Touring vale

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(Y/N) = Your Name
(L/N) = Last Name

((Y/N) POV)

I stared at the girl that stood in front of me Who a few seconds ago was just a butterfly. I snapped out of my thoughts as I noticed her hand sticking out eager to shake mine. I extended my hand and shook hers as we both stared at each other.

(Y/N):"(Y/N) wingding."

She was about to say something until Ruby showed up next to me and kal looked at her.

Kal:"oh hey ruby glad to see your here!"

Ruby:"Yeah you too."

They both started to have a conversation when I noticed craz and cray seeming to be having a conversation at the end of the hallway so I went over to greet them.

As I got closer I noticed that it seemed like they were arguing about something so I decided to stand back and listen to them.

Craz:"What do you mean it's unguarded?"

Cray:"There was no one to run it so I left it with the power turned off."

Craz:"So you though it was a good idea to leave all my projects stable and unstable alone in there?"

Cray:"do you want me to go back and turn it on?"

Craz:"No no leave it we have bigger things to worry about."

Cray:"if you say so."

I heard as they walked off thinking that I should've written it all down and I turned around only to be met with fresh right in front of me.

Fresh:"Well isn't that a doozie?"

I nodded.

(Y/N):"It sure was... I think?"

Fresh sighed before walking back over to kal and ruby with me. They were still in the middle of a conversation so I decided to go visit everyone else and see how they were doing. As me and fresh walked along I noticed that Ozpin was walking up the building with a.... flower in a pot? I didn't understand it probably what ruby and her team went to go grab the other day. I walked over to Sansy, swap, and shifts room only to see a note taped on it saying they left for a mission.

Fresh:"Funny I didn't know they went on one. Must've been unexpected."

I shrugged as I walked towards frisk and Betty's dorm and knocked on the door. Even though the door muffled it you could still here the annoying dogs theme playing in there as it was suddenly turned off as the door opened slightly before I got pulled in and the door shut on fresh.

Fresh:"Ah fu-"

I couldn't hear the rest as I ended up on a couch in between Betty and frisk. They both looked at me curiously with a smile on both of their faces as I sat confused.

(Y/N):"what's with those looks?"

The both realize what they were doing before they quickly looked away while their cheeks turned red again.

(Y/N):"Aw man don't tell me you guys got a fever when I was about to head to vale."

They both looked at each other before grabbing both of my hands and quickly running out of the room dragging me along.

(Timeskip brought to you by fresh getting aggravated since she can't cuss.)

Surprisingly the trip to vale didn't take to long since they sprinted at inhumane speeds towards the ship which was just leaving. Once the ship set down frisk and Betty dragged me through the town as it seemed they already had a place in mind to go to. I looked around at the city around me and noticed it was filled with so many colors and bright pretty things. I got so lost in looking at the colors I didn't notice we had stopped until frisk and Betty both let go of me as I fell on the ground.

Frisk:"WERE HERE!"

I stood up and looked towards what they were looking at only to realize that it was.... a..... weed store.


It was a women's clothing store. I looked towards them as they looked at each other then looking at me smiling. Betty held out her hand as she beckoned me to follow and me being me instantly teleported away not wanting to go through this again like I did last time. I heard a couple of screams coming from across the city as they radiated in anger.

(Y/N):It seems like someone's mad oh well it's probably got nothing to do with me.

I continued walking down the street admiring all the buildings and colors before accidentally bumping into someone.


She looked up at me before her expression changed into a happy one.


She hugged me as I stood their in confusion. I quickly pushed her away from me.

(Y/N):"I'm sorry do I know you?"

Kitten:"It's me kitten remember? We met at the ink store."

I quickly checked my scarf and eventually found what what she was talking about in it.

(Y/N):"oh ok I'm sorry I have short term memory loss so I have to write everything down in my scarf."

I scratched the back of my head nervously as she nodded.

Kitten:"Oh it's fine I didn't know you had that."

Me and her talked for a little bit before we started to walk down the street. We passed by quite a few shops and buildings one in particular did catch my attention. The sign to it read "the scarf club" my interest soon faded as I opened the door to see a few people standing in a circle around a scarf with demonic symbols everywhere praising whatever the scarf read. I quickly shut the door before walking back over to kitten ignoring her questions on what happened inside there. As we walked down the street I couldn't help but feel like their were two pairs of eyes staring directly at me with very bad intentions. I shrugged it off as kitten pulled me into a book store as we walked around choosing our favorites. What seemed like an eternity later we exited the book store and walked down the street once again. I looked up towards the shattered moon and took in this wondrous sight before me. It got interrupted by kitten tapping me on the shoulder. I looked towards her to see her pointing towards a man in a red cloak about to walk down an alley.

Kitten:"I've never seen that guy in this part of town before and I should know I've been here plenty of times."

(Y/N):"What if he's just new in town?"

She shook her head.

Kitten:"Even if so that alleys a dead end anyone can tell since you can see it from the street."

I nodded as she started to pull me towards the alley to look and see what he was doing but when we got there nobody was in there.

Kitten:"Strange how could he have disappeared?"

I shrugged before I felt two pairs of hands on my shoulders and instantly froze up knowing exactly who they were.

Frisk:"(Y/N) who's this that you've got here?"

I slowly turned around and was met by both Betty and frisk giving me a sinister look.

(Y/N):"Her names kitten and she's a friend of mine."

Betty:"Oh really and what were you doing with her?"

