Chapter 20 Month 1 Keanna's View

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                              Uh Oh
 Same Day, September 28th Monday

I turned around to see Scrourge. I gasped and backed up. He pinned me to the wall. He gagged me so I couldn't talk or shout for help. "Mmmm! Mmmm!" I tried to shout for help, but to no avail. He put one of his hands on my cheek.

"Such a beautiful little girl... I heard that you're actually fifteen... That's perfect..." Scrourge said. I shook in fear.  Scrourge looked at me wickedly. He bit my neck.

"Mmm!" I shouted in pain. Nobody could hear it besides Scrourge.

"There. I marked you. You're now Mine!" Scrourge exclaimed. "Now I want you as my girlfriend!" I shook in fear. I was terrified. "Get on the bed!" He shouted. "GET ON THE BED!!!!" He shoved me to the ground. Terrified, I obeyed. I sat on the bed against the wall. I went to take the gag out but he bit my hand.

"Mmm!" I shouted in pain as it started to bleed.

"Keanna! What's taking you so long? Are you ok?" I heard Sonic call from downstairs. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Scrourge took a knife out of his pocket and held it to my throat. "Keanna are you-?!" Sonic paused when he saw Scrourge. "Don't hurt her!" Sonic shouted.

"It's Too Late for that..." Scrourge said. Sonic than noticed my bleeding hand and the bite mark on my neck.

"How dare you bite her hand! And Don't You Dare mark her Ever Again!!! She's Mine! Not Yours!" Sonic shouted. Scrourge held the knife even closer to my throat and I felt like screaming. I was so terrified.

"Keanna... Would you like to say something..?" Scrourge asked. He took out the gag.

"SONIC PLEASE HELP!!!" I shouted. "I'M SCARED!!"

"Shh.... It's going to be ok... I won't let him hurt you anymore..." Sonic said softly. A tear rolled down my cheek. "Don't worry... This'll all be over soon..." I smiled a bit. My eyes were glossy.

              Sonic's Point Of View

Poor girl... I thought. She must be terrified... She looked at me. There was so much fear in her eyes, so much need for comfort. "What do you want from her?!" I asked.

"I want revenge on you..." Scrourge replied. Keanna didn't seem to like this idea. She was shaking in fear, but I could tell she was trying to control it. Suddenly I felt something grab me. It was robots. "Don't resist or she dies..." Scrourge said. I didn't resist. They tied me to a chair. I watched Scrourge wickedly smirk at Keanna. Keanna's breathing started to get very heavy. Than I realized something. She was having a panic attack.

"She's having a panic attack!" I shouted. Scrourge just shrugged. "Keanna, breathe in and out slowly, ok? Breathe in... Breathe out... Breathe in... Breathe out..." Her breathing slowed. "There..." I said. "Now stay calm, ok..?" She nodded.
Scrourge gave the knife to a robot and went on the bed.

(Warning! This part is NOT for little kids!)

He pinned her to the bed. Tears silently rolled down her cheeks. He grabbed a knife and cut her. She screamed in pain. He was going really deep.

"Stop it!" I shouted. "You're hurting her!" He just went deeper and gagged her. He got a robot to tie her arms around his neck so she couldn't try to escape. I couldn't take it anymore. I started turning Dark. "LEAVE HER ALONE!!!!" I shouted. My fur turned dark blue and I broke free. I untied the rope and grabbed Scrourge and threw him to a wall. I grabbed him by the throat. Thank goodness I didn't let him finish what he was doing. I started to choke him. Keanna watched, too terrified to speak. She didn't move.

"S-S-Sonic..." Keanna stuttered. I looked at her and she gasped in fear. I glanced in a mirror and saw that my eyes were completely white. I noticed I was choking Scrourge. I threw him to the ground and started to turn normal.

"Get out." I demanded. He didn't budge. "I said get out!!" Scrourge and the robots ran. I glanced over at Keanna. I turned completely normal. She didn't move or get off the bed yet. She was too terrified. I walked towards her and she pushed herself towards the wall, like she was trying to escape. "I'm so sorry you had to see that..." I said and than I left.

           Keanna's Point Of View

I watched him as he left. I was too terrified to move for a couple minutes. It scared me when his fur turned dark blue. And seeing him choke Scrourge... I shook my head to try and get it out of my mind. I put polysporn on my cuts. I tried to stand up but my legs felt like jello so I fell back on the bed. Probably because I was still a bit scared. But he saved me. He protected me. He wasn't going to hurt me, even though it was scary. How he just Changed. I suddenly felt dizzy and I put my hands on my head until the dizziness stopped. I headed downstairs to see Sonic. He was just sitting on the couch. "Hi Sonic." I said. He ignored me. "Thank you for saving me..." I said. "I owe ya one..." After waiting for a couple minutes to see if he'd respond, which he didn't, I headed upstairs and lid down on his bed. I looked at the roof, thinking about everything that happened in just a short time. A couple minutes later I heard footsteps and Sonic came upstairs. He had an emerald. He put his hand on my shoulder and suddenly the emerald started to glow. It was bigger than any emeralds I've Ever Seen. When he took his hand away, my hand and everything else was healed.

"There." He said. I put my hand on my neck to where the bite mark was to find that it was gone. Sonic started to leave. I stood up and grabbed his wrist. He turned around.

"Thank you hedgehog..." I said, smiling. He smiled back.

"Anytime. I am Your Hero after all." He said, giving me a thumbs up. I hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek to which we both blushed.

"Yes you are..."

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