Special interactions in the rift

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(A/N: hello everyone, first I apologize for those who wanted a new chapter, but I don't want my story to be just plot with no fun, also, special thanks to curiouswatcherNo24 because a few of these are his ideas, feel free to comment in any way you want, I made this for fun after all, I hope you enjoy)

Grey jokes with Braum:

Braum: (laugh) we fight together again.

Grey: (chuckle) as a dear friend once said, (raises sword) to your valour, my sword, and our victory together.

Annie taunt enemy Grey:

Annie: hey Grey, will you be impressed if we beat you badly.

Grey: I... guess?

Annie: YAY! You heard him Tibbers, (serious voice) rip him to pieces.

Grey jokes with Jarvan:

Grey: you know, you're father wasn't the first king I ever met.

Jarvan: really?!

Grey: yes... but the one I already met went mad with his obsession over dragons.

Jarvan: ........(slightly panic) I need to keep Shyvana away from my father!

Grey taunt Ezreal:

Grey: there better not be a giant ball again.

Ezreal: oh come on, that doesn't happen much.

Grey: ...... there's one there!

Ezreal: (turns around) WHERE?!?

Grey: (laugh).

Ezreal: ........ you've been spending too much time with Ahri.

Lux jokes with Grey:

Lux: hey Grey, did you see Garen?

Grey: no, why?

Lux: he went with Katarina, and I need to keep an eye on him because if their not just holding hands I'm telling.

Grey: ...... if I ever date someone, I'm not telling you.

Grey jokes with allie Caitlyn and enemy Vi:

Grey: I'm sorry if I'm interrupting your jop again.

Caitlyn: (sigh) well your better than Vi at least, she would have already started smashing.

Vi: (from distance) HEY!

Evelynn taunt Grey:

Evelynn: your going to be mine soon enough.

Grey: there isn't any pain you can inflict that I already didn't experience.

Evelynn: that just makes me want you more~.

Aatrox taunt Grey:

Aatrox: you look like a worthy host, to spread chaos.

Grey: only the weak, will let their weapon control them.

Aatrox: HAHAHA, then let us see if you are weak.

Zed taunt Grey:

Grey: we should not be enemies, we abyss watchers fight in the dark and shadows as well.

Zed: if you truly fight in the shadows, then prove to me that you can be trusted.

Ahri taunt enemy Grey:

Ahri: hey Grey, if you promise that you and I have lunch together alone, then I won't even touch you.

Grey: uhmm... I already made that promise to Nidalee earlier.


Nidalee joke with Grey:

Nidalee: hey Grey~, I forgot to mention that it's mating season~.

Grey: (blush) I-I don't... Wait a minute, no it isn't.

Nidalee: (whisper) damn it! How did he know?

Grey attack enemy Garen:

Garen: let's make this a fair duel between honorable warriors.

Grey: until one of us falls, my friend.

Ahri joke with Grey:

Grey: so, remind me, how do you absorb life essence?

Ahri: oh, I can show you at the end of the match if you want?

Grey: suddenly I regret that there are no bonfires in this world.

Shyvana taunt enemy Grey:

Shyvana: hope your ready, you already know the power that my kind holds.

Grey: curious, I've already heard legends of a crossbreed between man and dragon.

Ahri and Nidalee taunt enemy Grey:

Ahri: alright Grey, who are you going to kill? And who do you want to kill you?

Grey: h-how am I suppose to choose with options like that!?!

Nidalee: he's right... who ever kills him first gets to sleep with him.

Ahri: deal!

Grey: don't I get a saying in this?

Ahri/Nidalee: No!

Ezreal jokes with Grey:

Ezreal: so how does a human that was take by the Abyss looks like.

Grey: well... first I want you to imagine a scary creature from the Void and mix his body with that of a human and a bunch of black sludge.

Ezreal: ok.

Grey: alright... now triple how scary it looks.

Jhin taunt Grey:

Jhin: you can say what you want, but I saw the way you fight, deep down, your as much of an artist as I am.

Grey: the worst part of what you said... is that your right.

Zoe jokes with Grey:

Zoe: hey you! tall guy! your close to Ezreal, right?

Grey: yeah.

Zoe: good, now tell him to stop hanging out with Lux and tell him to hang out with me.

Zyra taunt enemy Grey:

Zyra: I really don't want to do this, so why don't you just let my children play with you.

Grey: aren't most your children carnivores?

Zyra: (chuckle) exactly.

Warwick jokes with Grey:

Grey: you know, we Abyss Watchers actually pray to a wolf.

Warwick: really?! (Chuckle) not a bad choice in religion.

Annie jokes with Grey:

Annie: hey Grey, check out this trick.

Grey: Annie! Don't play with fire until you see the enemy champions.

Aurelion Sol taunt Grey:

Aurelion Sol: from what I feel, your a being at the same level as me, so why do you take the form of a human?

Grey: I honestly don't know what your talking about.

Aurelion Sol: well you are just a hundred years old, so your basically a newborn.

Kled taunt Grey:

Kled: that has to be the dumbest hat I have ever seen.

Grey: and that has to be the dumbest way of talking I have ever heard.

Grey jokes with Galio:

Grey: you know, I fought a living statue once, well gargoyle to be exact.

Galio: really!? Did he put up a good fight.

Grey: well, considering he smashed my head into pieces with a flaming mace, ... pretty much, yeah.

Thresh taunt Grey:

Thresh: just wait, I'll have your soul soon enough.

Grey: I honestly don't know what's more lost, the souls in your Lantern... or you.

Irelia taunt Grey:

Irelia: whoever made your hat obviously didn't want people to think your a warrior.

Grey: neither whoever made your style of fighting, but you don't hear anyone complain about that, do you?

Grey attack enemy Ahri:

Grey: I really don't want to hurt you.

Ahri: oh~ that's so sweet... just make sure I look good when I beat you.

Nidalee taunt enemy Grey:

Nidalee: let's see who has the biggest fangs.

Grey: your definitely the most savage.

Kindred jokes with Grey:

Lamb: you know, for someone who is basically another aspect of death, you certainly don't look like one.

Wolf: indeed little Lamb, maybe if he wore an armor of human skeletons.

Grey: ........ did you actually say that.

Grey jokes with Wukong:

Wukong: hey Grey, I want to race ya, but you don't have a cloud like me.

Grey: I also don't have the smell of a wet monkey.

Ezreal taunt Grey:

Ezreal: hey, why do you always wear your hat?

Grey: hey! I love my hat.

Ezreal: how can you love your hat?

Grey: how can you love your goggles?

Ezreal: ..... touché

(A/N Thank you so much, I hope you enjoyed this)

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