Chapter 16-Guilt and Assurance

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When I came back to the foster home, realization hit me hard. I just killed another human being. Marinette would so disappointed, along with my mother and father. I looked at my hands and began to shake. I was a murder. I strayed heavily sweating and hyperventilating. My vision was blurry, and I was feeling really dizzy. What's happening to me?! The room was shrinking in on me even my limbs looked smaller. My thought were fast paced rushing through me like a race car. I knelt on the ground holding my head. I should have been paying attention. Marinette was in the hospital all because of me. This shouldn't have happened. I shouldn't have killed him. I screamed. I heard people running up to me. There voices were fuzzy. I had no clue what anyone was saying. Everything was splitting in two, changing colors. I screamed again and passed out.

I saw a face. It was my mother. There were other people in the room. My father and Marinette were there, too. I ran up to my mother in tears. "Mom!" She let out a blood curdling scream. There was someone behind her holding a gun. She collapsed to the ground then dissipated into the air. Leaving sparkles that filled the air. I ran to my Dad next but then I heard sirens in the distance. Police came and arrested him. They rushed off. That left Marinette. The robber was already about to hit the trigger. I sprinted as fast as I could to protect her. I stood in front of her. I heard the shot that was fired. I didn't feel any pain. I looked behind me, and there she was. Marinette lying on the ground. Her body didn't dissolve like my mom's did but I was sure she died. I cradled her bloody body in my arms sobbing for all my losses. I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. I didn't turn my head to see the face of the murderer.

"This is all your fault Adrien. You could of prevented all of this, but you didn't. They are all gone because of you." I started shaking violently. He was right. They were all dead because of me.

I jolted awake. I took a look around me. I was in a hospital room. I had an oxygen mask on, too. What happened? I was praying that Marinette was okay. Someone walked through the door.

"Hello, Adrien?" He said.

"What happened sir?" I asked. It sounded muffled in my ears. He walked closer to me and removed the mask from my face. "What happened?" I repeated.

"You have experienced a very serious panic attack, Mr. Agreste. Have you had them in the past?"

"I don't believe so sir." I said shaking me head.

"Alright." He checked something off on his clipboard. "Well, son, you're free to go. If you have another panic attack, please inform someone." I nodded in agreement. I got out of the cot and put on my regular clothes which consist if my hoody and sweatpants. It was late at night judging by how dark it was outside.

I knew that his was the same hospital that Mari was in so I wandered around to her room. I looked at her beautiful face. She hasn't woken up yet but hopefully she would in the morning. I whispered to her sweetly. "I'm so sorry princess." I held her cold hand. "I'm so so so sorry. This was all my fault. If I would have just moved then you would have never gotten hurt. No one would have gotten hurt. It all my fault that everyone is gone." Tears started to run down my cheeks. "It's my fault that my mom is gone. It's my fault that my dad is gone. It's my fault that you were almost gone. I'm so so sorry. Who else am I going to hurt? I can't bear to loose anyone else." I wiped my tears but to no avail did they go away. "You don't deserve someone like me. You deserve someone so much stronger than me. But no matter what, I will always love you." And with that I pressed my lips to hers. They were slightly chapped but still soft. I pulled away and smiled at my sleeping princess. I feel asleep at her bed side refusing to leave her side.

I woke up to a lot of commotion. Nurses were rolling around their creaking carts, children crying, orders being yelled. I never notice how busy hospitals were before. Marinette was still sleeping peacefully. I had to go to school, but I didn't want to go at all. School for right now was my job, besides saving Paris.

I was about to leave but something stopped me. Marinette's hand was still gripping onto mine. I turned toward her and there she was with a bright smile. I covered my mouth with me hand and gasped. "Marinette?"

"Hey Kitty." Her voice was airy but still as wonderful as before.

I went to sit next to her again. "Why princess? Why did you have to do that?"

"You have saved me countless of times. I wanted to repay the favor." She smiled once more.

"You could have lost your life! I can't live without you." I admitted my voice getting softer and softer with every word.

"But here I am Adrien. I'm alive, and I plan to stay this way for a long, long time." I smiled at her response and pecked her on the lips.

"Thank you so much Mari. I have to go to school but I will come back straight after. Do you want your purse back? Or should I take care of Tikki for you?" I asked halfway through the door.

"Take care over her for me, but bring her whenever you visit. She needs cookies for energy. Oh, and don't worry about me. I'll be fine." I saw her grin one last time before I headed out the door.

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