Someone familier

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(Y/N) = Your Name
(L/N) = Last Name

((Y/N) POV)

Craz and pyrrha stood across from each other with their weapons ready and in their battle stances. I looked over at frisk and chara and saw that they had a confused expression as they looked at Craz. I knew they were checking them since that's what they usually like to do. I looked around the room and noticed that there was a girl with yellow hair sitting with a yellow flower in her lap as they watched the people down in the arena with interested expressions on their faces. I looked back towards the arena and waited for the battle to begin.

Glynda:"Let the match begin."

Pyrrha ran towards Craz throwing her shield at him while trying to strike him at the same time. He dodged the shield effortlessly and blocked her blade with his sword while not looking at her. She looked shocked before smirking as her shield came around behind him only for him to grab it and throw it at her head knocking her back and dazing her. Taking this new found opportunity and seemingly teleported to her and started to slash at her non stop until her aura reached the orange and she managed to block a slash making him grunt in frustration before starting to dodge her slashes and gunshots as she seemed more focused then before. He kept on dodging before he summoned more swords and sent them at her as she attempted to dodge but almost as if knowing what she was going to do the blades always hit her. Her aura slowly ran down before the blades disappeared leaving Craz standing there with his sword pointing towards her as it gleamed.

Craz:"Either you've gotten slower or I've gotten faster from our last fight because you couldn't land a single hit on me this time and that's kinda sad."

He chuckled before slashing her eliminating her from the match. As the people came out to grab her and bring her to the infirmary since she was knocked unconscious. As Craz returned to the stands I looked back at frisk and chara and saw that they had surprised expressions on their faces.

(Y/N):wonder what their surprised about.

(Frisk POV)
(Before the fight)

Me and chara were checking on pyrrha and Craz when something happened while we were checking.




The people's champion

Me and chara nodded expecting just as much from her but when we checked Craz that's when things got weird.




Doesn't like it when someone checks his stats

I looked at this new information since nobody should be able to avoid my check ability. I looked over at chara and saw her nod as she pulled up her special check ability.

Chara:"let's try this again shall we."




He tried to warn you

I felt a pair of eyes staring at me but when I turned to face them they were already gone. I shrugged off the feeling and went back to watching the fight. When Glynda announced to begin me and chara focused as the fight seemed to be going in slow motion due to us being able to fight at higher speeds then what they are. The only thing weird was that pyrrha moved slowly but Craz seemingly kept disappearing and reappearing everywhere faster then we could keep up with. As he started to slash at pyrrha we tried to use the check ability again but the check buttons wouldn't work anymore. We stared wide eyed at what was happing as the fight finally finished. I knew he was (Y/N)'s teammate but something just didn't seem right.

((Y/N) POV)

We were dismissed except for Cardins team and the girl with the flower. As we were walking to the cafeteria Ruby was talking something about going out and investigating something. I didn't disagree with the idea so I lazed around while they were discussing the details among each other. Once it seemed that they finished up I started to pay attention again as ruby started to go over partners with everyone.

Ruby:"So to recap me and Weiss will go check the schnee records for the dust robberies. Yang and Neptune are going to meet someone she knows and blake and sun are going to a meeting to see what's going on there. Everyone understand?"

(I don't I haven't watched rwby in so long that I can't remember scenes so please don't judge if I mess one up plus a lot of the scenes will be different due to the plot which will be explained later.)

While everyone was nodding and agreeing I raised my hand catching everyone by surprise.


I yawned and stretched as I stood up.

(Y/N):"I've been here the whole time I just didn't really pay attention until now."

They gave me a confused stares before sighing. Ruby tapped her chin in thought before coming up with an idea.

Ruby:"Why don't you chose someone to go with you around town to see if you can find out anything?"

I shrugged.

(Y/N):"Alright let me go find someone real fast."

They nodded and went back to discussing their details as I went down the hallway to fells room since I haven't seen her in awhile. Upon reaching her room I could hear arguing through the door and when I put my ear to it I could hear fell screaming as she tried to cuss but always failed as fresh cancelled them out. I chuckled at their behavior and knocked on the door. After a couple of moment the door opened to reveal fell and fresh looking out as they gave a smile seeing it was me.

