Classes and new student

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(Y/N) = Your Name
(L/N) = Last Name

((Y/N) POV)

I woke up early in the morning and looked at my alarm wondering why I got up so early. I looked for my scarf and saw that I had classes today, although I have no idea what they are. I looked around the room and noticed two people standing by the door and both of them had red cloaks on. I couldn't see their faces but I could tell they were looking at me.

???:"Ah so your finally awake?"

I looked at both of them confused.

(Y/N):"I'm sorry do I know either of you?"

The one on the right jumped a bit before pointing to himself.

Craz:"Ah how rude of me my name is Craz and she's Cray."

He pointed over to the person on the left.

Cray:"She doesn't like to talk much."

I nodded before deciding to introduce myself.

(Y/N):"Well it's nice to meet both of you my name is (Y-"

Craz:"Your (Y/N) Wingding, And you have a memory problem."

I looked extremely confused at him.

(Y/N):"How did yo-"

Craz:"You sleep talk."

(Y/N):"oh seems legit."

I don't remember if I actually sleep talk but I suppose I'll have to ask the others. I got up and waved my brush in front of me and painted my normal clothes on me. I then realized I never asked why they were in my room.

(Y/N):"Um I don't mean to be rude but why are you in my room?"

Even though I couldn't see their faces I could tell that Craz didn't falter while cray looked a bit confused.

Craz:"Were on the same team Ozpin announced that yesterday."

I looked in my scarf and noticed that I hadn't put that in their but seeing as how they didn't seem to be lying I wrote it down to make sure for next time.

(Y/N):"Sorry about that I usually keep stuff that I need to remember in my scarf but it seems I forgot to write that down."

Craz:"it's fine don't worry about it."

I turned around to grab a few more things and when I turned back around they were already gone.

(Y/N):must've been in a rush.

I looked back at my scarf and noticed that I had classes today and that they started in a few minutes. I ran to the door and started sprinting down the hallways towards my class.

(A few minutes later)

You know I just realized something. I have no idea where my classes are. I keep running through the hallways until a colorful butterfly stopped me. I watched it as it flew around before it took off in a certain direction. I quickly followed it completely forgetting about class. I chased it for what felt like forever until it went through a closed door.

(In ports class)
(Ports POV)

I was preparing my magnificent speech for the children about what my whole antisocial and depressing life was. I was almost finished preparing when I noticed a little butterfly come through the door I didn't have much time to think before the door was blasted open and mr. Wingding entered the room running around trying to catch the butterfly.


I sighed as I knew this might be a long day.


I kept trying to reach the butterfly as it kept flying lower then it would fly higher up as I reached for it. I almost had it until Sansy and her team walked in and saw me.

Sansy:"what are you doing?"


They watched me try for a few minutes before port told us to sit down so he could start class.

Sansy:"Well you butter hurry up then cause times a flying right now."

I ignored it while the whole class groaned and I caught the butterfly in between my hands.


I painted a little cage for it to stay in for now and sat down next to ruby. I looked around and notice craz and cray in the back sitting in a way that would make you think they were sleeping. I shrugged before looking back at port as he began his speech.

(One depressing and long speech later)

I've never fallen asleep during a lesson before especially a story. But this.... this was madness like full on madness. All he talked about was how he did this or he did that and it drove me to sleep which was really depressing to me. As he finish talking he walked up to the middle of the room before asking.

Port:"Now who believes they have what it takes to be a true huntsman?"

I didn't see anyone raise their hand so I raised mine as he looked delighted before telling me to come up to the front. When I got their he gestured to the cage in front of me.

Port:"I have a Grimm in here that I've captured and all you have to do is beat it ok?"

I nodded before he lifted the door and the Grimm cage out. It looked like a hog and you could tell the top part of it was armored. As soon as it charged out of the cage I summoned some bones from under it and killed it. I turned around to see how the class reacted but instead of people all I noticed was a whole bunch of error signs where they sat at. I looked around the room until a big sign appeared in front of me.


I didn't know what it meant or why it was here but then another sign appeared.

System rebooting

Now I was extremely confused and when I blinked I appeared back in my seat as port asked.

Port:"Now who thinks they have what it takes to be a true huntsmen?"

I thought nobody would raise their hand again so I was about to raise mine before Weiss raised hers.

Port:"Ah good go and prepare for a fight."

Weiss walked off and a little while later came back in her dress and her sword. Port started to explain what to do as I started to fall asleep and I failed to notice someone Smirking evilly at me.

(Timeskip to glyndas class)

I sat down with my team and we sat next to Frisk and her team. We were watching the students fight in the middle of the arena as I about fell asleep watching it. That was until I heard someone calling my name and I looked around to see glynda yelling at me.


