36• Advertising Your Book

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Kindly handle with caution

First and foremost, people here on wattpad are really funny . . . and so was I when I first joined. Well, we have all sorts of people in this world.

You see, unless you’re friends with a person or they requested it, you can’t just go around posting your book on their message board; that’s just rude.

Even if you want your friend to read your book, privately message them about it . . . because with your advertisement on their conversation board, more people (unwanted strangers) would be inclined to do the same.

Actually, what I said earlier can be right or wrong. But posting it on their message board is also an avenue for others who come across to see your work. Still, it won't hurt to ask.

But do not do this 👇

Especially when it is written in their bio that they are not taking reading requests!

Is it just me or are some people blind when they just barge into a person’s profile?

I personally find it common sense to look up the type of person you are about to interact with before doing anything.




BIO is the information of a person on a social platform.

A person’s BIO lets you know about a person, who they are, what they like and dislike.

I am not sure if scales concealed those eyes when you glanced through/refused to read their bio before pasting your books there. The funny thing is that most of the people you target are writers themselves!

Another thing is that you would be shocked or triggered when these people lash out at you.

The answer is because . . . you were annoying.

Hi, I’m Lamee.

I like eating biscuits all day as I stand on the water surface and gaze at the beautiful sky.

I do not take reading requests.

Next thing, I come back to see this;

(I wish I had a screenshot but I can no longer find the message)

Blind badger – Hi, I would like you to read *attaches book* along with some other nonscence.

Amazed human – Did you read my bio?

Brainless badger – Thank you and have a nice day. *takes quick exit*

Angered human – I wish you a horrible day and I hope it catches fire.

That was the fifth time it was happening that day/week . . . I'm not sure.
I had seen too many to even think rationally. Do I look like a bank?

What kind of idiot does something wrong and doesn’t apologize for it?

What happened to common sense?

This is how annoying some people are.

Imagine you wake up one morning to find a complete stranger had already set up shop in front of your house and receiving customers without your permission. Hell, you didn’t even know if a dragon flew by and pooped that person onto your domain.

What are you going to do?

Of course, you would be mad, and at the same time amazed at the stupidity of the person who had just turned your precious lawn/courtyard/garden/land/jungle into a . . . thing.

Here is the thing, only advertise your books on people’s profile if they SAY they want it.

If someone’s bio mentions nothing about it, that still doesn’t give you the right to especially post it on their message board. Just do to their dm or simply ask them right on their message board if they are open to reading requests!

A lot of us have done this nonsense in the past when we were new to wattpad but some of you still do it no matter how many times you’ve been told.

What are you?!

I know some people are going to say advertising your book on people’s conversation boards or pm demeans your work or makes you seem like a bad writer; especially when it defeats the purpose of having people willingly read your book.

Next comes the example of a book shop/library. No one would want to read a book if you keep hounding them to read it and advertising your book on someone’s profile is just that.

Well, they are right and very wrong at the same time.

Earlier I complained, but that was about blind centipedes advertising their book to a stranger who hasn’t even mentioned he is interested in reading.

Now, there are many people who write in their bio that they take reading requests and it honestly doesn’t demean the quality of your work if you are polite.

No matter how much someone is open to reading requests, the person can’t be reading 24/7.

If you really want to advertise your book and the person is open, first ask them if they are interested in reading a novel of so-so genre!

As I mentioned earlier, someone noted that advertising your book on people’s message boards defeat the purpose of readers willingly reading your book like in a person in a bookshop. The person who wrote this has a point.

But different from hounding a reader to read a book, the reader wouldn’t know that book even exists if they didn’t see it or find it in the bookshop.

Okay, let me clarify this.

You look like a *inserts degrading word* when you do something against what was stated in a person’s bio.

For example, only idiots would thank a person for following them after the person stated in their bio that you shouldn’t thank them for the follow.

And yet, some of you like these “blind cretins” are sad when the person unfollows you because you did “nothing” wrong.

On another note, it’s kind of rude to follow someone and then unfollow them immediately after they follow you.

I mean, how will you go to someone to chat on their profile without even reading about who they are?

Back to the main discussion.


Read someone’s bio before making a retarded move

• Ask if they are interested in reading something especially if they have an empty bio

• Keep in mind that you can advertise your book on reading profiles, but you should ASK first; unless you want to look like a cheapskate.

• Apply for awards

• Apply for contests

• Update regularly (Don’t look at me)

• Read for reads; most of these people are cultured because they ask . . . unless they didn’t read a person’s bio.


Don’t do something unless specified in their bio; if you want to, ASK before slapping them with a link to your book

• Don’t advertise in another person’s book (comment section). Are you insane?!

• Don’t advertise your book on a famous person’s profile. Now that's a retarded move

• Don’t post on a person’s profile if nothing in their bio talks about it

• Don’t slide into a stranger’s pm to advertise your book or they just might curse you (read the bio first)

• Don’t be rude

• Don’t write rubbish

Okay, I think and think not . . . have I covered everything?

Actually, it’s especially helpful to read other people’s books but a lot of books here are so horrible that such a thing isn’t guaranteed.


What some of you can do in this scenario is to ignore or delete their comment.

However, I accept reading requests sometimes, but if I open it and don’t add it to my reading list. Especially when I didn’t find it to my liking, or it was trashy . . . it would simply be ignored . . . and you would hear nothing from me.

Also, these kind of advertisements don’t exactly pay, even if you post on reader profiles. Because you would get readers, but silent readers, and some of these people who end up commenting would most likely not be genuine.

To those of you asking wattpad stars or famous writers to read your book and follow you; stop it.
First of all, who the hell are you to be demanding someone to follow you, and apart from that, you look like pitiful beggars whenever you pull such a stunt.

One crazy thing is that some of you who still do this have been on wattpad for years . . . what have you been doing?

Don't embarrass yourselves, please.

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