That Butler & Double Black, Struggle

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Odasaku, Dazai, and Snake were stuck in the lower decks with the other crew members of the Campania. Everything was currently out of control with the ship sinking, and people in panic.

"There's water from below!! Let us go up!!" The crew members screamed.

"Some weird guys are after us!!"

"Let us ouuuuuut!!"

"Open up!!"

The crew members continue to scream as the pounded on the gates trying to open them.

"There's no way in hell they are gonna let us out. They would let us die here before they did that." Odasaku said.

"You're right." Dazai admitted.

"There has to be another way out. Says Emily."
Dazai ponder on it for a moment and then he smirked. "Come on I have an idea."

Odasaku looked around "Hey where is Ryan?!"

Dazai looked as Ryan took the elevator up to the first floor. Snake was going to go after him until Dazai put his arm out.

"Don't. We will catch him later. Let's get the hell out of here first."

Campania Second Class Restaurant

Lizzy, Ciel, Chuuya and Bernadette had safely made their way through the vents. Chuuya was currently pushing on the vent. It finally gave away, and Chuuya fell out of the vent.

Chuuya clenched his teeth getting ready to feel pain but it never came. Chuuya looked up at who caught him in their arms.


"Are you alright Chuuya?"

Chuuya blushes brightly. "Y-Yeah."

"Papa!" Bernadette yelled from the vent as she waved at Dazai. Dazai watched as Odasaku pulled Bernadette from the vent. Bernadette wrapped her arms around Odasaku securely.

"Are you alright Bernadette?" Dazai asked.

Bernadette nodded at her father. Sebastian ran up not too long after and pulled Ciel and Lizzy down from the vents.

"Sebastian!" Ciel looked shocked.

"Please, excuse my tardiness." Sebastian said as he put Ciel down.

"Are you two injured?"

"Ciel protected me, so I'm fine!" Lizzy said smiling.

"What about my aunt and the others?"

"They are unharmed, young master. I tried to guide them to a safer place, but they said they wanted to rescue the other passengers..."

"That's just like my mother! As long as they are all together they will be fine. Thank you, Sebastian!" Lizzy said.

"Not at all."

"Hatchoo!" Ciel sneezed.

"Young master, please wear this."

"I'm fine. I'd just get caught up in the tails. Give it to Bernadette she's smaller and can easily get more sick than me."

"But if your body remains cold your cough will..."

"Don't mention that now!!" Ciel spat. "Just make sure Bernadette is fine."

Bernadette looked confused. Ciel had completely disregarded her well-being until now.

"Certainly, young master." Sebastian said as he covered Bernadette up.

"T-Thank you Ciel."

"It's nothing."

"Well then, the lifeboats are being prepared as we speak. Let's hurry to the de..."

Sebastian noticed the ceiling falling. He grabbed Ciel and Lizzy and moved out of the way. Dazai and Odasaku grabbed Chuuya and Bernadette protectively and they moved also.

Grell looked at Sebastian. "Found you~ Hottie."

"Who the hell is that?" Chuuya asked looking at the Shinigami.


"Grell Sutcliff!" Ciel said disgusted.

"Yeees! Long time no see, Sebas-chan!" Grell said happily. "It must be fate for us to meet again here!"

"It's just a coincidence." Sebastian said in disgusted, eyebrows furrowed.

"So cold! That side of you is lovely as always." Grell said while blushing.

"What the hell is up with this guy?" Chuuya whispered to Dazai unimpressed.

"He just seems like a pervert, to be honest." Dazai said holding Bernadette closer.

"Ahh man, he found him... Please don't forget about the souls, ok?" Ronald said slightly annoyed.

"Ronald! Please tell me sooner when Sebas-chan's around! I would have put more effort into my make-up!" Grell said upset.

"I didn't tell you because that's exactly what I'd thought you'd say..." Ronald said sighing.

"Anyway, you... AH!" Grell noticed everyone else running off for the lifeboats.