(Y/N):"Oh that's an easy one I got lost looking around the city and I accidentally bumped into her so she decided to walk around with me and kept me entertained."

They seemed to visibly relax as they looked over at kitten and she nodded confirming the story. Frisk and Betty both brought me into a bone crushing hug.

Betty/frisk:"please don't run off like that again."

I looked at both of them confused.

(Y/N):"like what?"

They both looked at each other and sighed.

Frisk:"never mind that we should probably head back before goodwitches class starts."

Betty looked at her confused.

Betty:"didn't we just come from goodwitches class earlier though?"

Frisk sighed before pulling out her scroll.

Frisk:"she sent out a message earlier saying she wanted to redo the class for some reason."

Kitten then looked at us in shock.

Kitten:"wait are you guys in beacon academy?"

I looked over at her and nodded as she suddenly grew a smile on her face.

Kitten:"That's great! I'm supposed to be a new student there and that's where I was heading awhile ago."

(Y/N):"oh then why don't you follow us then we'll take you there!"

Frisk and Betty nodded in agreement and we started the walk back to the bullhead to take us back to beacon. Frisk Betty and kitten were taking in hushed whispers to each other before giggling every now and then but every time I asked them what they were talking about they would instantly stop talking as their cheeks grew red and would look away. We were almost to the bullhead when a giant hologram showed up on the side of almost every building which a man and a sign saying "breaking news" I stopped as the girls bumped into me before looking confused then looking to where I was looking.

Reporter:"A tragedy as struck atlas as it has been completely destroyed by two individuals who have yet to be identified yet."

It then showed a picture of two people one holding a sword that looked like a bone the other was wearing a red cloak and also holding a sword.

Reporters:"if you have any info about the whereabouts of these two people please contact local authority's immediately and stay as far away from these individuals. Now back to your local news."

The holograms went back to the normal news as the girls looked a bit scared from the images shown.

Kitten:"who has enough power to destroy an entire atlas base?"

(Y/N):"I don't know but we should probably stay away from them."

They nodded in agreement before we hopped onto the bullhead and headed back towards beacon.

(Timeskip brought to you by kitten... purring?)

We just walked into goodwitches class and noticed it was about to start so we parted ways as I went over to where craz and cray were sitting and as I sat down a girl sat down right next to me before smiling at me.

Kal:"Hey (Y/N) where have you been?"

I really need to start writing people's descriptions in my scarf.

(Y/N):"I'm sorry I have short term memory loss who are you?"

She just smiled at me.

Kal:"don't worry Craz already told me I'm kal."

I nodded before grabbing my scarf and quickly writing her name and description down. After I finished Glynda started the class.

Glynda:"Now you may be wondering why I have scheduled another class. We have two new students that have a planned initiation today so will ms. Kal and ms. Kitten please come down into the arena?"

Kal stood up and walked down into the arena while kitten was already down there. Once kal got down there she pulled out a rose while kitten pulled out a knife. I looked at kal confused until her rose slowly turned into a bow. Glynda started the fight as kal started launching arrows towards kitten who dodged them with ease. Kitten then ran towards her attempting to slash her with her knife only to end up tripping over a root that was sticking out of the ground. She looked around confused before the root suddenly wrapped around her ankle before throwing her to the other side of the arena. When she got up she looked towards kal who had her bow ready as she smiled and plants started to grow around her feet. Kitten seemed to be processing what was happening before she smiled and charged again this time more precisely. Vines and roots started trying to grab her as she ran but she kept slashing or jumping over them. Kal started firing arrows at her trying to distract her. Kitten seemed to finally had enough as she suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind kal before slashing her a few times lowering her aura into the red.

(Y/N):"man she's fast."

Craz looked over at me before shrugging.

Craz:"she's only as fast as your buddy's over there so fast in fact it seems like she's teleporting when in reality she's not."

I nodded at this before noticed that kitten was once again thrown across the arena by yet another plant. As kitten got ready to charge again the arena was suddenly filled with weird looking flowers as kitten looked around confused.

Kitten:"huh where'd everyone go?"

I looked over to kal to see her smirking before unleashing a volley of arrows towards kitten who didn't seem to know they were coming towards her. The arrows hit kitten as she looked around seemingly trying to find kal who was quite literally standing in front of her.

Kitten:"Where am I? SHOW YOURSELF!!"

Kitten seemed to be losing it as kal launched another volley of arrows completely taking out kittens aura. The flowers disappeared and kitten slowly got back up before looking around confused.

Kitten:"what kind of sorcery was that?"

Glynda announced kal the winner and both kitten and kal passed since they showed extreme skill and talent. As they walked out of the arena Glynda then announced a special fight.

Glynda:"would Pyrrha nikos please come down to the arena?"

The girl supposedly named Pyrrha went down into the arena while Glynda continued on.

Glynda:"would anyone like to challenge miss nikos?"

I looked around and didn't see anyone holding up their hands not even frisk or chara, probably because they were going to check their stats first. I was about to raise mine until Craz stood up.

Craz:"I'll do it."

He walked down as Glynda stared curiously at him. Once he got down there Pyrrha has just walked out of the side of the arena in her armor before looking at Craz worried.

Pyrrha:"I'm not trying to be rude but you don't look like your ready for a fight."

Craz chuckled as a sword appeared out of thin air and he grabbed it.

Craz:"never judge someone by their looks you should know that by now."

Glynda:"Let the match begin!"

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