"Family" issues

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(Y/N) = Your Name
(L/N) = Last Name

(A few minutes before)
(Sansy's POV)

I was just walking around with everyone else as we wondered why (Y/N) got called up to the office. Ruby didn't look to happy as she saw four people walking towards the elevator that led to Ozpin's office.

Sansy:"What's wrong little red riding hood?"

Ruby:"I don't think you want to know."

I shrugged and gave her a grin.

Sansy:"Come on you know nothing can get under my skin, literally."

Ruby hesitated before she decided to talk.

Ruby:"Well your probably going to freak out but that was my family."

I didn't say anything as I pulled out my cell and called toriel.



Sansy:"Hey we've got a problem with (Y/N) over here."

I could tell her motherly mode activated as she instantly became very serious.

Toriel:"like what?"

Sansy:"Well you see his "family" has shown up and I think their either here to apologize or beat him up again."

She hung up as I knew she was on her way at a speed that could probably beat the flash. I looked at everyone else as they stared amused.

Swap:"They funked arnt they?"

We all ignored that fresh did that as we all laughed at the thought of toriel beating them into the next century.

Sansy:"I don't think she'll kill them yet but I'm sure that (Y/N) can handle himself."

((Y/N) POV)

I looked at the four people standing at the elevator entrance as they stared at me almost crying. I stared at them confused as the lady with the white cloak on rushed towards me trying to hug me. Out of instinct I dodged out of the way which made her crash into ozpins desk. She got up and looked at me confused and sad.

???:"(Y/N) don't you recognize me?"

I shook my head.

(Y/N):"I'm sorry I don't recall knowing who you are."

She looked a bit shocked at that.

Summer:"It's me summer your mother."

I chuckled a little bit as I found it funny and everyone stared at me.

(Y/N):"I'm sorry you must be mistaken my mother is a goat that can stand and her names Toriel and she's the best parent anyone could ever have."

She looked even more sad and even though I didn't know her I should probably make them feel better if I knew them.

(Y/N):"Uh if you say that I know you and that you know me then I obviously write it down in my scarf so if you could each tell me your names I'll see where it's at in it."

She smiled as the blond headed guy waved at me.

Tai:"I'm Tai."

I looked at the lady with raven black hair.

Raven:"I'm Raven"

I looked at the last guy which seemed to be having a "good" time in that back.

Qrow:"Names Qrow kid."

(Y/N):"alright just one moment while I look ok?"

They nodded as I started to look.



So it's them huh. Never thought I would have to deal with them again. I looked at them then back to the description a few times before I put my scarf back on and grinned sinisterly at them.

(Y/N):"Oh so I do know you."

They looked at each other with happy expressions. I was about to start talking whenever the elevator door burst open and fireballs flew through it hitting my "family."

Toriel:"I sensed a disturbance in my child's force."

Ozpin looked shocked as my "family" got up and grabbed their weapons ready to fight her. They charged at her and about stuck her until a wall of bones blocked their paths.

(Y/N):"I remember you now you are the ones who beat me, you are the ones who called me names, YOU were the ones who abused me, and now you come back. Why? Is it self pity and regret you feel everyday of your life or is it the fact that you never got to finish what you started? Either way people like you should be burning in hell."

They looked at me shocked as summer came over to me with tears in her eyes.

Summer:"(Y/N) we just wanted to apologize and we wanted to make everything better for you."

(Y/N):"And you show me that how? By attacking my mom. Yeah that's no apology at all."

Summer:"Please give us a chance we'll prove that we're better."

I thought about it for a moment till I came up with the perfect idea.

(Y/N):"Alright I will."

They looked happy as summer tried to hug me but I dodged as she looked confused.

(Y/N):"I will IF you beat me in a match."

They looked at each other before looking back at me worried.

Summer:"We can't do that you'll end up getting hurt."

I shook my head as I started to walk towards the elevator.

(Y/N):"Then you obviously don't want my forgiveness besides how hard could it be as you've made it clear in the past that I'm nothing but a weakling and a mistake so really how hard could it be?"

They huddled and discussed before looking back at me.

Summer:"If that's the only way you'll have it then we'll do it."

I nodded.

(Y/N):"And don't think I'm going to hold back either but I suppose you already knew that."

Before they could say anything the elevator door closed as I looked at toriel in surprise.


Toriel:"I came by to visit you since I heard your family was here."

(Y/N):"Oh well it's ok now I just gotta wait until the arena to fight them you know."

She patted my head.

Toriel:"Whatever makes you feel better."

After we got down I saw all the girls waiting there waiting to see what happened. While toriel explained to them what was happening I walked towards the arena to get ready, what I didn't notice was that a number had appeared on my phone.