"Wait up there... WILL YOU!" Grell said swinging his death scythe aimlessly. Everyone dodged his attack.

"Setting my body on fire and then neglecting me... how mean!" Grell smirked.

"Please refrain from catching on fire by yourself." Sebastian said more than disgusted. "We need to hurry on, so could you please open the way?"

"And if I say no?" Grell retorted.

"I'll have to use force." Sebastian said his eyes narrowing.

Grell smirked. "That's fine... I don't mind you getting a little aggressive. Well then, let's have a death-match that's even hotter... than a love romance!!!"

"Who is he?!" Lizzy asked holding on to Bernadette.

"He's just a pervert. I'm afraid it might be contagious, so please step back and stay away from him!" Sebastian said standing in a fighting stance.

"That's rude! I'm just honest about my feelings!" Grell said lunging at him.

Grell and Sebastian started fighting each other. Grell was swinging his death scythe around the room, and Sebastian widened his eyes noticing one of the bolts on the windows was starting to leak. He dodged Grell's attack which made him hit the window Sebastian was just looking at, and as soon as he did the window busted filling the room with water.

"Ah!" Lizzy and Bernadette screamed as they were pushed outside the room. Ciel grabbed them both being forced out with them also.

"Young master!" Sebastian yelled.

Ronald lunged at Sebastian, and Sebastian caught his attack.

"Forgot about me didn'tcha?" Ronald smirked.

Sebastian struggled to hold him back. Dazai and Chuuya leaned up and they shook off the water.

"Odasaku?!" Dazai called out to his best friend that he saw leaning up. "Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine! Don't worry about me!"

"Bernadette?!" Chuuya called out.

Bernadette leaned up shaking her head. "Mama! Papa!"

Bernadette looked behind her and Lizzy and her eyes widened. Bernadette started tugging on Lizzy's arm.

"Lizzy get up!"

Ciel's eyes widened looking at the bizarre dolls coming towards Lizzy and Bernadette.

"Lizzy! Bernadette!" Ciel reached out for them but his leg was injured.

"Get up and run!"

The bizarre dolls started surrounding them. Ciel saw Lizzy crying.

"I wanted you to think of me as cute...until the very end."

"LIZZY!!!" Ciel screamed. Chuuya and Dazai ran by where Ciel was.

"BERNADETTE!" Chuuya screamed in horror.

Chuuya and Dazai were about to start running towards them and as soon as they did, they heard a loud bang and the bizarre doll behind Bernadette fell. Lizzy had also stood up piercing a few bizarre dolls with swords. Lizzy and Bernadette protected each other as Bernadette shot the bizarre dolls through the head with precise accuracy, and Lizzy stabbed them.

"This... This uncute appearance. I didn't want you of all people to see me in such a state. But... This time... I will protect you!" Lizzy said while tears were dropping on Ciel's face.

Bernadette kept shooting the bizarre dolls as she made her way back to her parents. Chuuya and Dazai ran over to Bernadette and Chuuya picked her up in his arms tightly, as Dazai pointed his gun at the bizarre dolls. Odasaku stood next to Dazai and started shooting with him.

"Don’t worry buddy I have your back! Our families back!"

Dazai nodded while smiling as he and Odasaku took down the bizarre dolls.

Chuuya put Bernadette down and put his hand on her face and looked her over.

"Are you okay?!"

"I think so..." Bernadette said trembling. Chuuya noticed this and he took the gun from her.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry baby girl that me and daddy couldn't get to you. You're okay now."

Bernadette hugged Chuuya tightly and busted out into tears.

"I was so scared!"

"I know... But you did so good protecting yourself! We are so proud of you! You're not a Dazai for nothing."

Chuuya said looking Bernadette in the eyes. He wiped her tears and she smiled nodding her head.

Lizzy walked past Chuuya and Bernadette, and she joined Oda and Dazai in the fight.

"I am the daughter of the leader of The British Knights, Marquis Alexis Leon Midford: Elizabeth! The wife of the Queen's Watchdog!"

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