The madness is just beginning

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(Y/N) = Your Name
(L/N) = Last Name

(3rd person POV)

We stood there staring each other down before (Y/N) started chuckling which turned into laughter as dust stared at him confused.

Dust:"What's so funny?"

(Y/N) wiped a tear out of his eye before standing back up straight.

(Y/N):"It's just that you usually ask if I'm ready to have a mad time and what you just said sounded like a jester I know far to well."

Dust just stared at me blankly before sighing in annoyance as he readied a blaster behind him while fell readied herself for the fight.

(Y/N):"Oh no here we go again."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Fell decided to rush him trying to blast him only for dust to simply dodge it and use his telekinesis to throw her back towards (Y/N) as he caught her with his own telekinesis. He sighed looking at dust as he tried to blast him only for dust to dodge it and retaliate by sending a wave of bones back. (Y/N)quickly threw fell upwards while he started going side to side dodging the bones before he summoned a blaster and blasted the rest out of the way while dust stood there with a amused look on his face.

Dust:"it's still impressive that you can dodge my attacks with such ease, but I've got a few new tricks I want to try out."

Before he could question what he meant a circle of bones came out of the ground surrounding us while being covered by a bone roof. (Y/N) looked at dust confused only to see him chuckling to himself.

Dust:"now that we've evened the odds let's have a bit of fun shall we."

(Y/N) looked through the gaps in the bones and noticed fell trying her best to get in but she got distracted by a bunch of people in white masks showing up and starting to fight her. He looked back at dust and readied himself since he liked to try and finish things quickly. He smiled and launched a wave of bones at (Y/N) as he tried to dodge but found it hard due to the wall of bones behind him, though he still managed to dodge. (Y/N) quickly retaliated and blasted him with a couple of blasters but after He stopped firing he was just standing there unscathed as a energy field seemed to have absorbed the attack making him chuckle.

Dust:I love this thing this world calls an aura. It makes me far more powerful then before.

He grinned sinisterly and launched another wave of bones and blasters making it harder for me to dodge. (Y/N) knew he would need help otherwise he would lose pretty quickly. He thought about who could help him but realized that nobody could get through the wall of bones surrounding him. As he thought he kept sending bones and blasters after dust, who's aura was literally taking all the hits while he didn't seem to care. (Y/N) knew he didn't have much time before dust got bored and killed him off quickly. He looked around the encaged area trying to see a weakness or escape, but as he saw non he sighed in frustration and accidentally opened up a random portal not noticing someone stepping through before it closed. Dust didn't seem to see this either as he was to focused on (Y/N) to pay attention to anything else. Dust launched another wave of bones towards him as he dodged them once more before he collapsed on his knees exhausted. Dust began to laugh seeing him like this.

Dust:what done already? What a shame and I was just starting to have fun.

He readied a blaster having it pointed straight at (Y/N).

Dust:any last words?

(Y/N) sighed and braced himself for the blast while dust just smiled and fired at him.

... but he laid there just fine. Dust looked confused before he blasted him again just for the same results to happen. (Y/N) looked up and noticed he was still alive and stood up rubbing his head. Dust sighed in annoyance and blasted him once again but this time they figure out why he wasn't dying. Standing there in front of (Y/N) was a man in a jester outfit spinning his scythe fast enough to block the blast and once the attack was over he started jumping and clapping his hands.


(Y/N) looked at Jevil confused but decided to ask questions later as dust was still there. He looked at Jevil and chuckled.

(Y/N):hey Jevil hows it going?

Jevil looked back at him and laughed.


(Y/N) nodded and pointed at dust.

(Y/N):he really wants to have a fun time.

Jevil looked at dust and his smile grew even more as he twirled his devilsknife around.


(Y/N) smirked as he looked at dust.

(Y/N):told ya so.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As (Y/N) and Jevil got ready dust just looked at us both and chuckled.

Dust:that's a really nice jester you made there but your both just clowns that need to be taken care of.

He launched a wave of bones at us while Jevil laughed.


He used his devilsknife and cut through the bones making them disappear. Dust looked annoyed and summoned a blaster while looking cockily at Jevil.

Dust:oh really? Then can you do this?

He blasted Jevil but (Y/N) blocked it with a blaster and Jevil stood there smiling as he nodded. A bunch of spades, diamonds, clubs, and hearts showed up before the made what looked like an exact replica of a blaster and pointed it at dust. He laughed and had it open it's mouth as it blasted a beam of spades and diamonds at dust. He didn't dodge it thinking it wouldn't do anything but it did the exact opposite as it knocked him back making his aura falter. He stood back up and glared at the two with pure hatred.

Dust:Alright I guess I'll have to stop going easy on you from now on.

His eyes glowed as he prepared for an attack. (Y/N) readied himself while Jevil just laughed and twirled his scythe around. After dust finished preparing he launched a huge wave of bones much stronger then the time before. (Y/N) blocked most of them with his own bones but he got his by a couple almost draining his aura all the way, Jevil on the other hand was having a blast, literally, he kept summoning his makeshift blasters and blasted the bones away before they could hit him. (Y/N) finally had enough of it and summoned a bunch of blue bones around dust while also setting up a platform above him as his eyes were completely black.

(Y/N):my turn.

He started summoning bones and sent them through the walls in complex patterns as dust easily dodged them. (Y/N) growled as he summoned some blasters at the side and began blasting the small space he was in but dust just summoned some bones to block the blasts as he smirked.

Dust:is that all you've got?

