CH26: old friends

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Third POV:

Ahri, Aki, Ezreal, Lux and Garen were all sitting together watching Nidalee's match, Silver was besides them sitting on the table too.

They were really impressed how she dominated the jungle area, the enemy team didn't have much room to move around.

After nearly thirty minutes, the match was over with Nidalee's team as the winner.

They saw her approach after a few minutes of the end of the match.

Ahri: Nidalee you were great.

Nidalee: thanks.

Lux: if I ever went against you, I'm staying away from the jungle.

Aki: y-yeah, the only other champion this good in the jungle is Rengar.

Nidalee: wait, the Vastayan hunter?

Aki: you know him?

Nidalee: yes, we met in the jungle, he almost took my arm as a 'trophy' I think he called it.

Aki: y-yeah, he's known to do that.

Ahri: Vastayan? Isn't that what I am?

Ezreal: a little yeah, Vastayan are people who are between animals and humans.

Ahri: so... since I turned from fox to Vastayan, do you think I can turn fully human?

Garen: why would you ask?

Ahri: well... I have to admit, I'm not exactly proud of my animal side.

Aki: why?

Ahri: just look, (pulls tails and move ears) I have nine tails, and a pair of fox ears, I don't think there's anything out there that looks like me, maybe I'll be prettier without them?

Nidalee: ..... that's stupid.

Ahri: what?

Nidalee: your tails and ears just make you all the more special, and besides, did Grey ever get bothered with them.

Ahri was about to respond, but she realized that the only time Grey mentioned her ears and tails was when they met, he never really cared that they were there, then something Zyra said rang in her mind.

Flash back:

Zyra: he doesn't care about what my children look like, he simply enjoys being surrounded by life, wither it be my children or people, he truly doesn't care, that's why he's different, he treats every living being the same way.

Flash back end:

She realized she was right, Grey doesn't care, to him, she isn't some Vastayan or a fox, to him, she's Ahri.

Ahri: thanks, I guess your right.

Nidalee: no problem, so when do you think Grey is gonna come back?

Ahri: he said it should be before midnight.

Lux: do you think he's okay?

Ezreal: if it was anyone else, I would say that I'm not sure, but this is Grey so yeah I bet he is.

Ahri: what do you think is taking him so lo-

She was cut off by someone bursting the doors open, everyone in the dinning hall turned and saw a man with silver armor with a black helbard on his back at the entrance, he started talking In a loud and proud voice.

Brite: aha, so this is the Institute of war.

Everyone looked at him in confusion, they were even more confused when Grey appeared besides the man.

Grey: can you not yell for two minutes?

Brite: actually, it's been two minutes since I yelled the last time.

Grey: you know what I meant, (sigh) let's go.

They made their way through the dinning hall, he saw his friends and waved at their direction.

He passed the dinning hall and everyone was still a little off.

Ahri: uhmm... what just happened?

Nidalee: I'm... not sure, I know Grey came back but I don't know about the other guy.

Grey and Brite had just reached the high summoners chambers, before they enter Grey turned to Brite.

Grey: alright, try to make a good first impression.

Brite: got it.

Grey turned and opened the gates, they both got inside and they high summoners looked at them.

Thanks to his hood, no one saw the Grand summoner's eyes widen upon seeing the silver knight.

Summoner1: welcome back Abyss watcher, how did your mission go?

Grey: it was well, I found what appeared from my world, it's a friend of mine, this is-

Grey was cut off when Brite walked in front of him and started motioning with his hands.

Brite: (proudly) great leaders of the Institute of war, I come to you in the hopes of becoming a champion, fighting with honor and with the hope to be able to teach some of your champions (raises hands diagonally) to praise the sun.

All the high summoners looked a little taken back by the brief introduction while Grey shook his head in disappointment.

Meanwhile, the Grand summoner had to bring his hand to his mouth to stop his chuckling from being heard.

He was quite used to the antics of the warriors of sunlight, he always found it amusing how cheerful and proud they are.

Grey walked forward and broke the silence.

Grey: if you want proof of his fighting capabilities, then I can vouch for him that he is a good fighter.

Summoner2: u-uhmm... very well, he will have his judgment tomorrow, for now you can rest, the Judicator will show you you're temporary quarters.

They both nod and get out to find Kayle waiting for them.

Kayle: hello Grey, another new champion?

Grey: yes.

Kayle: well, follow me.

They both followed her and she showed them a door.

Kayle: this will be his temporary quarters, if he becomes a champion, he will be given a new one.

Grey: thank you Kayle.

Kayle nods and takes her leave, Grey motioned for Brite to follow him and they started making their way towards the dinning hall.

Grey saw his friends, him and Brite joined them.

Grey: hey everyone.

Ahri: hi Grey, welcome back.

Grey: yeah, how was your match Nidalee?

Nidalee: pretty good, we managed to win.

Grey: great, sorry I wasn't there to see it.