I stood up and teleported into the arena. I looked around confused since I didn't see anyone else in the arena.

(Y/N):"Um who am I fighting?"

Glynda pulled up her tablet thing and scrolled through it till she found what she was looking for.

Glynda:"You will fight Cardin Winchester."

I looked around and saw a guy with armor all around his body and a giant hammer thing. As he got into the arena I flashed him a friendly smile as he sorta growled at me.

Cardin:"I'm going to show everyone just how weak you are you freak!"

My smile fell after hearing those words.

(Y/N):He's one of those people huh? This makes things a lot easier.

I waited until glynda started the fight and Cardin look angrier the longer I was quiet.

Cardin:"Already think your gonna win huh? Oh you just wait until I wipe that smirk off your face permanently."

I just stood their smiling as Glynda finally announce to begin. As she said that I summoned someone... or I mean something to finish this off.

Everyone stared in horror as they saw what I made. I looked at Cardin and saw that he started to tremble a little bit from seeing it.

Cardin:"W-what is that thing?"

(Y/N):"This is your demise."

He stood their for a moment before deciding to start charging at sixbones(that's their name) and tried to hit them. Only to figure out that it went straight through them.

Cardin:"What the?"

(Y/N):"Oh yeah forgot to mention that their pretty much invincible so have fun."

Sixbones decided to summon a semi melted blaster and shot at Cardin only for him to dodge.

Cardin:"Oh if this is all it has then I'm going to beat you easily!"

Sixbones didn't seem to like that as it started to summon bones and more blasters all of which hit him. His aura was in the red and Glynda was about to end the match before sixbones attacked again and summoned bones underneath him, completely destroying his aura. Sixbones disappeared as Glynda ended the match.

Glynda:"Mr.Wingding could you please never do that again?"


She looked around before sighing.

Glynda:"Seeing as how that fight didn't last very long would you like to challenge anyone else?"

I nodded as a blond haired girl raised her hand.


Glynda nodded as the girl walked down into the arena. As she got into the arena I notice ruby yelling at her.


She looked at her before looking at me smirking.

Yang:"I'm going to teach him not to hurt his own family."

After she said that I checked my scarf and saw that she did indeed fit the description of one of my family members.

(Y/N):"Oh so are you so hot headed that you didn't see what happened to the rest of your family?"

This seemed to have made her even more mad as her hair looked to have caught on fire and her eyes turned red.

Yang:"Your gonna regret that you mistake."

(Y/N):"Takes a mistake to know a mistake."

This really threw her over the edge as Glynda announced the fight to begin. Yang charged straight for me probably thinking this was going to be an easy win. She came in swinging and and shooting with her gauntlets although I was dodging everything she threw at me. This went of for awhile before her gauntlets got jammed and almost backfired on her I decided to finally start my attack. I grabbed her soul and threw her against a wall before lifting her in the air and slamming her against the ground then repeated. This went on for awhile before I finally stopped and she slowly stood up trembling a bit from all of it. When she got up and looked around she noticed that the entire arena was covered in blue bones. Before she could do or say anything she was surrounded by my blasters and bones.

(Y/N):"Any last words?"

She opened her mouth to say something but I didn't let her finish as I fired the blasters and made the bones go towards her. Through the whole thing she was screaming in pain and agony and begging me to stop but I didn't listen. The only thing that stopped me was when I looked up at ruby and saw her shaking her head signaling for me to stop. I looked around and noticed everyone was staring at me horrified and I looked at yang who as laying their still alive but kinda twitching from what just happened. I slowly walk out of the arena only to be met by Ozpin standing at the entrance.

Ozpin:"I see you had some.... fun out there."

I looked back and noticed the blond girl getting dragged away by some people.

(Y/N):"What happened to her?"

He just sighed.

Ozpin:"Anyways I see you've already met your new teammate."

I looked at him confused and he motioned to the butterfly in the cage I made for it.

(Y/N):"So that butterfly is my teammate? Are you serious?"

Ozpin:"This isn't actually a-"


Ozpin chuckled at my behavior before he opened the cage letting the butterfly out.

Ozpin:"Actually this is a person and I'll let her introduce herself."

The butterfly turned into a girl in a dress with blue hair and purple eyes. She looked at me before sticking her hand out.

Kal:"Hi my names Kal olina and I'm your new teammate."

Well this took a whole lot longer then I expected to make this. It's almost as if I literally didn't want to write WHICH DOESNT MEAN THAT I DIDNT but you know I was getting caught up in other books and coming up with ideas so yeahhhh. Anyways hope y'all enjoyed the chapter.


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