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By WarriorcatsOCcreator ^

NAME\\ Neptune

NAME MEANING\\ Roman god of the sea, and the name of a planet.

NICKNAMES\\ None yet

GENDER\\ Female

SEXUALITY\\ Straight

AGE\\ 6

TRIBES\\ SeaWing/NightWing

ABILITIES\\ Used to be an animus, can breath weak fire so weak it's practically sparks, see in the dark, powerful tail, luminescent scales, sometimes breath underwater (her gills weren't formed properly, so she can breath underwater for short periods of time but it's risky, and if she goes too deep the pressure could make them sorta stop working. In this case, they would start seeping blood)

BACKSTORY\\ Neptune hatched in a sea cave, in secret, hidden away from the world. Her mother was Tide, a royal SeaWing whom had fallen in love with an animus NightWing, Starstruck. Tide's mother, Queen Seiche, was a very strict ruler, and she was afraid that if she found out about Neptune she would kill them all, for treachery. Neptune found out she had animus magic had an early age, as her parents tested her for it like all royal SeaWings did their young. Her father was very enthusiastic about it, and they had a lot of 'father-daughter bonding time', giving them a close relationship. When Neptune was 2, Tide challenged the queen for the throne, figuring that if she became Queen, Neptune and Starstruck wouldn't have to hide anymore. Tide almost won, but unfortunately, Seiche managed to kill her and keep the throne. Enraged, Starstruck went mad with grief, massacring half the royal family, and very nearly the Queen as well, but they were able to kill him before he murdered anyone else. Terrified and parentless, Neptune fled the Sea Kingdom, and ended up hiding out in the rainforest where a kind, clueless RainWing couple took her in and claimed her as their own. That day forever haunted Neptune, and, unwilling to end up like her father, enchanted herself one last time to completely get rid of all her animus magic.

LIKES\\ Swimming, warm water, roasted fish, stargazing, midnight swims, blackberries, night, the moon, the smell of the sea, peacefulness, isolation.

DISLIKES\\ Cold, storms, stinkbugs, her past, animus magic, the SeaWing Queen, wind, deep water, cold water, the desert, crowds, loud noises, attention, being stared at.

FAMILY\\ Tide (mother, diseased), Starstruck (father, diseased), Queen Seiche (grandmother), King Bluegill (grandfather, diseased), Sunfish (uncle), Perch (uncle), Candiru (uncle), Barramundi (uncle, diseased), Tetra (aunt, diseased), Oar (cousin, diseased), Mullet (great-uncle, diseased)

THEME SONG\\ None yet

CRUSH\\ Open

OTHER\\ None

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