Nidalee: don't worry about it.

Garen: whose this with you Grey?

Grey: oh, everyone, meet an old friend of mine.

Brite: greetings, (proudly) I am Brite of Astora, a mighty warrior of sunlight, it is an honor to meet friends of Grey.

Grey: Brite came from my world.

Ezreal: really?

Grey: yeah.

Lux: wow, now we have two people from a different world.

Grey: yes, anyway, Brite, there are a few things about this world that you should know.

Brite: really? Like what?

Grey: for starters, there's no bonfires in this world.

Brite: no bonfires... so that means if I die-

Grey: you die for good.

Brite: well... at least I don't have to worry about going hollow anymore.

Grey: that's right, also there's no age of fire or abyss.

Brite: alright, anything else?

Grey was about to end the conversation, but then Ahri spoke.

Ahri: oh right! Grey also became a lord of cinder.

Brite: WHAT!!!

Everyone but Grey was taken back by the reaction, they were even more surprised when Brite stood up and bowed down on one knee.

Brite: m-my lord! I-I-I had no idea, i-

Grey: stop! Stop! Stop! No formalities, stand up, now! Being a lord of cinder doesn't change anything.

Brite: (stand up) what do you mean 'doesn't change anything'!?

Grey: in this world, a lord of cinder doesn't mean anything.

Brite: but in our world it means EVERYTHING!

Grey: but we're not in our world, so there's no reason for you to treat me like a god.

Brite: (sigh) you might as well be one... so do you mind introducing your friends?

Grey: sure, (motione with hands) this is Ahri, Aki, Ezreal, Lux, Garen and Nidalee.

He motioned everyone with their names, when he was done he heard a little bark, he looked down and saw Silver, he picked him up and sat him on his shoulder.

Grey: oh yeah, and this is Silver.

Silver barked while Brite looked at him for a few seconds then turned back to Grey.

Brite: aren't you taking this whole following Artorias's footsteps a little too seriously?

Grey: I found him in the jungle injured, I didn't go to some pet store and buy him idiot.

Brite: still...

Grey: urghh, whatever, how about we call it a night, I need to talk to you after your judgement.

Brite: alright.

Grey: night everyone.

Aki, Ezreal, Lux and Garen said their goodnight, and Ahri, Grey, Nidalee and Brite left for their rooms.

On the way to their room, Ahri and Nidalee looked at each other and nod, they reached their room and entered.

Grey: well, I guess it's good night.

Ahri: actually Grey, we talked about it, and you'll be sleeping with me tonight.

Grey: wait... really?

Nidalee: yes from now on you'll be spending a night with one of us, and the next night with the other.

Grey: well... a bed is definitely better than the couch, sure, why not.

Nidalee: alright, Silver will be with me then, come on boy.

Silver jumped and landed on her arms.

Nidalee: before I go... why are you covering you're face?

Grey: what?

Ahri: you're covering you're face again Grey.

Grey: oh... sorry it's a habit.

Grey took off his armor and went with Ahri to the room.

He laid in bed with her and both of them took their sides, they both smiled at the familiar feeling of sleeping in the same bed, it was welcoming.

Next morning came and boh got up and went through their morning routine, once they got out, they found Nidalee sitting on the couch with Silver on her lab.

Grey: good morning, were you awake for long.

Nidalee: (shakes head) no, maybe fifteen minutes at most.

Grey: well, let's go get breakfast, I want to talk to Brite.

Ahri: what do you want to talk about?

Grey: things about our world.

They left their room to the dinning hall, and on their way a familiar girl ran up to them.

Annie: hey Grey!

He turned around and smiled at the sight of a happy Annie.

Grey: good morning Annie, how have you and Tibbers been.

Annie: we've been great, thanks, is Silver with you?

The mentioned pup popped out of Grey's shoulder, he jumped down and started circling Annie as she laughed.

Grey: do you want to join us for breakfast?

Annie: sure.

They all left together and in the entrance of the dinning hall they met with Brite.

Grey: morning Brite.

Brite: yes it is such a good and sunny morning indeed.

Grey: so when is your judgement?

As of on cue, Kayle walked up to them.

Kayle: that would be now.

Brite: alright, now let's go so I can enjoy this morning where the beautiful sun shines.

Kayle raised an eye brow and Brite walked past her, she looked at Grey who sighed.

Grey: I apologize in advance for any headaches he may cause you.

Kayle just Nods and goes after Brite, the others enter the dinning hall and find Aki sitting by herself, they grabbed their food and joined her.

Ahri: morning Aki.

Aki: huh! O-oh, good morning.

Grey: so where's everyone else?

Aki: well, from what I know, Ezreal is with Nasus studying the crown and sword you two brought back, and Lux and Garen are helping their family with some meeting for noble families.

Grey: well, alright.

Nidalee: hey Grey, aren't you going to wait for Brite?

