Chapter 21 Month 2 Sonic's View

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What Now?
October 12th Monday

We were in school. It's been two weeks since the whole Scrourge incident. Whenever I got mad, Keanna instantly tried to calm me down. I Know Keanna's scared of my dark side, and it makes me feel so Guilty. Me and Keanna are still close, but it Doesn't change the fact that I scared her.

"Hi Sonic!" Keanna said to me cheerfully as I walked into homeroom. I smiled, before I remembered how scared she looked when I turned dark. My smile was instantly replaced with a frown. I sat in my desk next to her. "Sonic..?" She asked me. I ignored her.

* * * * * * * *

It was lunch time and Keanna was nowhere to be found. I was too upset with scaring her to notice. Scrourge never even set foot in this school Ever Since the incident. I heard people talking about Scrourge as I left the school. I looked around. Soon, I found Keanna surrounded by hedgehog guys.

"So, I heard you're Scrourge's girlfriend, huh?" An all black hedgehog asked. His friends snickered and laughed.

"No I'm not!" Keanna shouted angrily.

"Sure you're not." An all yellow hedgehog said.

"No wonder why Sonic's been ignoring you all day. Is That why you've been crying in class All Day?" An orange hedgehog asked.

"Leave me alone!" Keanna shouted.

"Why? What you gonna do? Cry?" An all red hedgehog asked.

"I said Leave Me Alone!!!" Keanna shouted angrily.

"She's Scrourge's girlfriend! She's Scrourge's girlfriend!" They all chanted. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Leave her alone! She's not his girlfriend! She's Mine!" I shouted and than they all gasped, including Keanna. All of the hedgehog's left. They ran away as fast as they could. "Is what they say true? Were you crying?" I asked. She slowly and sadly nodded. I hugged her and she hugged me back.

"I'm your girlfriend..?" She asked.

"If you wanna be, yes." I replied.

"Then yes!" Keanna exclaimed happily.

"Mind if I-?" She nodded. I bit her neck, marking that she was mine. She blushed madly. She seemed to like it now that she knew what it meant because of those boy hedgehogs. But she would Never Like Scrourge doing it to her. She nuzzled my nose with her nose. I smiled and she smiled back. If only I knew that something big and bad was coming. Than maybe I could've stopped it.

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