I'm not dead I promise!!

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Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm not dead or anything, just started school back up this week and it's already hectic. Going to be a very tough and busy semester, so won't be on or updating anything much. Grad school is hard.. Lol.

As for Star Fox and everything, of course I'm still working behind the scenes on ideas for Krystal's epic solo adventure, "Project Cerinia," and working on developing some new characters for the novel as well. Maybe eventually I'll ask for help naming them, because I'm terrible with naming characters!!

Oh, and this summer it promise will
be huge! Not only will I be trying to no-life write until I collapse, but something big is happening in my personal life that I'm going to announce sometime later. It's awesome, but it's going to make me even busier as far as time to write goes, but I'm dedicated to getting Cerinia out so I'll do my best to make it happen.

Oh, and it's my Birthday on the 19th! :D I'm getting even older......... But at least I can enjoy a 3 day weekend near my birthday (I love how it's so close to MLK day so that I usually have an extra day off for my birthday) XD

Anyway, that's probably about it for now...... Enjoy the reading and writing everyone, please don't forget to share Eclipse, and just don't forget me in general! Sorry for the inactivity, but when you're 22 in grad school, life gets WAY too busy :/ lol.

Anyway, LATA!!!!

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