CH24: lost souls

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Third POV:

Grey was walking towards the dinning hall, he had his team's champions behind them.

They didn't say a word, no one did After the match, he just made his way out and everyone followed him.

They've been stealing glances at him every now and then but still didn't talk, he entered the dining hall and he could feel everyone's eyes turn to him.

He ignored all that and went straight to the others and sat with them in their table, the others sat with them.

No one said anything, and Grey was the first to break the silence.

Grey: ok, I know what you'll say, so just say it.

Everyone but Kindred: WHAT WAS THAT?

Grey: (sigh)... honestly... I don't know.

Ahri: what do you mean you don't know?

Nidalee: Grey, that wasn't natural, Ahri told me something about blood and fire not smoke and death.

Ezreal: honestly that was something I expect of Kindred.

Grey: I... honestly don't know, anything your wondering I'm wondering too.

Wolf: it's quite simple, you became an aspect of death.

Grey: you... knew that would happen?

Lamb: knew, no... suspected it, yes.

Grey: you could have given me a little warning that I have Nito's soul!

Everyone was shocked at what he said.

Ahri: uhmm... Grey what do you mean?

Ezreal: whose Nito?

Nidalee: and why did you say you have his soul?

Grey: (heavy sigh)... at the beginning in my world, there wasn't anything but fog, no light, no dark, no life, and no death, but then there was fire, and then came opposites, warmth and cold, despair and hope, life and death, and of course.... light and dark, then four great souls were created, the souls of Lords, one of those souls was the soul of death, it was given to Nito, the first of the dead, and somehow I have it.

Aki: how?

Ezreal: also, what about your own soul?

Grey: I still have it.

Garen: Grey what your saying doesn't make sense, how can you have more than one soul?

Grey: ...

Ahri: Grey, please tell us.

Nidalee: please.

Grey: because.... I take souls.

Everyone went quiet, no knew what to say, or how to feel.

Ahri: w-what?

Nidalee: Grey... what are you talking about?

Grey: you heard me, I take souls, I have been since I became undead, it's not weird to have more than one soul in my world... in fact, I have around 500 thousand souls right now.

Everyone was speechless, they all had to double take on what Grey said, Grey felt someone tapping his shoulder, when he looked he found Kayle, she had a very serious expression in her face.

Kayle: Grey, the Grand summoner wants to see you, now!

Grey nods and stands up, before he left he looked at the others.

Grey: whatever you think of me now is up to you, I honestly didn't want to tell you like this, any of you.

Grey leaves and everyone is still in silence, but Ahri still looked at him in worry of what the grand summoner has for Grey.

Grand summoner(GS) POV:

This is very disturbing, how the boy has Nito's power? I don't know, but I plan on getting answers.

Kayle arrived with the boy, thankfully it seems he came of his own free will.

GS: you are dismissed, Judicator.

Kayle nods and Leaves, none of the other high summoners spoke, I suspect it's because I never personally called for a champion before.

GS: do you know why you're here, champion?

The boy shakes his head, I don't know if he's either denying what happened or he truly doesn't know.

Nevertheless I motioned with my hand casting a spell, an orb appeared and showed what happened in the match, how he used Nito's power to kill almost the entire enemy team.

GS: you're here because of this, these are powers of the Aspect of death, like the Eternal hunters, how do you have them.

Grey: I'm... not exactly sure, in my world there's a being that could be considered the aspect of death, and somehow I have it's soul.

To say I was shocked would be an understatement, how does he has Nito's soul? It vanished with him, I need to get answers.

GS: then do you mind if I apply a test of sorts?

Grey: a... test?

GS: it will be like the judgement, but you won't go through anything, I'll be trying to see what sort of power you posses.

Grey: ..... very well.

I nod and start casting a spell, after a few seconds I find myself in an old temple, I knew I was inside the boy's mind, thankfully since he allowed me, It was quite easy to get in.

With me were two statues, one was a wolf and in front of it was a normal floating flame, I assume it was the boy's soul, the other one was more familiar, and the flame in it's hand was no stranger as well.

GS: this is... truly Nito's soul, but how?

