he would give them an answer. He wouldn't be surprised if his mates were patient.

"Someday... Someday I will tell you."

Seokjin gave his first omega a beaming smile and then kissed his belly button. He didn't know why but Yoongi smelled a lot better than the other days. So honeyed and pleasant.

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