The calm before the storm

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(Y/N) = Your Name
(L/N) = Last Name

((Y/N) POV)

I didn't know why, but I couldn't shake this feeling I was being watched. No matter what I did I just couldn't get rid of it. It seemed to follow me everywhere I go, but every time I looked I saw nobody. I knew it wasn't from another au since I would've felt some type of portal open to get here.

It was definitely in this universe, I just can't figure out who or what it is, but I knew it was there and I'm sure everyone else felt it as well.


What was I talking about?

Oh well.

After the events from yesterday we returned to our dorms and called it a night. Morning came quicker then we thought though as we eventually were back in the cafeteria once again. Ruby walked in and dropped a big book on the table scaring me and some of the other from how sudden it had happened.

Ruby: Sisters... friends... Weiss.

Weiss quickly turned her head towards ruby with an annoyed look on her face.

Weiss: Hey!

Ruby ignored her and continued her speech.

Ruby: Four score and seven minutes ago, I had a dream.

Yang chuckled slightly as she looked over while catching a grape in her mouth from Nora.

Yang:this ought to be good.

Ruby: A dream that one day, the four of us will come together, as a team, and have the most fun anyone has ever had... ever!

Weiss has examined the binder and looked even more annoyed, and slightly impressed by how much was in it.

Weiss:did you steal my binder?

Ruby turned to her while making peace signs in her hands.

Ruby:I am not a crook!

Blake looked over, not out of curiosity.

Blake:what are you getting at?

I nodded in agreement with Blake as I looked at ruby.

(Y/N):yeah I agree, what are you getting at?

Ruby: I'm talking about kicking off the semester with a bang!

She looked at Blake with her finger pointing towards her and a grin on her face. Yang decided to take this as an advantage to make a joke.

Yang: I always kick my semesters off with a Yang! Eh? Guys? Am I right?

I chuckled slightly while the other sans were debating on laughing and the papys were on the verge of yelling at her. Yang smiled at me before an apple was chunked at her head from nora.


I looked over at zeira, who decided to sit next to me, and motioned over to the blond haired girl.

(Y/N):who's that again?

Zeira sighed before shaking her head.

Zeira:you don't need to know who she is.

I looked at her puzzled, but I didn't question it as to not get on her bad side. I turned my attention back to ruby as she continued her speech.

Ruby: Look guys, it's been a good two weeks and between more exchange students arriving and the tournament at the end of the year, our second semester is going to be great! But, classes start back up tomorrow! Which is why I've taken the time to schedule a series of wonderful events for us today.

Weiss looked a bit confused at what was going on.

Weiss:I don't know whether to be proud or scared of what you have in store.

In the background, yang picked up the apple and threw it a Nora, who dodged letting it hit someone in the background while Nora just giggled.

Blake:I don't know. I think I might sit this one out.

Weiss looked at Blake before rolling her eyes and looking back at ruby.

Weiss:Sit out or not, I think that however we spend this last day, we should do it as a team!

Nora seemed to be in thought before she smiled and stood up.


Weiss seemed to not hear her as she continued talking.

Weiss: I for one think that-

She was interrupted by a pie hitting her in the face. Nora quickly sat down as to try and not have attention drawn to her while she pointed at ren trying to put the blame on him.

Weiss looked annoyed as she stood up, and well.... one thing led to another and eventually we found ourselves in the middle of a battlefield as melon barrages we're coming down on us. The sans quickly dispersed and hovered above the battle field on blasters. The papys armed themselves with baguettes along with chara, Betty, and frisk. I hide under a pile of floating sausages that I used to defend myself with against the onslaught of melons. Eventually the barrage stopped and I lowered my sausage shield and looked at the rushed fortress of tables seeing team JNPR standing on top with Nora dancing excitedly.

Nora: I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!

Ruby stood on the opposite end of the room with her finger pointed towards Nora and a confident grin on her face.

Ruby: Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful!

Ruby crushes a carton of milk in her hand.

Ruby:It will be delicious!

The rest of her team appeared behind her and raised their fists in the air.


I chuckled at the show in front of me while preparing for a battle to unfold.


Nora jumped off her platform and the food fight commenced. Ruby was quick to act as she started to shout orders.

Ruby: Yang! Turkey!

Yang rolls over to the turkeys and sticks her fists inside them, proceeding to block and punch the melons as they speed toward her. As I was watching I noticed the papys smiling playfully at me as they prepared their baguettes and got into a fighting stance.

Papie:surrender now or be forced to witness our glory in its finest!!

Blue nodded her head in agreement as she struck a cute pose. I chuckled as I prepared myself and gestures for them to approach.

