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I decided to make this as a way for me and others to keep up with everyone that and if I get something wrong anyone can tell me and I'll make changes to fit them and most of these will be based off the wiki page.

(Y/N) "ink" wingding


You look like yourself just with these clothes.

Eyes: right is a blue circle while your left is a star. In battle though both eyes are red target signs.

Powers: bone manipulation, blue and orange bones, telekinesis, soul manipulation, can bring his drawings to life with his brush, can summon rainbow blasters, can deal more damage then classic sans and in the case he needs to he can use his paints to help him fight.

Likes: colors, friends, painting, and anything he finds cool, anything in his scarf that's good.

Dislikes: anything that's in his scarf that's bad, bullies, colorless things.

Special attack: unknown

Sansy "sans" wingding


Eyes: as they look in the picture unless in a fight then one turns blue while the other is an empty socket.

Powers: same as inks but not as powerful and can't bring paintings to life.

Likes: Puns, her sis, ketchup, her friends, (Y/N).

Dislikes: bullies, anyone who doesn't like her sis, anyone that tries to bully (Y/N).

Special attack: bunch of random attacks and time lapses and stops the opponent from attacking until she falls asleep.

Papie wingding


Eyes: as they look in the picture.

Powers: bone manipulation, more health then sansy has, blue and orange bones, can do more damage then Sansy.

Likes: spaghetti, being cool, junior jumble, (Y/N).

Dislikes: nothing

Special attack: blue bones turning the heart blue.

Blueberry "blue"


Eyes: as they look.

Powers: same as classic sans except a bit slower.

Likes: tacos, coffee, friends, (Y/N).

Dislikes: nothing.

Special attack: I don't know actually.



Eyes: similar to Sansy except hers glows orange.

Powers: same as classic.

Likes: smoking, friends, puns, her sis, (Y/N).

Dislikes: same as classic.

Special attack: same as classic.

Frisk Dreemurr


Eyes: as in the picture.

Powers/abilities: can go back to saves she has at random points while also being able to heal herself every time she saves, incredible sword skills and can heal herself from eating or drinking certain things, is extremely durable because of her determination.

Likes: everything, (Y/N).

Dislikes: anything that bothers or hurts (Y/N).

Chara Dreemurr


Eyes: as shown in picture.

Powers/ability's: extremely good with a knife, can make big slashes that will cut through almost anything, has a extreme amount of health, incredible dodging skills.

Likes: the same as frisk.

Dislikes: same as frisk.



Eyes: as they are.

Powers: as I've been told she is very similar to chara.

Likes: (Y/N)

Dislikes: unknown



Eyes: as they are but in battle her left eye will turn into a red line.

Powers: knife manipulation, telekinesis, Asriels blasters, slashes that will kill anything it touches, able to take more hits then most Sans.

Likes: same as classic.

Dislikes: same as classic.



Eyes: as they are until battle which her eye turns red.

Powers:Same as classic.

Likes:same as classic.

Dislikes: same as classic.

As you can tell I really don't want to try and think of likes and dislikes for everyone.



Eyes: don't know for sure but I'll just keep them the same as in the picture.

Powers/ability's: same as chara except she's extremely good with her scythe.

Likes: same as chara.

Dislikes: same as chara.



Eyes: empty sockets with a heart in one eye.

Powers: same as classic except she can take more hits and if she goes down in a fight she can take the soul of the weakest person around her and use it to "revive" herself.

Likes: radical things, and everything classic likes.

Dislikes: curse words, and everything classic dislikes.



Eyes: as they are.

Powers: can summon asriels blasters and Asgores trident.

Likes: same as chara.

Dislikes: same as chara.



Eyes: as in the picture.

Powers: she is able to summon a spear, or scythe, can use the fear of her enemies or herself to make her stronger, if heavily damaged she can let hate consume her healing her and making her stronger although the more she uses it the more it corrupts her.

Likes: same as frisk.

Dislikes: same as frisk


Looks: usually wears a red cloak covering his whole body, if not fighting usually wears whatever he feels like.

Powers: (without sword or mask) non just incredibly intelligent and incredible at dodging.( sword and mask) the sword grants the user the full knowledge on how to use a sword and sword manipulation(basically able to summon unlimited swords and control them with his mind) the mask gives the user almost unlimited knowledge and gives the ability to use teleportation and telekinesis. When both the sword and mask are combined time travel is possible and little orbs can show up and start firing lasers(kinda like a Gaster blaster😁 cause that's all I can think of to use for an example) also has extreme regeneration ability's. if angered far enough will start to get stronger and faster and slowly starts to lose his sanity.

Likes: Cray, sweets, friends, anything that looks fun, killing.

Dislikes: people being mean, not fun things, cray being mad.



Powers: can summon and use many guns at once. Can summon and control many knives. If angered starts to become extremely unpredictable and turns insane and can take a ton of more hits before going down. Can summon a broken blaster to defend herself or to attack.

Likes:craz, puns, explosions, exercising.

Dislikes:bullies, anything that bothers craz.

So I decided to also put my two brother and sister ocs in this since I was running out of ideas and I have a fourth member thanks to Airbob222 for his oc.

Kal olina


long blue tornado hair with purple eyes always wears dresses except for school and her job as a dj.

Powers: can control plants like vines and flowers to confuse her enemies into thinking their somewhere other then where there at, can heal anyone or herself but takes a bit of time to use it again, can turn into a butterfly.

Likes: being a dj, cook, paint, sing, help friends, music, plants, and to visit the rose and long family.

Dislikes: her enemy's.

And that's all of the characters so far.

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