I move forward and reach out to it, but then I find myself in an empty black void, I turn around and find myself face to face with the First of the dead himself..... and truthfully he's as creepy as ever.

GS: Nito...

Nito: brother of Gwyn...

Honestly, I'm surprised he recognizes me after so long, specially with my ropes on, but I'm not here for a get together.

Nito: you do not belong here.

GS: neither do you, what is your soul doing inside the boy?

Nito: that is for me to know...

He raised his arm blade and aimed at me.

Nito: ... and for you to find out.

He brought down his blade and when it connected I found myself back in my seat in the high summoners chambers, somehow Nito kicked me out of the boy's mind.

I looked at the boy, I knew both him and the high summoners were waiting for what I have to say, if I say something bad, they'll consider the boy a danger, possibly lock him away, but if I don't say anything, questions will haunt the boy.

GS: it seems you do have the powers of the Aspect of death, but thankfully their not threatening, however, you are allowed to use them only, and only in official matches, you cannot use them in friendly ones.

Grey: very well, am I dismissed?

I nod and the boy leaves, I bring my hand and start massaging my forehead, I knew trying to think of how this can make sense will give me a headache...... maybe I should call Gragas and ask for his strongest ale.

Ahri POV few minutes earlier:

Grey just left with Kayle to meet the grand summoner for whatever he wanted, and right now..... we were just sitting.

No one knew what to say, me neither, what Grey told us about himself a while ago, it needs for you to take a lot in.

Ezreal: ..... wow.... just when you think you know someone.

I have to agree I didn't know that about Grey, it actually got me wondering if I know him at all, but... I remembered what we've been through... together.

Flash back:

Grey: (takes hand shake) I'm Grey Ashnex... no 'I think?' This time?

Flash back:

Grey: I here promise in my honor as an abyss watcher that I will make sure you reach the Institute of war safe and sound as to repay you.

Flash back:

Grey: I... was getting these for you(gives Ahri flowers).

Flash back:

Grey: (sigh) no, I guess not, (smile) you did great, you truly amazed me.

Flash back:

Grey: it... looks good, it really suits you.

Back to present:

........ what am I thinking!!! This is Grey for crying out loud! So He take souls and you know what?

Ahri: ... I don't care.

Everyone looked at me confused.

Lux: uhmm, what?

Ahri: you heard me, I don't care if he takes souls, he's still Grey, he's still my friend! And that doesn't change anything.

Jarvan: Ahri, I understand how you feel but taking souls is-

Nidalee: she's right.

We looked at her, and she gave me a smile.

Nidalee: taking souls or not, I know Grey is a good person, I mean Silver wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for him.

The mentioned pup jumped on the table and barked smiling, properly happy that he was mentioned.

Ezreal: look, I know Grey is a good guy, but finding out that one of your friends take souls is a little overwhelming.

I couldn't argue with that, no matter how much i wanted to.

Wolf: you people are overreacting, it's not like he takes actual souls.

We all looked at Kindred both surprised because we forgot their here and confused of what they said.

Everyone but Kindred: what?

Lamb: your friend, Grey, takes sovereignless souls, not actual souls.

Lux: uhmm... excuse me, but what's the difference?

Wolf: urghh, mortals, always need us to explain everything.

Ezreal: then please explain.

Lamb: sovereignless souls are souls of those who've gone mad and lost their minds, they don't actually have minds at all.

Wolf: even we don't go after them, because like we said, their mindless, they just sit there making noises, no matter how many times we ask, they never choose between the arrow and the hunt.

Aki: I'm sorry, but I still don't exactly get it.

Lamb: think of souls as eggs.

Nidalee: eggs?

Lamb: yes, what's inside the egg Is the mind, we collect all the healthy full eggs.

Wolf: but sovereignless souls have nothing inside them, their just embty egg shells, their even useless to who they belong to.

Ezreal: so basically, Grey is doing clean up duty for you.

Lamb: a little, yes.

Ahri: see, Grey isn't even hurting anyone, (gets up) I don't know about you, but I'm going to wait for my friend.

