7• Foreign Writers

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Do you also pay attention to grammar while writing in your own language?

I am going to say one thing. Despite my reviewing I actually respect the way you step out of your comfort zone to write in a foreign language. This person right here can speak in her native language but cannot even write in it. Now, you on the other hand can do that and are even branching out; how cool is that?

Seriously, I’m not joking. It’s something admirable.


It is hard reviewing grammar when it’s something complicated you are just learning about; especially when it comes to writing. I grew up learning English and I still wrote trash when I started.

Writing isn’t something you wake up one morning and come out with a perfect piece at once like magic.

But there is a problem . . . You write stories in English, so won’t your readers be people who understand English?

Or even worse . . . someone trying to learn English.

You seriously expect me to learn German and look to a horribly written German novel?


I won’t lie, learning a foreign language is hard. Sometimes I just want to bend when reviewing, but when I think of the other foreign writers who are still learning, and they come up with good pieces of work, my mouth turns.

I will stop beating around the bush.

At least if your spelling is horrible, can’t we do something about the minor aspects?

Like the paragraphs, for example?
Or simply starting with capital letters after full stops?

Or remembering to put full stops at the end of your sentences?

Or using commas to join sentences together?

Or simply having adequate knowledge before you go into the complexities of writing in a foreign language?

Learning English language is slightly different from writing a novel. Especially when you will encounter things you were never thought in school.

Imagine, people who grew up speaking English can write terrible stories with horrible grammar. Now, someone who is learning English is trying to write a story . . .

Have you sometimes considered writing in the language you are fluent in?

I am not deterring anybody from writing in English but I am voicing out a recurring thought I have.

No matter the language, writing a novel is difficult.

Sometimes, why can’t you study the intricacies of writing before starting? But honestly, you can start right away like I did and grow as you learn about your mistakes. I know there are some foreigners here who write horrible stories but can speak English fluently. . .
Where you come from, don’t you use punctuations or symbols in your writing?

English language is no different!

Without some symbols in your mother tongue, wouldn’t the written or spoken words give off a different meaning than intended?!

English is the same!

Especially when it comes to writing; a game where you play word twist (if any of you get what I mean).

There are so many things under writing;



Punctuation marks

Spacing of words

Phrasing of words

Placement of words

Show but not tell

Skilful telling


Writing style

Credibility and so on and so forth that I may not even be aware of!

And yet, you are to incorporate all these complicated things into one beautiful book.

I still have respect for how you handle these daunting tasks in another language.

But a lot of you don’t even bother to research about all these things.


First is your spelling.

Wait. Did you know there are different types of English?

American English & British English . . . the differences are actually in the slight spelling of words.

I think there is also Canadian English; I won’t lie, I get confused too.

Pay attention, class;

Everyone makes errors in this regard when writing and so can you.

Know how to spell.

Yeah, I know how ridiculous this sounds but when you know how to spell, (or you at least know how to check an English dictionary) you will be less likely to make mistakes.

Some of you write, look at your work riddled with grammatical bullet holes, and you nod;

“Good job, me. Time to release this work of art to the world of English readers who will fawn over my beautiful story.”

I am not trying to be rude or anything but have you considered if those “nice” comments are actually from people who understand English? They might be;

“Wow, this person is like me but writes English so well. This is amazing!!!”

(I think I will be taking back what I said about nice comments. Some people might actually mean those comments)

Even if they are from someone who understands English, those people are not exactly honest with your work.

Cause no one who understands English will say “Good job, author!” to someone who scribbles in horrible spelling.

Have you ever really sat down and looked over every detail of your work? I find myself changing something each and every time I go over a draft of my work. A lot of writers do.

Where are your eye sockets?!

I know you are trying, but if you really love your readers and you want to make things easy for them, learn.

Or at least be open to learning, something a lot of you definitely aren’t. I even met a few recently on this app. Why are you like this?
The main reason I wrote this book.

What would you do if I wrote a book in Korean or Hindi or Chinese or German or Philippine?

Now, if I wrote a story in one of those languages, with the primary knowledge I have, what would you do?

Especially if it’s riddled with errors.

Of course you would either;

Vomit your innards

Smash your head against the wall (or your phone)

Laugh like you just inhaled laughing gas
Share with your friends and laugh/cry together

Cringe and shrivel up like a snail that has just been introduced to salt

Throw your phone across the room like something crawled out of the screen

Scream in silent outrage

Resist the urge to tap that comment button and screw me off

Or exit that story in anger at the utter discomforting thing you had just witnessed

Yes, some books are this bad!

Forgive me, but some of you won’t even think at first that I am trying to learn a new language but would think;

What shit did this person just write?

Some people literally bomb their spelling to the extent that I am convinced what they wrote isn’t English.

Then begins the gruesome process of some thinking it is correct and incorporating them into their work; I’m not talking about spelling, no one is that dumb.

You know you have to look at published English novels and textbooks for that, right?

Has anybody wondered if some writers actually copy others thinking it is correct and pasting it in their own books?

For example, this is very rampant when it comes to punctuation marks.

Who the hell puts full stops outside quotation marks?

Where did you learn that?

Yes, even people who are fluent in English do this and I am confused. What were you doing in school? Isn’t it common knowledge that whatever the punctuation, it must be inside the quotation mark?!

With that in mind, I still believe it's pretty admirable walking into unknown territory but I also believe proper preparation should be made so as to do the work properly.

There are many people who have done that and they are no better than you. So why can't you do the same?

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