He growled once more and was about to launch another attack until Jevil pushed him out of the way and smiled.

Jevil:MY TURN!

He quickly summoned some spades and launched them at dust who was quick to see them and dodge only to be hit by some diamonds from behind. He growled as he stood up but he was now face to face with four devilsknifes as they started to spin and quickly went out before coming back in in a circling motion. Dust started having a hard time trying to dodge them as they moved quickly and it was hard to tell where they were coming from. As he thought he would get hit by one it disappeared and he went to let out a sigh of relief whenever the jester himself appeared in the area with him.


Dust looked at him confused before quickly jumping out of the way as Jevil started trying to slash him with his own devilsknife. He kept having to dodge as Jevil kept closing the distance making it harder for him to attack since most of his attacks needed to be done at a distance. Just when he thought it couldn't get any harder Jevils smile widened as boxes started to appear in the air and fall down before exploding into circle of spades making it much more difficult for him to dodge as they appeared everywhere. As he was too distracted his bone walls surrounding all of them disappeared allowing everyone else to see what was happening. (Y/N) took this opportunity and went to help fell who was now being assisted my team rwby and a girl with orange hair and green eyes who kept launching swords at people. Jevil continued his assault on dust before dust sighed in annoyance and quickly dodged out of the way before blasting him making Jevil fly back and land in some rubble.

Dust:that's what you get you out of date clown.

He went to look away and help out the people in white masks but a slight shift in the debris quickly caught his attention. A hand popped out of the debris followed by a spring attached head which belonged to Jevil as he smiled sinisterly.


He continued to smile and laugh as his body reattached itself and he summoned another devilsknife. Dust sighed in frustration before quickly summoning a blaster and trying to blast him again. Jevil was ready this time as he quickly spun his weapon around and blocked the blast with how fast he spun it. After dust stopped blasting him Jevil immediately summoned a wave of diamonds and sent the flying towards dust as he teleported behind him. Dust quickly blocked most of them but a few hit him causing his aura to falter even more before suddenly get hit from behind as Jevil still had his smile. Dust went to turn around but he got hit again and flew to the other side of the area into some cargo containers as the last of his aura was drained leaving him defenseless. Jevil slowly approached him with his blade ready to strike him as he tilted his head curiously.


Dust looked at him curiously wondering what he was talking about.

Dust:what do you mean book?

Jevil laughed as he twirled his scythe.


Dust looked even more confused not understanding what he was talking about. He was about to ask another question before Jevil quickly pointed the scythe at him.


He stopped and his scythe disappeared. He looked down slowly as he saw a sword impaled through him and chuckled slightly. He looked at dust and waved slightly as his body falter and shook.

Jevil:w-well I guess t-that's today's s-show! B-bye BYE!

He chuckled one last time before he faded and a little soul appeared, it didn't look like a regular monster soul but it gave off the energy a soul would have. It shook slightly before it broke in half and shattered into pieces and disappeared. Dust looked confused at what happened and slightly frightened before he noticed a cloak figure walking towards him with the same sword that killed Jevil. The figure stopped in front of him and pointed his sword at him before shaking his head.

Craz:what a pathetic excuse for a monster.

Not waiting a moment more he stabbed dust and leaned down towards his ear as he smirked.

Craz:say hi to your brother for me.

Dusts body shook a few times before turning into dust as his soul shook some more before breaking in half as well and broke into pieces as they disappeared. Craz smiled insanely and stood up before walking towards his sister.

Craz:one down two to go then we're home free.

She nodded and walked away with him. Meanwhile (Y/N) and fell were currently back to back as they blasted the people in white masks who they found out were called the white fang. They were hard to deal with but they were annoying as there were a bunch of them. Team rwby was currently handling a group of white fang members as they were also trying to get a guy named roman torchwick though they were succeeding. The girl named penny was handling herself well and even managed to blast a bullhead out of the sky which was pretty cool to watch. She was about to attack the rest of the white fang members but her eyes caught two cloaked figures and she quickly gave chase as they became number one priority for some reason. As she chased them one of them turned around and held his finger to his lips as his eyes glowed red.



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After blasting the ship penny went over and started to help with the rest of the white fang members as she easily took out dozens of them. Roman sighed in frustration before quickly hopping on a bullhead and waving at them before the bullhead took off and flew away. (Y/N) sighed in relief along with fell before he looked around curiously.

(Y/N):uh has anyone seen a insane jester along with a broken skeleton? Mentally I mean.

He looked around seeing everyone look at him confused before he noticed the dust blowing around him and his eyes widened along with fell as she saw as well. They quickly went to investigate but there was nothing left at the scene as all the dust was already gone and Jevil was nowhere in sight. (Y/N) sighed as he looked around one last time before looking at fell.

(Y/N):I think something terrible is brewing don't you?

She nodded.

Fell:I think we should warn the others.

(Y/N) shook his head as he watched the team reunite and look happy again even in the face of defeat.

(Y/N):no lets let them have their fun besides I might just be thinking to hard about this.

She sighed and nodded as well before turning and walking back towards the group as she put a smile on her face. He looked back once more and sighed to himself before following her as well not noticing the pair of red eyes staring at him from a distance.

(ALRIGHT I KNOW THIS IS TREMENDOUSLY OVERDUE BUT I HAVE A REASON! AND ITS...... actually I have nothing I'm just lazy XD BUT Thanks to OneDollar123  he reminded me to start writing again and that's why I wrote this book. So go follow him and say thanks if you want.)

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