32• The Following Rule

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I no go lie. It's very frustrating.

Before I begin, there are many exceptions to this rule.

• People who don't view their notifications.

• People who are punished/cursed by glitchpad.

• People who are out of it at the moment and not paying attention to the message sent to them.

• The unorganized ones.

• The ones already following the rule.

• The ignorant monkeys; no offense.

• The monkeys who see it and simply don't do it.

As I move on, I will explain my interaction with these kind of people and how it went.

Do you know how frustrating it is for your judge or reviewer to contact each and every one of you to follow them?

Yes, you are many.


You do know when you are assigned a reviewer or a judge, you are meant to follow them. In some cases, not all. This is why the rules are freaking there for you to read! Not all review shops have the same rules, you hear me?! I know a lot of you are guilty about this and I will clarify to make things easier.

But let me tell you how it feels;

It makes me feel like a beggar starving for followers, and a lot of reviewers and judges hate that feeling. These are the people who actually care. Others would simply not do your reviews or start judging until they are followed.

I honestly don't blame them.

The above can be kind of petty, so some of us reach out to contact you and when we do contact you, we become aware of the type of person they are; look at the above list.

You see, some reviewers and judges do another thing if they don't chat up with you, which can be another reason why a trashy book gets a position above yours.

Are you aware marks are deducted if you refuse/forget to follow?

Some of these judges are hella tired of reaching out to more than ten users at the same time to follow them like a service they are begging for. Yes, we feel like beggars when we do that.

To save themselves the stress, you wouldn't even be contacted, and like taking a bite out of fried chicken, they take a bite from your overall score, big/small.


I know you all have reasons and are unsure, but I will explain that after explaining the type of people in the list.

The people who snub their notifications.

Some of you look at those notifications and go, "Hmm. Nah, let's ignore it."

I know you guys don't thank everyone who adds your book to their reading lists (I also do that sometimes), but some of these reading lists would stare you back in the face!

Your book has been added to THE GLOBAL AWARDS FANTASY reading list.

Shouldn't it click into your head that your judge is the one adding your book to their reading list. No one titles their reading lists like that for fun!

There is also this;

Your book has been added to DONKEY REVIEWS reading list.

Guys, come on.

Do you actually see these things and just walk away like you have something in your pants?

Some of this is actually the fault of some judges and reviewers who don't give their reading lists the proper title. If you guys are not doing this, do it RIGHT NOW.

Writers, if you are not sure your book was added by a judge or an ordinary reader, your fingers won't fall off if you contact them. I have done this. If you are unsure, ask the person if they are a judge or reviewer and which awards/review shop they are from.

To end it all, it is actually your fault and ignorance in refusing to go back to the awards book to simply check. You think you don't need to go back and visit that place after dropping your application forms?

Hell no.

You are to go back there repeatedly, especially if you feel that you haven't been assigned a judge!

For reviews, most reviewers are sensible enough to add the word "review" to their reading list title and yet you look at that notification like an insect.

Is something wrong with your eyes?

I don't actually think people don't see their notifications. I think you ignore them. That is fine, but don't look over the important ones.

People cursed by glitchpad

You are in deep trouble if you are assigned a judge or reviewer who simply doesn't care.

Judge = you lose marks or they get lazy.

Reviewers = they don't even touch your book until you have gone looking for them; only for you to realize you didn't pay your dues.

I will keep repeating this. To some of you who don't know if you have been assigned a reviewer or a judge, you are not going to die if you go back to the awards or review shop to CHECK if you have been appointed a reviewer.

I think I might do this. If you keep shut, I will keep shut too and go about my life.


To those of you who mention a host or admin, they wouldn't do much if the reviewer informs them that the writer or participant didn't follow the rules.

So, this applies to everyone.


People with their minds somewhere else

I remember telling a user that I was their reviewer and that they should follow. After no reply, I went back a few days later to "beg" again.

She told me her mind was somewhere else when she read the message and I was like okay; it definitely might have happened.

This is rare and I hope this doesn't happen again because I no longer ask a second time.

I'm tired.

Again, you need to go back to the books and check.

The unorganized fellows

These are the ones who apply for awards and don't even add them to their library or reading lists.

They also may apply and forget to add them.

They may apply and add them to their cluttered library and to any reading list that is available.


So, these dudes unfortunately don't have the ability to go back to the award books or they even forget which awards they applied for.

Clutterbrains. 🧐

Create a reading list SOLELY for awards and keep checking them.

That is all I can offer for you.

The ones already following the rule

Yes, this makes a lot of us feel like dirt.

Imagine chatting up someone only to discover that they are among your followers already.

*nervous laughter*

This is one of the worst actually.

As I bathe in sheer embarrassment, the writer thinks of me like a dirtbag.

This is what I imagine.

Honestly, nearly everyone suffers from glitchpad and there are a lot of times I am not notified when I receive a new follower, especially when my numbers remain stagnant.

There are times I do check my list but never scroll far.

Even if I am aware of who followed, I may have forgotten them especially if we don't chat.

So, nothing to say here. You are not at fault, the judge/reviewer is.

Though, this is just a suggestion. Unfollow us and then follow us again so we can get the notification or be able to see it. This has holes because some people get angry over it or may not even be notified.

For those of you who get angry for your friend who unfollow and follow you back. I'll smack you if you get mad. Apart from the fact that wattpad is at fault, these friends actually looked for your account to follow you back when they absolutely could have just let you go just like that.

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