40• Finale

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• The End

There are actually a lot of things on my mind regarding writing and writers, along with reviewing and if I can come upon a really serious topic, I will address it. But as for now, this book will be complete.

But I’ll leave a short note by Stephen King from his book “On Writing”

Subjective evaluations are, as I say, a little harder to deal with, but listen: if everyone who reads your book says you have a problem (Connie comes back to her husband too easily, Hal’s cheating on the big exam seems unrealistic given what we know about him, the novels conclusion seems abrupt and arbitrary), you’ve got a problem and you better do something about it.

Plenty of writers resist this idea. They feel that revising a story according to the likes and dislikes of an audience is somehow akin to prostitution. If you really feel that way. I won’t try to change your mind. You’ll save on charges at Copy Coop, too, because you won’t have to show anyone your story in the first place. In fact (he said snottily), if you really feel that way, why bother to publish at all? Just finish your books and then pop them in a safe-deposit box, as J. D. Salinger is reputed to have been doing in his later years.”

I hope a lot of you get the point.

Throughout the course of the book, my anger wasn’t directed at the horrible writers (which I’m sure a lot of you would have misunderstood). It was directed at the writers who refuse to accept help or correction.

It baffles me to no end that there are nice people who would give suggestions NICELY and you would still act like they are out to stab you to death. If you want to be good at anything you should be open to help and correction. There is no human being who became a pro at what they are good at the first try. Have any of you cooked your first food without supervision and had it rival something a popular chef makes?!

No matter how harsh a review is, even if you hate that reviewer, SUCK IT UP and get to work. It also wouldn’t hurt to give a “thank you.” Cause these people have better things and better books to enjoy than to be digging their noses in helping confirm how well your book does, only for you to insult them or tell them they don’t know how to do their job.

You will never learn at this rate.

If you are one of these people (even the worst kind) or like the person that called me a Jealous psychopath, you need issues that need managing. Because I can’t think of any one in their right mind who believes that whatever they does is perfect and no one can tell them otherwise.

How foolish is that?

Or don’t be like those idiots who go to their reviewer’s book to point out mistakes (especially when you are budding writers who don’t even know what a “writing style” or “plot” means). I will refrain from saying childish because we have some very smart young ones and some very foolish older ones. Such is life.

Also, don’t be like those who go to their message board or followers and make themselves a victim to gain compassion from other people that their book is “da best.” Show yourself some respect!

I am sick and tired of seeing people here and there JUST BECAUSE OF A NEGATIVE REVIEW say that “Constructive criticism is not a must. No one wants criticism.”


You can bet it with me that the people who call your “crappy book” a “work of art” won’t even but the damn thing if such a mess is available in libraries and book stores. It’s cause it’s free that they can treat it anyhow they want and call it whatever they please. These people would not even want to waste their money on your “beautiful” book.

So use your head for one minute.

If a reviewer was rude to you or flat out insulted you and your book, of course you can get angry. But if it’s because they said “your book is bad” or something along that line, and they even go so far as to tell you why and what makes that book of yours bad, I don’t see any reason why you should cuss at them.

Still does not mean or excuse someone insulting you.


“This is my first novel and I know it’s not edited and has grammatical errors, please bear with me. English is not my first language.”

Whenever people write this, they mean “My English is terrible.”

If this is the case, why don’t you go learn some proper language before making a fool of yourself and chasing readers away? Even native English speakers have problem when it comes to writing. English is a complicated language that doesn’t follow logic most of the time and you come writing in an unfamiliar territory and expecting people to put up with your crap.

Whatever is worth doing, is worth doing well!

Don’t come with something half-assed and expect to be praised for it!

Writing is not easy and grammar kind of makes up just 10-15% of writing. I'm uncertain. SO for those of you whose books contain perfect grammar and spelling and you are angry because of what a reviewer said, keep this in mind. There are so many things that make a writing flawed.

You people cannot come here, dish out something that OBVIOUSLY needs work and expect people to keep quiet about it.

But if you are looking for hypocrites, paste this on the first page of your work;

“I only accept nice comments. I’m an honest person but I don’t approve of that here cause it’ll hurt my feelings. I’m not willing to work or improve on this book so don’t bring no negative energy in here.”

Now clap for yourself. You have stated it profoundly.

This book started out as a place to vent out my frustration with the things I noticed while editing. For those of you who relate with every single mistake mentioned in this book, it doesn’t matter, you are wonderful even if your book is kind of crappy as of this moment. I’m certain you won’t let your book/next book remain that way.

Everyone starts from somewhere.

I love you and thanks a lot for the comments. I’m kind of chatty (sometimes) and I liked communicating with every one of you. Please, don’t forget to share this book and if you are a reviewer willing to let out some stress, you can do that here.

See you (if) I update.

P. S.

Self promo here. If you are interested in Fantasy, go read my first book Calcifer. 👀

P. S.

Critiques, not everyone likes criticism and you are an enemy of progress if you criticize their work. You should know that not everyone takes writing seriously, so, don’t interrupt their fun, or you will pay for it!

There are also those who keep beautiful pieces on their device and post the shitty stuff on wattpad to add on to the somewhat shitty reputation it already has.

Please keep in mind that this is for those who put up the incorrigible stuff that is completely unreadable while hogging the beautiful thing to themselves or publishing it.

Yes, there is a difference between a nice piece of unedited work and pure crap.

At least take that crap down/improve it and give wattpad some breathing space. It would be an appreciated service.

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