(A few moments later)

Everyone started to enter the arena as team STRQ (i don't know what the name of their team is called.) walked out onto the field. I was standing at the opposite side staring at them as they grabbed their weapons. Summer decided to walk over to me as they were getting ready.

Summer:"You don't have to do this you know that our team hasn't ever been beaten before."

(Y/N):"You don't really leave me a choice now do you."

She looked down as she walked back over to her side. I decided not to use my brush to bring things to life, but I'll use my paints instead. I felt a buzz coming from my phone as ozpin was announcing the fight and saw that it was a random number. I answered it as the fight started and people stared at me confused.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(You know I never said who the mysterious number was.)

I looked confused and put my phone away as I prepared for the fight.






[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(To be honest I like the remade versions then the original)

As soon as ozpin yelled to begin team STRQrushed straight for me with their weapons drawn thinking it would be an easy victory. I dodged summers attack while backflipping over tai. Raven and Qrow ran up to me trying to hit both my head and my legs as I just teleported over to the other side of the arena as my eyes turned into targets.

(Y/N):"Alright now that you've had your fun it's my turn."

I grabbed my brush and used my blue paint to summon a circle of little heads. They started to flash white one by one as team STRQ looked confused at them. The heads started firing their beams as team STRQ didn't have time to react as they got hit by most of them bringing their auras down to orange. Mostly everyone looked shocked at how fast it drained their auras. I surrounded them with my blasters and bones along with little pink orbs that would follow their every move. Summer tried to use her speed to get out as Raven and Qrow both turned into birds trying to get around me. The pink orbs started to follow them as summer turned around trying to cut them in half and Qrow and raven tried to dodge them. Tai on the other hand got blasted out of the arena and even through the ceiling. Summer had just finished up cutting up the pick orbs as she charged straight at me, only to end up stopping in place as I flung her to the other side. Qrow and Raven tried to hit me from behind but I teleported behind them and used my red paint to put them in a square as a red line came around and little red dots kept showing up throughout it. Needless to say they didn't last very long till their aura hit in the red. I turned around and barely had time to dodge a slash from summer. I tried to blast her but she dodged out of the way and kept trying to slash me. I kept trying to attack her but she'd either block it or dodge it and it was starting to make me tired. I started to move more slowly as she started to think she was winning, which she was. She ran at me one last time and I tried to dodge one last time.


Summer didn't look very much affected by the sound but it was like hearing my entire world end as I watched as my scarf fell off and landed on the ground torn in half. I knew I could just fix it but I was so mad that I didn't think about that. Summer looked terrified as she looked me. I used my telekineses and held her in the air as I blasted her aura into red and launched a wave of bones that launched her through the ceiling. After I calmed down I turned around and noticed everyone sat their terrified. I stood their confused as I looked around me seeing the place destroyed.

(Y/N):"Uh can someone explain what happened here?"

Everyone looked at me confused as fresh made her way over to be.

Fresh:"You just wreaked the entire place with a very cool show."

I just looked confused as I made my way back to my dorm.

(A few minutes later)

I finally found my room and was about to enter it when I heard someone yelling my name which turned out to be a blond headed girl and boy did she look a bit hot headed. I was about to greet her till she threw a punch at me, which I dodged of course. She grabbed me by the neck and held me up, but something felt familiar about this.


I looked very confused by that.

(Y/N):"Uh do what and also who are you?"

Now it was her turn to look confused.

???:"What game are you playing at here and it's quite obvious who I am."

I thought for a moment but I couldn't come up with anything.

(Y/N):"Yeah sorry I don't know who you are but I'd appreciate if you put me down though."

She was about to say something but got interrupted by a pink scythe right next to her throat.

Betty:"I would stop that if I were you."

The blond girl slowly dropped me and started to walk off angrily. I looked at Betty as she smiled and hugged me.

Betty:"You did great today."

(Y/N):"I did great at what?"

She rolled her eyes amused.

Betty:"Never mind just don't forget we have classes tomorrow."

(Y/N):"Alright I'll make sure I won't."

I grabbed my fixed scarf and wrote what she said down in it."

(Y/N):"And there we go now I won't forget."

She nodded before giving me another hug and running off towards her dorm. I walked into my dorm and didn't see anyone else so I decided to lay down and go to sleep and try and get ready for classes.

(And that's another one done and I hope y'all enjoyed it. ALSO as of right now as of right now the only people that everyone's voted on to be in this harem from the rwby universe are velvet and neo. So if you want anyone else you've gotta say it before I make it father into the story. Having said that uh I guess this is bye now.)

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