(Y/N):bring it!

The two quickly advanced trying to take me by surprise but I quickly grabbed a sausage and fought them back, surprisingly considering it was bread vs floppy meat(NOT THAT KIND!!)
I was doing pretty well until they decided to take me on from the front and back. I quickly switched tactics and used one of the levitating sausages to defend me from behind while I defended my front. The only real problem I had was the fact that they were more athletic and stronger then me, but I was still faster and better at dodging then them.

After a bit of fighting papie made her first mistake as she accidentally swung her 'sword' in the wrong direction, which gave me the perfect opportunity to strike. I quickly swung the sausage and disarmed her before I gently hit her head with it as to not hurt her. After being hit she quickly, and over exaggeratedly, dropped to the floor.


She laid on the ground and pretended to be dead while blue just looked confused by it. I shrugged and quickly hit her with the sausage while she was distracted. She fell to the ground in the exact same manner as papie but she didn't speak after she was on the ground. I was about to walk away before I noticed Frisk and Betty having an all out war as they fought with their 'swords'. I looked around trying to find chara before I felt her presence behind me. I quickly dodged to the said as she swung where I once stood. She giggled as she faced me with a smile on her face.

Chara:so close yet so far~

I chuckled slightly as I prepared myself once again while also preparing some sausage links I found awhile ago. Chara dashed towards me and started an onslaught of slashes. I dodged them trying to find an opening to strike. I noticed the sausage links and quickly had an idea. I kept dodging and having her approach the links on the ground, once she was in position I quickly had it wrap around her leg making her stop and stare at it confused.

Chara:what are planning on doing with that?

I chuckled and shrugged.

(Y/N):hopefully something epic.

Before she could question it The links shot up, dragging her up in the process. It then quickly started to swing around before chunking her into the wall on the other side of the room. After hitting the wall she fell on the ground on her feet and smiled as she prepared herself.

Chara:gonna have to do better then that sweetie~

I smirked as the link surrounded me and quickly shot towards her before wrapping around her and dragging her towards me.


(Whoever does not get this is a noob and will never be successful XD I kid I kid, maybe)

As soon as she was in range I kneed her causing her to fly up into the air. The other sans seemed to have gotten the idea as they prepared their blasters and shot beams of spaghetti at her. Defeated, she fell towards the ground and landed on the pile of spaghetti underneath her. I chuckled at the sight before going over to check on her. As I approached she pretended to be dead as she laid there with her eyes closed, I smiled and brushed some of the loose strands of hair and noodles off her face before giving her a kiss on the forehead trying to play along.

(Y/N):you fought well but it's a shame that even you could not stand up to me.

I walked off to see how the others were doing, not noticing the blush forming on charas nor the look on her face. I looked around at the battle unfolding before me while also taking notice of all the trident shaped food and scythe shaped food, reaper and Zeira for sure. I chuckled slightly before I sat on the ground and watch the rest of the fight.

After some fighting, Nora knocks Weiss into a pillar. The impact knocks her out and Ruby holds her in her arms as the pillar collapses around them.

Ruby: Weiss, Weiss! Don't leave me! Nooo!

The remaining members of team RWBY gather together and launch an assault on team jnpr, but now they were using soda gernades and rockets. After a bit longer of the epic fighting, and yang getting chucked out of the ceiling, that went on team jnpr was defeated and slammed into a wall covered in soda.

???:I love these guys.

I turned and looked at the door to see a blond haired guy and a blue haired guy completely covered in soda. After he said that The doors behind them open and Glynda enters the room growling. She proceeds to use telekinesis to re-organize the room.

Glynda: Children, please. Do not play with your food!

Nora burps aloud as both Teams JNPR and RWBY try and fail to compose themselves. A screaming Yang then crashes from the ceiling into one of the tables. I quickly stood up along with the papys and chara as we tried to compose ourselves. Glynda grumbles. Ozpin approaches and places a hand on her shoulder.

Ozpin: Let it go.

Glynda sighed as she looked a bit disappointed.

Glynda: They're supposed to be the defenders of the world.

Ozpin smiled and nodded before he motioned to everyone.

Ozpin: And they will be, but right now they're still children.

He pointed over at Everyone laughing at each other for what happened, while the sans's were floating around with spaghetti draped over each of them.

Ozpin: So why not let them play the part?

He smiled once more before taking his hand off glyndas shoulder and started to walk away.

Ozpin: After all, it isn't a role they'll have forever.

Glynda looked back at the hunters in training and sighed but smiled slightly seeing them enjoy their free time, before the storm comes.


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