CH27: history

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Third POV:

Ahri, Aki, Annie, Brite, Grey and Nidalee were all sitting together, it was almost lunch time and Grey just finished telling how he became a lord of cinder.

Brite: so... the Abyss watchers were already chosen, but they never told you, and since you Abyss watchers almost share the same soul you became a lord yourself.

Grey: that's right.

Brite: well that explains why someone like you is a lord of cinder.

Grey: what's that suppose to mean!?

Annie: hey Grey, can we go play in the garden?

Grey: well... alright, I guess it's been a while since I've been there.

Ahri: mind if I join?

Nidalee: I would like to see more nature.

Grey: sure, be my guest.

Ahri: what about you Aki?

Aki: s-sorry, but I have a match to play.

Ahri: oh, okay.

Brite: I would love to join you.

Grey: alright, Silver! Come on.

Silver runs to Grey and Jumps on his shoulder, Grey, Ahri, Nidalee, Annie and Brite leave the dinning hall and go to the garden.

Once inside, Annie started running around, Silver jumped off Grey's shoulder and started following her.

Brite: ah this place is truly beautiful, green plants, and so much sunlight, where I can do what I love.

Nidalee: and that is?

Grey: (whisper) don't ask him!

Brite: (raises hands diagonally) to praise the sun!

Grey: (sigh) can you not do that for five minutes?

Brite: at least I can do that, where's your old wolf of farron now?

Nidalee: uhmm, what's he talking about?

Grey: (sigh) we abyss watchers pray to the old wolf of Farron, and since he's always resting in Farron keep, I can't do that anymore.

Brite: while even in a different world, the glorious sun shines, so I can praise it whenever I want.

Zyra: you just keep getting interesting people, don't you?

Grey turned around and saw Zyra appearing from deep in the garden.

Grey: hello Zyra, how are you today?

Zyra: good I suppose, and whose with you now.

Grey: this is Brite, an old friend from my world.

Brite: it's a pleasure to meet you ma'am.

Zyra: I suppose.

Ahri: hey Grey, since you can't prey to the old wolf of Farron, why don't you pray to something else, like a fox?

Nidalee: a fox?

Grey: I will not pray to a fox.

Ahri: (frown) and what's wrong with a fox?

Grey: n-no, there's nothing wrong with a fox, i-it's just that we Abyss watchers pray to a wolf, if I pray to a fox that means I give up on being an Abyss watcher.

Ahri: sure.

Grey: no, really Ahri.

Ahri: fine.

Zyra: so what are you doing here today?

Grey: just hanging out, I hope you don't mind.

Zyra: just don't hurt my children, and everything should be fine.

Grey nods and goes to sit around, Ahri and Brite join him while Nidalee and Zyra went after Annie and Silver.

They spend about an hour there, and they decided to leave for lunch, it's a little after noon when they leave.

When they enter the dinning hall, they find a table to eat in, after a few minutes, Aki joins them looking slum.

Ahri: hi Aki, how did it go?

Aki: not great, we lost.

Ahri: I'm sorry to hear that, but don't worry, I'm sure you'll win next time.

Aki: thanks Ahri.

Ezreal: hey everyone.

They saw Ezreal walk up to them and sit besides them.

Grey: hey Ezreal, how have you been?

Ezreal: great, that Irithyll long sword is really amazing.

Brite: wait, how do you have an Irithyll long sword?

Grey: an outrider knight showed up a couple of weeks ago and we beated it.

Brite: really, what happened?

Grey starts telling the story of how he and Ezreal went to the tomb while they ate lunch.

The kept talking into the sun began to set, then they were joined by Jarvan and Shyvana.

Grey: ah, good to see again, Jarvan, Shyvana.

Jarvan: likewise, Grey.

Grey: Brite, this is Prince Jarvan IV, and this is Shyvana, Jarvan, Shyvana this is Brite, a friend from my world.

Jarvan: ah yes, Garen and Lux mentioned another person from your world.

Brite: it is a pleasure to meet you your majesty.

Jarvan: please no formalities.

Brite: (proudly) modesty is a true sign of respect, I truly am glad to meet you.

Shyvana: do you have to raise your voice?

Grey: actually, I didn't expect you Shyvana to get along with him, and I mean specifically you.

Shyvana: wait, me? Why?

Grey: because between the four knights of Gwyn, while we Abyss watchers favor Artorias the abysswalker, the warriors of sunlight and silver knights favor-

Brite: (proudly) the great Ornstien the dragonslayer, (looks at Grey) who is far better than Artorias.

Shyvana: (narrow eyes) dragonslayer?

Grey: .... wow, now I know you're corrupted by the Abyss, because your clearly delusional.

Brite: ha! In your dreams.

Jarvan: whose Ornstien? And what did you mean by the four knights of Gwyn?

Grey: oh right! I didn't tell you, well at least I told you about Gwyn, the Lord of sunlight, right?

Ahri: yeah, the guy who hunted dragons, right?

Brite: that's right, In the beginning of the first age of fire, Gwyn had four great knights that answered only to him.

Grey: those knights were said to be as strong as an army when their together, they were Artorias the Abysswalker, Ornstien the Dragonslayer, Gough Hawkeye, and Ciaran the Lordsblade.

Ezreal: what happened to them?

Brite: simple, they all passed away.

Grey: Artorias sacrificed himself to save Sif from the Abyss and make sure the creature that made it doesn't reach Gwyn's kingdom.

