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Thanks for the tag by , here it goes!

1. Waffles or Pancakes?

I just have to say pancakes, even though I love them both a lot, pancakes are up there as possibly being my favorite food. Whenever given the choice between the two, I always go pancakes.

2. Would you prefer a relationship with someone you just met or an old friend/acquaintance?

I'd have to say old friend. That's how it worked with my fiance and me, we were friends for a couple years before we ever dated. It's nice being able to know the person very well before being in a relationship together, at least thats what I would prefer.

3. Are you an optimist or a pessimist? (Do you see the donut or the hole?) 

Why do I instantly want to answer that I'm a pessimist...... but in all honesty, I'd say I'm a little of both. I can see the negative side of things a lot, maybe because it's usually easier, but I always like to see the positives as well. I guess that means I'll be eating both parts of the donut then, and I'm good with that :D

4. Are you a geek or a nerd?

Yes. My answer is simply "yes." Although I slightly prefer the word "nerd" over "geek," but I am a total nerd/geek and proud of it. The force is strong with this one.

5. Are you bilingual/trilingual.etc? (Can you speak more than one language?)

If you count a few years of Spanish in middle/high school as "bilingual," then yes... but not really, I'm only fluent with English. 

Come to think of it, yes, I am fluent in another language. Math. (Yes, in a way, math is a language :D)

6. Don't you just hate it when someone flubbers your blubber?

Not entierly sure what this means... but I'm going to say yes. Just in case.

7. Bath or shower?

Shower, I care too much about how long it takes and showers are faster.

8. Snickers or Twix?

I think I like Snickers better, even though I really don't like nuts. Odd, right?

9. Why?

I'm not sure, but I'm just not huge on Twix. Nothing against Twix, I like them and will eat them when I get the chance, but I just like Snickers a lot.

10. If you were granted three wishes of your choice (except for more wishes), what would you wish for?

1. Star Fox. Real. No more explanation needed.

2. I'd wish for Jedi powers. Come on, who wouldn't want to be able to use the force? You can do so much with that...

3. Last wish goes for... going to New Zealand and seeing all of the Lord of the Rings/Hobbit stuff, where they filmed everything, the real-life shire... and all of the cast of the movies and everything, that would be awesome.

11. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

EXTREMELY introverted. I'm really shy except around people I really know well. Not that I don't like people, but I usually don't have anything worth saying to random or less-known people, and I'm usually off thinking about something else.

12. What is an odd talent you have that not many people know about?

Um... I know 3.141592653589793238462643383, 28 ish digits of Pi... And I promise I didn't just copy and paste those! I can actually recite that much (and I think its all correct, if I memorized some of it wrong in 6th grade blame my 6th grade memory, not me!)

13. What are your hobbies?

video games


writing Star Fox



talking to my cats

hanging out with my fiance and pretty much no one else outside of my family because everyone's busy

watching anime, mostly Naruto and Sword Art Online

training in the ways of the Jedi

taking the One Ring back to Mordor to be destroyed

Tag Time!!!!!

I tag.....








Also a side note, I'm SOOO glad Glitchpad auto-saves now... because I accidentally pressed "back" and thought I lost all of this..... *sighs*

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