Chapter 15-Fatal Blow

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Hey everyone! I am kind of loosing ideas for this story so updates might not come as steadily as the used to be.

I was laying in bed once again staring at the blank ceiling. Every night I dwelled on the fact that I was in a foster home. It was still so new to me that I had no parents. It honestly didn't feel any different since the absence of my father at home was often. It felt wrong that it didn't feel different. Both my roommates were fast asleep. I decided to sneak out and patrol for a while.

I got out of bed and tiptoed out of the room. The floor was very creaky so it was difficult to not make a sound. Once I made it out the door I sprinted down the hall with Plagg in my shirt. Once I ran past the main doors, I transformed letting the black magic orbs consume my body. I almost flew through the black night. I didn't see Marinette out either which had me slightly concerned. Akumas have stopped since my father was imprisoned so she didn't have to patrol. As I leaped from house to house, I thought about the past month.

The bullying I was facing at school was brutal. Everyone laughed at my face. How was being abused a laughing matter? How was losing everything funny? I didn't understand. Marinette was bullied like I was thankfully. Alya and Nino have been more comfortable with me lately so that is a pro. Every time I had to do a presentation or just sitting down, people threw stuff at my head, teasing me asking if it hurt my delicate skull. I wanted to rush out f the class room or turn into Chat Noir and show them who has the bigger hand. I just kept quiet and ignored them to the best of my abilities.

These past few days, I have been dressing differently. I wore a hoodie and sweatpants in usually a dark color like gray and black. I sat in the far back corner instead if the front. I didn't smile as much either. Marinette still was the same. Beautiful, cheerful, not much has changed. I didn't really let anyone sit next to me, except Marinette when we had our class together. I knew she was concerned for me but I always told her I was fine.

I stared out to the beautiful city that is Paris. The streets light were gorgeous as the lined the paved ways. I could see almost everything with my cat vision. My ears twitched as I heard a scream. It was coming south east of me. I ran in that direction as I pulled out my staff and called Ladybug. She picked up on third ring.

"LB where are you?" I asked.

"At the scene of the crime."

"An akuma?"

"No actually. I am not sure what it is but I believe it is a bank robbery. Come as soon as you can, Chat." She ended the call. She sounded like she needed a lot of help.

I sprinted across the rooftops over to the location of the scream. Once I got there, I saw a blazing fire. The fire fighters weren't here yet, but I heard a siren a few blocks down. I scanned quickly for the female heroine. I saw her face to far with a man gripping on to a head gun. People were yelling and screaming from the burning building. Ladybug or citizens? Ladybug or citizens? LADYBUG OR CITIZENS?! I chose ladybug.

I sneaked up behind the robber and punched him in the head. He collapsed to the concrete. Ladybug and I rushed to help pedestrians from the house. It was going to collapse and fast. I helped the last person out and heard a gun shot. I saw a bright red blur in front of me. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" I yelled for my cataclysm. I rushed up to the man. He attempted to shoot me but I blocked it with my right hand. The bullet disintegrated as I punched the man in the head. He was all ready passed out but my rage took my body over. I continued my rampage until I felt nothing. Tears were streaming down my face. I grabbed the man's body and weapon and hid them to deal with it later.

I crawled over to ladybug. She was bleeding profusely. I picked her up and rushed her to the hospital.
Before I brought her in a let her detransform, turning her back into her civilian self. Her white shirt was stained with blood. Tikki flew into her bag, and I brought her in. The nurses and doctors rushed for to the emergency room. I took her bag and brought it back to the foster home. Everyone was still asleep and haven't noticed that we were missing. I recharged and head out into the night once more.

I had to take care of that man. I raced to place where I hid him. The authorities where fighting the burning flames. I had to be careful. I grabbed the tall man that I punched and the gun then ran to top of the roof. If they asked what I was doing, I would say that I rescued a civilian.

I ran to the edge of the city. I stopped and checked the man's pulse. It wasn't there. I checked his neck, his palm, his chest, nothing. I just killed someone. I was terrified. I was scared of me and what other people would think of me. No. No one can find out. I fled the capital. I found a good empty plain and buried him there along with his gun. No one was around for miles. I looked at his face. It was bloody and broken. I was going to remember it for the rest of my life. I finished shoveling the last bit of dirt onto the body. I left and ran away as soon as possible.

I came back to the hospital that Mari was in as Adrien. She got shot in the stomach. It was pretty bad. She lost a lot of blood. They took the bullet out and stitches her wound right up. She would have to stay in the hospital for about a month, and I planned on visiting her every single day. I wasn't about to let another one of my loved ones leave me again.

A/N: This is a tad shorter than I wanted it to be but oh well. I decided not to put in a sad ending because Mari should live! Thanks for the 200 votes!!! Also Owlkeys finally got 100 followers!!! So let's make it 200 😜. Although all you are awesome and most of you already following her. I know this for a fact cause I went through a lot of my followers and saw they are follower you owl. 😂😂 don't you just love friendship?
Remember live, love, learn!!!
Signing off, ~Epic❤️

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