That Butler & Double Black, Strike

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What are girls made of? Sugar and spice and everything nice, they're made out of this and that. 

"A lady... should be super weak and cute in front of her Lord. It's the most important thing, to be an innocent, naïve girl. It's your job to smile and be surrounded by nice things, just like in nursery rhymes. That's why... you should always be like that." Madame Red said as she rubbed Lizzy's head sadly. 

"Yes." Lizzy said smiling. 

Poetry over philosophy. Embroidery rather than cooking. Dance instead of chess. Be an unknowing angel. Every girl born in the country of roses is raised by these words. It's the same. However, in one way I was always different from the other girls. 


"Is that Marquis Midford's son, the one rumored to be a genius with the sword?" 

"Huh? What are you saying Phipps?" 


"The genius is the daughter." Charlies responded as Lizzy took off her helmet. 

I wasn't dancing the waltz in those halls. 

Ciel fell on the ground with a harsh thud and a loud wince. 

"Your footwork is weak, Ciel!! Well, fine. We'll leave it at that for today." 

"Haaa~ That was scary..." 

"It's because mother is so strict." Lizzy said handing Ciel a towel. 

"Aunt Frances is pretty, but... such a strong wife... That scares me." 

Lizzy looked at Ciel shocked. 

"I'm glad that you're the one who's going to be my wife, Lizzy." Ciel said smiling. 

Ciel, my cute fiancé , is one year younger than me. At that  time, I decided... that I would become a wife he could protect.  

"No!! I don't want to!" Lizzy screamed at her mother. Frances slapped Lizzy and yelled back. 

"You're my daughter, who's going to marry into the Phantomhives. I won't allow you to neglect your training!" 

"I don't want to practice the sword anymore! Swords aren't cute at all!" Lizzy said holding her cheek. 

Lizzy's mother pulled her in tightly for a hug. "I know it's hard, but it's for his sake and yours... you understand, don't you?" 

But that day... 

"I hope Ciel will like his birthday gift." 

"Young lady! The Phantomhives are..." 

Becoming a cute wife that could be protected by Ciel was my dream. But that dream could never be fulfilled.  

"Ladies, have you heard?" 

"The Phantomhives have been brutally murdered!" 

"Wasn't it probably some act of spite though?" 

"My, how scary!" 

"Oh by the way, I heard Madam Ashley has a new lover again!" 

"My, she's so popular~" 

W earing my pitch-black clothes, with my pitch-black feelings, one month of a pitch-black winter had passed, when... suddenly, Ciel came back. Along with a pitch-black butler. 

Lizzy hugged Ciel tightly crying.  

"I can't believe it!! It's really you, isn't it!?" 

"I'm home, Lizzy." Ciel said hugging back. 

That Ciel that had returned to us had become thinner and shorter than I was. But soon I realized that...  It wasn't Ciel who had become shorter, it was me who had grown taller. A t that point in time, I made the decision.  That I would become a wife capable of protecting Ciel. But... it's better to be cute after all. 

"Look Paula!! Aren't these cute?" Lizzy said showing Paula her shoes. 

"I got them as a gift from father for winning a match! I'm going out with Ciel today so I'll wear them!" 

"My, how lovely!!" 

Paula was fixing Lizzy's dress when she noticed something. 

"Young lady, have you grown again?" 


"Ah! P-Please excuse me! U-Um. You're still very cute even now that you're taller young lady!" 

"I don't think I'll wear those shoes today after all." 


"Don't worry about it, please get a new pair with low heels, Paula." 


Lizzy continued to strike the bizarre dolls down one by one, while Dazai and Oda shot at them. 

Low-heeled shoes, mother's teachings, a sword to protect you. I'm fine with not being cute, as long as it means that I can protect you!!!" 

Lizzy lunged for Grell violently, and she almost struck him until Dazai grabbed the sword tightly around the blade making it stop. 

"Rest. Killing him will not do you any good. We can take it from here." Dazai said looking back at her, as he released the sword. Lizzy dropped the sword to the ground. 

"I guess my entrance was ruined... Well whatever. Let's continue..." Grell said smirking, and Dazai and Sebastian stood in a fighting stance. 

"You take the right I take the left?" Dazai asked. 

"Certainly." Sebastian smirked. 

"Wait! Sebastian!" Ciel yelled. 

"We have no time to worry about those guys! Ryan holds the key to everything in this case. Follow him!" 

Sebastian and Dazai stood back up normally and Dazai chuckled. "Whatever information you need out of him you better make it quick. Because I am going to gut Ryan like a fish with all the money he has stolen from my family." Dazai said with a deadly glare. 

"Wait a sec, you. You mean that if we put the screws on this guy, we can learn about these walking corpses?" 

"Senpai, look." Ronald said as he showed Grell the booklet. 


"I see. Indeed, we have no time to waste. It's too bad but we'll have to leave it at this for now, Sebas~chan. I'll wrap you in the red roses next time for sure. Bye!" 

"We should hurry... Ugh!" Ciel groaned. 

"Young Master!" Sebastian ran over and checked his injured leg. "It's quite swollen." 

"I'll carry you on my back." Lizzy suggested. 


"Lady Elizabeth I'll take care of that." Sebastian chuckled. 

"Dazai you idiot!" Chuuya punched Dazai in the arm and Dazai winced and then chuckled, but his laughs quickly ceased as he saw Chuuya crying. 


