17• Filler Chapters

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You must certainly love wasting your time and energy. . .

Some writers have the silly fascination of writing chapters of . . . their novels . . . did I frame that well?

I might be wrong but the way I see it, it seems you have all the time and energy on your hands to write scenes you know are not beneficial to the story and implement it. Because if you are really busy and focused on the main events of your story, you wouldn’t have the time nor attention to shed the spotlight on insignificant happenings.

There are budding writers who are normally not aware of this, even if they go through their books to edit over and over again on their own. But this chapter is directed at those writers who are fully aware of what they are doing.

I would like to point of something before I continue. It is very true that writers know what they are doing and there are times readers would find a scene unnecessary but a writer would know what purpose that scene serves. I have made this mistake (I think . . . no one I’ve reviewed has pointed it out to me so I’m not sure as I don’t read their novels from start to finish.) This can happen a lot. It might take some to finish the novel to see how much a scene was important but there is another thing . . . writers make mistakes too and overlook things.

I’m still at the stage of editing my book (which I have gone over several times) and it wasn’t until the day before that I just spent time and energy editing a scene, only to think hard on it and realize it added literally nothing to the story. Now I understand the feelings of those who want to delete such scenes or chapters after the strain but you should keep in mind that you are not the only one who will enjoy that book.

Imagine what your reader would think. That writer spends too much time on unnecessary details, might as well skip those scenes since they are of no importance. Don’t forget to skip when you get to page five and continue from page seventeen.

Now, tell me. Did you just write that chapter for yourself?

These are unnecessary scenes but the even more blatant ones; as the title suggested are filler chapters. These ones are the most obvious to the eyes of readers and even to a lot of writers.

Especially a lot of writers here.

A lot of you complain about change of pace and the likes when majority of your stores don’t even have any tragic or fast paced pace to begin with. Blasting readers with farts of everyday life of the characters just puts a drastic stop to whatever tangible pace you had.
It sickens me to open books and then follow the main characters boring bedroom, family dining room, classroom, car and whatever shithole they hole themselves up in. I opened the story to witness the action of the plot like other sensible published books and I . . . this is really maddening.

The same way filler episodes in anime annoys people is the same way filler chapters in already bland novels scares the skin off your readers.

It also gives the inkling that miss/mister writer is too lazy today to put proper thought and action into continuing the main plot. Instead, they are shoving acidic content we did not ask for down our throats.

Why not write in your blurb that the plot follows the everyday boring cliché filler life of your MC with nothing happening.

Take a lesson from historical fiction. These are prime examples of novels following the everyday lives of the character, but can’t you notice that every scene in those books are tied to the main plot?

There is also this sickening pattern you writers follow. PUT A STOP TO IT.

I have seen so many books here with classroom scenes THAT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE STORY that I get super cranky and drop teen fiction novels purely based on that. What is your problem with classrooms?!

Can’t the action happen in the cafeteria, the school field, they locker rooms, the gyms?

What darn fetish do you have with classrooms?! Are your schools devoid of ay other facilities?

And don’t you have anything better to do than to waste your time on things like that? -_-

Please, be more productive and stop dragging your dirty asses around in the mud. If you want to slow the pace, then write a slow paced novel or introduce a key element into the plot or other scenes or better yet; write properly.

You people seem to enjoy stale content. Well then, dig in all you like.

P. S. I am so sorry for the late updates.

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