Grey: no, trust me, if anyone can get through the judgement, it's Brite.

They decided to listen to him and after fifteen minutes, Brite showed up and sat with them.

Grey: so how did go?

Brite: urghh... well I'm going to have a headache for a while because of the judgement, but I made it.

Grey: good to hear.

Annie: hi mister, I'm Annie, the dark child and this is Tibbers.

Brite: well it's a pleasure to meet you young lady, I'm Brite, the warrior of sunlight.

Brite took off his helmet and they saw he looked to be Grey's age, he had short spiky hair like Garen but blonde and had green eyes.

Brite: so Grey, what did you want to talk about?

Grey: I want to know how our world has been doing.

Brite: what do you want to know?

Grey: can you tell me the state of Farron keep?

Brite: well... since you vanished, the number of monsters increased, but lately, forests started surrounding it, so nothing was able to get out.

Grey: that's relieving, what's in Farron keep should stay there, so anything else?

Brite: nothing major happened, but I did hear that Vordt vanished a few days ago.

Grey: oh... about the Vile watchdog, you see he showed up here.

Brite: really?! Where is he?

Grey: we... killed him.

Brite: you... killed Vordt?

Grey: he was corrupted by the Abyss.

Brite: ........ when the Dancer finds out she is definitely coming for your head.

Grey: I know.

Brite: so what have you been up to?

Grey started telling Brite what he's been through since appearing in this world.

How he met Ahri, becoming a lord of cinder, meeting other friends, and his adventures with them.

Somewhere else:

A figure walks up to a cliff, the figure become more visible to show... Grey?

Grey stops at the edge of the cliff, then dark flames start rising from it, Grey takes a step back but not too far before a giant dark hand appeared from the pit and grabs him while pulling him in.

When he wakes up he is in a land surrounded by darkness, he gets up and start hearing loud thumping noises.

He looked up and saw a giant monster walking towards him, it was shrouded by darkness but he can make out his outline.

It was walking on two, had giant antlers, and many glowing red eyes, in his right hand was a staff with an axe like end, his left hand was enormous, almost bigger then the rest of the body.

Grey stood up and got ready for battle, the monster roared and brought down its left hand wanting to crush Grey with its size.

Grey jumped back before the hand smashed him and attacked, however the beast brought back it's giant hand to block the attack.

Grey's attack didn't do any damage, the monster brought out his hand striking Grey and sending him back.

Grey stood up and jumped back, just in time to avoid the monster's giant hand again, but the monster charged striking Grey with its antlers sending him to the air.

While he was in the air, monster brought back it's giant hand and delivered a big strike on Grey.

Grey landed with a lot of damage and unable to move, the monster made his way to him and raised his hand to deliver the finishing blow... but then... the monster talked.

Monster: humans... such Vile creatures.

The monster roared and brought down its hand finishing Grey.


A woman shot up from the nightmare she was having, she found herself sitting on a tree branch, obviously taking a nap.

She was wearing a helmet with a cage like visor, dark silver armor on her chest, shoulders, forearms and legs.

She was wearing a black bodysuit under the armor and connect to the helmet was a blue rope and a wedding gown.

On her wrist was a couple of swords, one red and the other dark purple, she stood up and held the side of her head.

???: that damn dream again.

???: excuse me, Dancer.

The Dancer turned around and saw who was talking to her, it was a priest.

Dancer: what do you want?

He already seemed nervous, and the hostility in her voice did not help.

Priest: u-uhmm... P-Pontiff Sulyvahn wants to see you.

She huffed and walked past the priest, she made her way to a church and got in.

Inside the church was a lot of wooden chairs lined up, she walked past them to the middle of the church.

Over there was a man waiting for her, he turned around and she saw him clearly.

He was a very tall man, he wore white robes with black ones underneath it, he was holding a sword in each hand.

One sword was a big golden one with engravings, the others was a slim blue one.

He was wearing an almost mirror like visor with a crown on top of his head.

Dancer: you called for me, Sulyvahn?

Sulyvahn: yes.

Sulyvahn started pacing back and forth while talking to the Dancer.

Sulyvahn: your here so I can talk about your actions lately.

Dancer: what actions?

Sulyvahn: you know what I'm talking about, ever since he vanished you've got more hostile, easily distracted and worst you've been neglecting your duties.

Dancer: I haven't been neglecting my du-

Sulyvahn: DO YOU TAKE ME FOR A FOOL? I know you've been using those scouting missions as an excuse to search for him, and with Vordt now missing too I can't allow that anymore.

Dancer: so are you going to kick me out?

Sulyvahn: ... no, you are too valuable for that, so why don't we stop beating around the bush.

Dancer: what are you talking about?

Sulyvahn: I want you to go and search for them and bring them back.

Dancer: which one are you talking about?

Sulyvahn: both, Vordt (look at dancer)... and Grey.

(A/N: thank you for reading this, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, feel free to comment in any way you want)

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