"She could have accidently stabbed you idiot, and your hand is bleeding!" Chuuya sobbed. 

Dazai smiled, and he pulled Chuuya closely. "I am okay mon amour. Don't cry. I won't be going anywhere anytime soon." Dazai said as he cupped Chuuya's face. 

"I promised you remember? When Bern was born, what did I tell you?" 

"You're here to stay... We won't be abandoned... I'm yours and your mine... and then you asked me to marry you..." Chuuya chuckled with tears streaming down his face. 

"And how old is Bern?" 


"And I'm still here. So don't worry." Dazai said kissing Chuuya's forehead gently. Dazai felt a slight tug on his coat and he looked down seeing Bernadette with a face full of tears and pouting, and sniffling. Dazai pulled away from Chuuya for a moment to pick up Bernadette, Bernadette rested her head on Dazai's shoulder, and Dazai smiled pulling them both as close as he could. 

"I will protect you both no matter what. That's my job. So no matter what situation I will always make it out alive to come home to you both. You and our other baby." 

Chuuya's eyes widened in shock. 

"You knew...?" 

"Of course, I did. What kind of husband would I be if I didn't notice? And someone may have spilled the beans out of excitement." 

"Oda!!" Chuuya said annoyed. 

"Sorry Chuuya." Oda chuckled rubbing his head. 

Everyone was pulled from their thoughts when they heard Snake call for them in the hallway.  

"I'm glad you're all okay. Says Emily." 

"Where's Ryan?" Ciel asked. 

"I'm sorry, he managed to get away. Says Oscar." 

"Fuck!" Dazai screamed. "I am going to slit that motherfucker's throat open." 

Bernadette tugged on Dazai's hair harshly, and pouted. Dazai winced. "Bern!!" Dazai whined. 

"Bad Daddy! Money in the swear jar when we get home! Doubly." 

"In any case, let's meet up with Marquis for the time being." 



The bizarre doll was struck down quickly by Golden Demon. Kouyou made a face of disgust as her kimono was not only wet but stained in blood. 

"Disgusting. This is no way for a lady to look." She sighed. "But I guess there isn't much I can do about it. I need to find them quickly this situation isn't getting any better." Kouyou said putting up her umbrella as she started making her way towards the first deck. 


Campania First Class Deck 

"Out of the way!! Women and children first!! You dare call yourselves English gentlemen?!" 

"Brother!!" Lizzy yelled running towards Edward. 

"Lizzy!! I'm glad you're okay!!" Edward said hugging Lizzy. "…It must have been hard." 

"I'm sorry I've been completely useless." Ciel apologized. 

"I'll say. Well whatever, we'll save the lecture for later. You two, hurry up into the boats..." 

"Edward, I have a favor to ask. Instead of me, let this guy on." Ciel said pointing at Snake. "I can't get on the boat just yet." 

"I see, I'll take him." 

"If Ciel's staying I'm also..." Lizzy was hit hard by Sebastian knocking her unconscious. 

"Pardon me." 


"It would take too much time to make Lady Elizabeth understand, so I had to be a little rough. I'll take punishment afterwards." 

"No... I should be thankful. I can't pull off that kind of move with her. The ship has already tilted heavily... It's just a matter of time before it sinks. Please escape quickly and get as far away from the ship as possible." 

"I'll leave snake and Lizzy in your hands. Let's go." 

"Wait." Dazai said. "Take my husband and daughter with you." 

"What?!" Chuuya yelled. 

"Dazai I am not leaving you alone! Bernadette yes we have to keep her safe but I can protect-" Chuuya was cut off when he felt Oda lift him and throw him over his shoulder, and he had Bernadette in his other arm. 

"Oi! Put me down right this second!" Chuuya kicked and tried to get out of Oda's hold. Oda just ignored the kicks and protest, and Dazai nodded at him thanking him silently for it. 

"You can't go Papa!! It's too dangerous!" Bernadette yelled while crying. 

"I will be okay. Remember our promise? When have I ever broken my promise to you both. But I have to keep you and mommy safe." Dazai smiled. "Oda, you better thank good care of them." 

"I will." 

Dazai nodded. "I love you Chuuya and Bernadette." Dazai smiled before he started walking away. 

"Let. Us. Go!!" Bernadette yelled hitting Oda. And she activated her ability. "Cris!" Bernadette called out, and Oda winced as he saw the blond-haired man that was once Bernadette's stuffed animal rabbit, he climbed back up on the ships with Chuuya and Bernadette and he landed safely. 

"Miss Bernadette. Your father will be highly upset." 

"We're family... and family sticks together... right mama?" 

Chuuya smiled. "Right... Let's go after your father to make sure he stays alive." 

"You won't be going anywhere without me too." Odasaku said. 

Chuuya looked in shock. "How did you?!" 

"I have my ways. Let's go shall we." Odasaku said as he started walking the way they had saw Dazai run off in. Bernadette and Chuuya nodded and followed behind quickly. 


Campania First Class Hall 

"Damn, it's tilted a lot already. Where in the world are..." The shipped rocked again sending Ryan flying over the rail but he was grabbed by the ankle by a stranger with red hair. 

"My quite a handsome one, aren't you?" Grell smirked. "Goooot you. ♥" 

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