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So first off happy turkey day to y'all!!
And now for my rant

Sorry if this is a bit of a messy rant cause I copied it from texts with my friend
But pre face for it to make sense:
I'm bisexual. I've come out to my mom and friends but no other family. I've told her I want to go to pride and all that and she was super supportive now:

So my family's was watching the thanksgiving day parade and a play called "the prom" is performing and it's about a lesbian couple whose school cancelled the prom instead of letting them go to the prom and my parents are like making comments like "ah they're pushing it in your face a little huh" or like my dad goes "all movies now are just female or gay empowerment and that's dumb" or like earlier they were saying how a person who didn't identify as a girl or guy was an it not they/them. And my dad was dead serious. And I know he feels that way and is kinda ignorant about it all and all the crap lgbtq ppl have to go through and he's also kinda racist so that's fun but like I came out to my mom. She said to me oh yeah I used to feel like that too where girls were cute but I there wasn't a word for it and stuff. Like you can't say that then say stuff like this wth. I've told her how I feel and like I want to go to pride and she's been like yes I support you, great. But then does stuff like this and freaking actions speak louder than words and I can't take it.  And like earlier my sis was like "oh did you hear they're trying to basically make being bi not a thing cause it implies there's two genders" and she's super like supportive and not like my parents she was just saying it and so I tried to explain wait but like no that's not what being bi is and that's why there's a difference between that and being pan. And they were joking like oh no that's an it than and stuff. And now my dad's talking about his gay friend at work who's married to another guy and adopted a kid and said "I don't treat him any different" like ok great but then you turn around and say this. I tried to be like all the straight pda you see isn't shoving it in your face and he just waved me off. They're saying how this doesn't happen in schools so it's bs. Really. Really! Yes it does. Of course it freaking does ppl are told they can't go to prom because of who they're date is all the time and they go, no no it doesn't happen. My dad was like kinky boots was all about transgender ppl (which like no. If you're saying you support something be right about it) and I think it was great but this is stupid. Like wth I can't. You can't be like I support it but not this.
And the two girls kissed at the end of the play/performance and it's the first lgbt kiss in the Macy's day parade, which like super cool, but when it happens my parents were like ahh that's bs wth don't shove it in my face.
And I get that from my dad cause he's from Iran and didn't have great parents and like so his growing up causes a lot of it from him but my mom agreeing kinda pissed me off after she said how supportive she was, like don't do that to me. Cause it makes me feel really good and comfortable and then you do that and now I'm like oh ok jk guess I'll go back in the closet
I just kinda can't cause they do stuff like this a lot and ig it was ok, still wrong but ok before I told my mom but I thought it'd get better with her at least after I came out cause like hello you know how I feel so why would you still say this stuff in front of me. Like ok fine I can't change your views but don't say it in front of me at least, I feel like that's just decency
And like I was going to come out to my sis cause I'm pretty sure she'd be supportive cause she supports lgbt ppl and her friends who are but now I'm just like I don't even care anymore

Ok idk how much of that made sense but rant over, thanks for reading

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