Fell:"Hey (Y/N) what brings you by?"

(Y/N):"Well team rwby was starting an investigation and they wanted me to go around vale seeing if I could find something to help them with."

Fell:"oh and who are you going to take?"

I scratched the back of my head and laughed nervously.

(Y/N):"Uh I was going to take you if you don't mind?"

Her eyes practically turned into stars as she tried to maintain her composer before quickly nodding her head.

Fell:"Alright just give me a moment ok?"

I nodded as she shut the door and a squeal of excitement could be heard through the door as I chuckled again. After a few moments she walked out again in her normal outfit.

Fell:"Alright I'm ready to go!"

I nodded and walked back over to team rwby's dorm and told them who I was bringing with me. After finalizing the plans we all went to the bullhead and went down to vale to begin our search.

(One long Timeskip later)

After reaching vale me and fell went out separate ways from team rwby, the blond haired guy and the blue hydrophobic Poseidon rip-off guy. We walked around vale enjoying the view and the shops around the place.

(Y/N):I feel like I've been here before.

I then realized that I had no idea why I was here in the first place. I looked over at fell and noticed that she was looking around in amazement while her hand slowly reached for mine.

(Y/N):Must be so she doesn't get lost.

I grabbed her hand as she quickly looked at me with her face quickly turning red. God I hate fevers. After she seemed to calm down I decided to ask her my question.

(Y/N):"Hey what are we doing here again?"

She just looked at me with a blank stare before it seemed an idea came to her.

Fell:"Were on a date remember?"

I looked at her confused.

(Y/N):"We are?"

Fell:"Yes you asked me to one when you came to my dorm remember?"

I would believe her but the problem was I had no idea on what a date was.

(Y/N):"Um what's a date?"

She sighed and looked as if she was about to explain until I got a call in my scroll from ruby. I answered it as fell tried to gesture for me not to.


Ruby:"Oh hey I was wondering how your part of investigating was going."

(Y/N):"wait we're investigating?"

A long sigh could be heard through the scroll.

Ruby:"Yes (Y/N) we're investigating on the white fang. Ask fell she should be able to tell you."

I slowly looked over at fell as my eyes were covered in a shadow.

(Y/N):"Fell said we were going on a date."


I ended the call as I stared at fell. She started to get uncomfortable and rubbed her arm and was about to say something until I started chuckling.

(Y/N):"That was a pretty good cover up if I do say so."

Fell looked confused before shyly looking away.

Fell:"Yeah... that definitely what I did...."

I chuckled and rubbed her head making her pout before smiling.

(Y/N):"Alright lets get back to investigating!"

She nodded as we continued to walk around eventually coming across a dock. We looked around the it and noticed a bunch of schnee dust cargo containers. We walked through inspecting them until we heard a voice coming from the other side of a container.


Me and fell looked at each other before nodding and walking around to the other side to get a better view. We saw a man in a white trench coat with a hat and a cane yelling at the faunas.


The faunas started to work twice as fast seemingly scared of him. I looked around again and noticed blake and a blond haired guy watching the whole thing. Before I could ask fell about it blake jumped down and grabbed the trench coat guy while holding her blade up to him. The rest of the faunas held their weapons ready to fight her until she pulled off her bow to reveal a pair of.... cute little..... cat ears.

Blake:"Brothers and sisters of the white fang why do you help this villain?"

The guy chuckled.

???:"Didn't you hear kitty me and the gang are on a bit of a business deal right now along with someone new."

I heard a familiar laughter as my eyes widened seeing someone approach behind blake as I quickly blasted him scaring everyone. He hit a fire dust container making some red dust fly around. They slowly stood up and my suspicion was confirmed as they looked at me with red dust still surrounding him a little bit.

???:"Well well we'll look who finally decided to show up."

I gave him a glare as I readied another blaster and my brush.

(Y/N):"It seems I have but be warned I would let you get away like last time.... dust."

He came out of the shadows and revealed himself.

Dust:"indeed so let THE MADNESS BEGIN!"

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