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So this one may be really rant-y so sorry in advance. So this weekend some of my relatives came to visit for my moms birthday and I was excited. But I was ignored while they all talked to my sister about prom or something. Meanwhile my dads yelling at me I'm not "interacting". He thinks I'm always on my phone and I'm not. And if I am I'm checking grades so wth do you want me to do. So while I was off trying to "interact" i exhausted myself staying up all night studying for two major test and doing all my homework. And tonight even though it's my moms actual birthday today we're taking my grandma out for dinner. And she is mad at me so I'm getting ignored while she talks to my sister. And I'm going to get yelled at for not talking. And I still have more tests and I can't even drink my coffee I got and it'll be bad when I eat back and I hate it. (There will be a part 2)

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