Nidalee: (gets up) you're not going without me, come on Silver.

Silver jumped on her shoulder like he does to Grey, but then Aki, Ezreal and Lux stood up too.

Ahri: your coming too?

Ezreal: yeah, after what Kindred told us, I don't think Grey is doing anything bad.

Aki: they did say that sovereignless souls are even useless to who they belong to, so if anything he's helping out.

Ahri: (smile) thanks.

We left to the high summoners chamber, when we got there, we found Kayle waiting besides the entrance.

Ahri: Kayle? What are you doing here?

Kayle: oh! Hey, the Grand summoner wanted Grey In private...

Ezreal: you ok? You look tense.

Kayle: (sigh) I'll be honest... in all my time here at the Institute, I have never heard of the Grand summoner wanting to meet a champion personally, let alone this urgent to call them, and I have to admit, I'm a little worried for Grey.

Aki: I know I'm new and all, but he really never called for a champion before?

Kayle: not even once, and one time, we caught Evelynn trying to torment one of the high summoners, but he still didn't even seem to care.

We heard the door open and we saw Grey come out, I was the first to walk up to him.

Ahri: Grey! Is everything alright?

He looked at us shocked, I don't think he expected to see us.

Grey: oh! your here?

Nidalee: of course we are, why wouldn't we?

Grey: I-I just thought-

Ahri: it doesn't matter Grey, besides Kindred already told us the difference between sovereignless souls and normal ones, and we're your friends.

Ezreal: yeah man, we'll always have your back.

Grey: thank you, all of you.

Silver jumped and made his way to Grey's shoulder, once there he barked happily.

Kayle: so how did it go with the high summoners.

Grey: it went well I guess, the Grand summoner was just asking about my powers as a Gravelord.

Lux: Gravelord?

Grey: that's what I call them.

Aki: I'm glad everything went well.

Lux: yeah, now let's go back to everyone else.

Grey: sure.

We went back to the others and thankfully they smiled at Grey.

Jarvan: ah, Grey, did it go well?

Grey: yes.

Garen: I'm glad to hear that.

Grey: thank you.

We all sat down together and started talking.

Ezreal: hey Grey, I know this sounds rude but can you take normal souls.

Grey: yes, but I don't, to us undead it's like taking the humanity of another person, and most of the time it's the first sign of going hollow... hey Aki, can I ask you a question?

Aki: sure.

Grey: what do you know about the Grand summoner?

We all turned to her and she looked nervous from all the attention.

Aki: w-well... I don't think anyone knows much about him.

Grey: what do you mean?

Aki: one day, he just appeared out of nowhere, no one even knows what nation he belongs to, then he offered to the leaders of Runeterra peace through creating the Institute, on the condition that he leads it.

Grey: what do you already know about him?

Aki: well... he's old, reeaally old, they say he's the most powerful sorcerer on all of Runeterra, and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it's true, he's the one who created the summoners rift and most of the spells we summoners use, if it weren't for him, the Institute wouldn't even exist.

Grey: so Runeterra owes him for the peace it has.

Katarina: I got to give that old man some credit here.

Aki: why are you asking about him?

Grey: well, when he asked about my new powers, he seemed... nervous, but it could have been my imagination.

Third POV somewhere in the Institute:

The Grand summoner just entered his quarters after excusing himself, he had a lot to think of.

He moved to the fire place and sat in one of the chairs in front of it, letting a heavy sigh he removed his hood.

GS: if he has Nito's power, does that mean he has their powers as well, the Witch.... and the sorcerer, but when I entered his mind, I felt... familiar.... could he be..... the sealed child? But... that would also mean........ that he's the embers left by lords long past...... (chuckle) dear Ciaran, it seems I will be able to fulfill the promise I made for you after all.

(P/N hello there, my name is Patches... unbreakable Patches, the normal author can't talk to you right now, someone... accidentally kicked him off a cliff (sinister chuckle) but enough about that, he said thank you for reading this, and now I need to leave, because apparently the author managed to get out of that hole I kick- I-I mean someone kicked him in, and he somehow found a bastard sword, so I'll be running for my life now, goodbye)

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