Brite: Ornstien was guarding Gwyn's daughter, the princess of sunlight, but when she left, he also left but to look for a dear friend, and they say he died In the journey.

Grey: Gough retired after becoming old and blind, while Ciaran... well...

Nidalee: well? What happened to her?

Brite: no one actually knows, after Artorias passed away she just... vanished.

Grey: I think I know what happened to her.

Ahri: really?

Annie: can you tell us?

Grey: well... we Abyss watchers kept a few secrets.

Brite: again with you Abyss watchers and your secrets.

Nidalee: what are you talking about?

Brite: urghh, the Abyss watchers are known to keep secrets from the world, for example, see that great sword of his?

Ahri: what about it?

Brite: that sword will never decay or rust.

Ezreal: that's impossible!

Brite: no it isn't, Farron great swords are made from special coal, some of it is magic infused.

Jarvan: magic infused coal?!

Brite: that's right, and they refuse to tell anyone who makes it for them!

Grey: for the last time, I'm not telling you who makes our coal.

Brite: we're in a different world! What difference does it make?

Grey: I don't care, when that person agreed to make us coal and create sorcery for us, we promised to keep their identity a secret.

Ahri: anyway, what about Ciaran?

Grey: oh right! You see... Artorias and Ciaran were lovers.

Everyone looked shocked at that statement.

Nidalee: they... were lovers?

Grey: yes... my best guess is that after Artorias passed away she was devastated and just left.

Annie: that's... really sad.

Grey: yeah... I guess it is.

Brite: ......... (angry yelling) who makes your coal dammit!

Grey: I am not telling you! Besides, didn't you infuse your helbard with a lightning gem?

Brite: urghh, I will know one day! I swear by the glorious sun!

Grey: whatever, (looks at Jarvan) so Jarvan, I heard there was a meeting for noble families, is it done already?

Jarvan: it is, but Lux and Garen stayed to help their family with cleaning.

Grey: alright.

They finished their talked when it was a little after dinner time, Ezreal left saying he was tired, Annie left because of her bedtime while Jarvan and Shyvana needed to get up early for a match.

Grey: well, I guess we should call it a night.

Brite: alright.

Aki: h-hey, do you want me to show you you're new room.

Brite: that would be appreciated.

Grey: mind if we tag along.

Brite: no problem.

Grey, Brite, Ahri and Nidalee left following Aki, after a few minutes, they appeared in front of a door with a nameplate that said 'the warrior of sunlight'.

Once they enter, they see its like their own.

Ahri: it kinda looks like ours.

Grey: I guess.

Brite: it's quite homey, (looks at window) and I can't wait to see the sun shine through this window.

Aki: u-uhmmm, you don't have to wait.

All of them looked at her confused, she walked up to the curtain and removed it, revealing a few buttons.

Aki: the Institute is made to feel like home for everyone, there are champions who like a certain time of the day, so we made this.

She pressed a button and a screen covered the window, then it changed to look like a bright sunny morning.

Brite who took off his helmet during Aki's explanation looked completely bewildered.

Brite: and... this can keep happening... the whole time?

Aki was about to answer but saw Grey behind Brite motioning with his hands and mouthing the word 'No!' Over and over again, but even then she answered truthfully.

Aki: y-yeah, sure.


Everyone but Grey looked in surprise as Brite fell to his knees, he raised his hands and started yelling.

Brite: I have been blessed by the gods!

Brite then stood up and brought his hand over Aki's shoulder bringing her close, her cheeks exploded into a thousand different shade of red.

Brite: you my friend, are a messenger from Gwynevere herself, and we shall praise the sun together.

Aki was too flustered to speak, Grey facepalmed, while Ahri and Nidalee chuckle at Aki's reaction.

Thankfully for Aki, Ahri took her away and walked to the door.

Ahri: well, we'll just leave you be now.

Grey: good night.

They left and once they were In the hall way, Ahri looked at Aki.

Ahri: hey Aki, you ok?

Aki: I-I...

Nidalee: (chuckle) I think she's broken.

Aki: n-no, i-i'm f-fine, I'll just go to m-my room now.

Aki leaves with a still visible blush.

Grey: (sigh) I swear he's going to kill someone one of these days.

With that, Grey, Ahri and Nidalee starts making their way to their room.

Somewhere in Demacia:

Near the outskirts of Demacia, the sky looks clear and the moon shines.

But then, clouds suddenly appear and lighting starts cracking in the sky.

A loud roar can be heard from the clouds as two figures emerged from them.

One figure was a big dragon like figure that appeared to have some feathers on it's body.

The other figure was a man riding the dragon, he was big, had long wild hair, and holding some combination of a giant sword and a spear.

After a few seconds of floating around, the man spoke.

???: where... are we?

The dragon made a roar of agitation, and the man started stroking it's head to calm it down.

???: easy old friend, let us not cause any attention to ourselves, first let us see where we are.

The dragon roars in agreement, and flies upwards disappearing in the clouds.

Grey POV:

We got back to our room.

I started taking off my armor, I'll be with Nidalee tonight, I'm really glad she and Ahri worked things out, I really-

???: my first born, is here.

I looked around for the voice I heard, it wasn't the same voice I heard when I met Kindred, it was different.

Nidalee: Grey? Is something wrong?

Grey: .... no, nothing.

I decided to forget about it, whatever it is, it isn't something to worry about...... I hope.

(A/N: thank you for reading this, I really hope you like this chapter, and remember to comment in anyway you want)

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