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"There are no limits to what you can accomplish, except the limits you place on your own thinking."

NAME\\ Lurid

NAME MEANING\\ To be very vivid in color, especially so as to create an unpleasantly harsh or unnatural effect.

NICKNAMES\\ Lu, Lulu, Luri, Princess

AGE\\ 1

GENDER\\ Female

SEXUALITY\\ Straight

TRIBE\\ SunWing (Fantribe owned by THSArainiaLebouef )

APPEARANCE\\ Lurid is a very small, lean dragon with golden-yellow scales, with a pale yellow underbelly and darker streaks. Her horns, spikes and claws are pearly white, and her horns are tipped with gold, as is her tail. Her wing membranes are an assaulting gold-yellow, which are so bright they're actually painful to look at, so she usually leaves her wings folded to protect other dragons' eyesight. Her wings are tipped with patches of sunny yellow and gold, and her snout has a few gold freckles. Her eyes are amber, with flecks of gold above them, as well as around her talons and tail tip.

PERSONALITY\\ Lurid is about as cheerful and assaulting as her colors, with an aura of sweet innocence. She's always there to cheer anyone up, and isn't very judgmental. She is very apologetic, yet can be pretty sassy. She can always keep a secret, and is a great listener. Dragons tend to underestimate her due to her clumsy, bright personality, but she knows more than she lets on. She can be kind of two-sided at times: one minute she's rubbing your back sympathetically, the next she's burning you with cheeky comebacks and eyerolls. It depends on what kind of mood she's in. She is clever, and very feisty, not afraid to take on someone twice her size. She is a sucker for cute, tiny, fluffy things, and all of the above. She is bold at times, and doesn't stop to think before she leaps. She isn't one to complain, yet is incredibly stubborn. And moons, is she positive.

LIKES\\ Flying, sunlight, cute fluffy things, dragons taking her seriously, being useful, open spaces, occasional harmless pranks, laughing, warmth, a good comeback.

DISLIKES\\ Being underestimated, cold, tight spaces, dark, sad dragons, bullies, messing up.

STRENGTHS\\ SunWing abilities, comebacks, smart, fast, agile, determined.

WEAKNESSES\\ Reckless, fighting, slightly claustrophobic, gullible.

CRUSH\\ Open

THEME SONG\\ None yet

OTHER\\ She is daughter of the SunWing king.

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