CH31: the old days

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Grey POV:

Ahri, Nidalee and Sona just got back from their talk, for some reason they've been glaring at Sona.

I would have asked but in my life I learned that if you wanna live you got to stay out of women's business....... otherwise your just asking to be hurt........ A LOT.

Right now it's late afternoon and it's me, Ahri, Aki, Brite, Ezreal, Nidalee, Lux, Sona and Solas, and I was telling Solas how I found Silver who's on the table.

Solas: so you took him in? That sounds like how Artorias found Sif.

Grey: well I couldn't actually just leave him like that.

Brite: I still think you're getting into the whole following Artorias's footsteps a little too much.

Grey: I'm not gonna take that from a guy who fainted a few minutes ago.

Brite: what did you expect? What would you do if you met Artorias?

Grey: well for starters, I wouldn't embarrass myself right after shaking his hand.

Brite: I guess, well let's Praise the sun together, oh wait, you can't because you pray to a wolf who's not even here.

Grey: well at least this guy who prays to a wolf saved your life many times.

Brite: not as much as I saved you.

Grey: oh really? What about that time with the leaches in the Irithyll dungeon?

Brite: true, but what about that time with the hollows from the Cathedral of the deep?

Grey: what about that time with those giant crabs in the forest?

Brite: what about that time with the black knights in the smouldering lake?

Grey: what about that time I saved you from Wolneir?

Brite: that never happened!

Grey: yes it did! Right Before we had to meet Siegward for drinks!

Brite: that- oh wait, that did happen.

Grey: Ha!

Ahri: are you two always like this?

We looked at each other and then answered at the same time.

Grey/Brite: pretty much, yeah.

Ezreal: hey, who wants to go into town to hang out.

Lux: I'm in.

Ahri: it could be fun.

Nidalee: been a while since I've been to town.

Aki: I-I guess I can go.

Brite: I suppose.

Grey: I'm in, what about you Sona?

Sona: [it should be a good way to spend time]

Grey: alright, Solas, if you join us you might learn more about this world.

Solas: well I suppose I don't have anything better to do.

Grey: great.

We all got up and left to the entrance, everyone got their money from the Institute before we leave.

We made it to the City and everything was as lively as the last time I saw it, we decided to head to do a little shopping, Thankfully Lux didn't get to choose anything.

We were passing by a few stores when we all stopped at the food court.

Lux: alright, how about we girls go on our own and meet back with you boys at sunset?

We all agreed to that idea, so now it was me, Ezreal, Brite and Solas, we decided to walk around to see if there's anything worth buying.

Ezreal was telling us about most stuff in the shops, when I heard about this thing called phone, I immediately knew Ahri would love it.

Solas: this technology stuff is quite... unique.

Brite: I say it's witchcraft.

Grey: wait, doesn't that window with the picture of the Sun In your room works on technology?

Brite: I say it's a blessing from the gods.

Grey: (shakes head) of course you do.

Ezreal: hey, look.

We looked at what he was pointing at and... are you serious?

It was a poster of Brite, he was pointing a finger at whoever was looking at the poster and it had writing saying '''I want YOU for the warriors of sunlight, come and embrace the power of jolly co-operation'''.

Brite: ah, it's great to spread the word of the warriors of sunlight.

Solas: so champions are famous.

Grey: I think it's unnecessary attention.

Ezreal: what's jolly co-operation?

Grey: it's a saying from our world, Solas, I have a question I've been meaning to ask you.

Solas: I think I know what it is and before you ask it, Gwyndolin was a boy.

Grey: that wasn't what I was gonna ask, but before I do ask, (looks at Brite) pay up.

Brite: (grumble) lucky guess.

He gave me a small batch of gold, while Ezreal and Solas were confused.

Solas: you... put a bet on my brother's gender?

Brite: no offense your highness but everyone does it, even people from the Boreal valley, and they basically worship your brother.

Solas: (sigh) great... also please drop the formalities.

Grey: anyway, what I was going to ask is... do you detest me?

They all looked taken back by the question, specially Solas.

Solas: what do you mean?

Grey: about me being a lord of cinder.

Solas: oh... you think I'll compare you to my father for what he did?

Grey: yes.

Solas: don't worry, I never even held anything against my father, and lots of Lords came before you, but now I have a question for you and Brite.

Brite: what is it?

Solas: .......... do either of you know Giant dad?

Grey/Brite: who?

Solas than pointed at the sky while yelling.

Solas: HA! In your face you bastard! Legend never dies my foot, there's people who don't know you.

Grey: uhmm, alright, I need to buy some ingredients to make Estus soup, so let's get going.

Ezreal: oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask you about that stuff.

Grey: sure.

We made our way to the shops that sold the ingredients, I have to admit, I'm actually wondering how's the girls doing.

Ahri POV:

So far me, Aki, Lux, Nidalee and Sona were just walking around looking at dress shops.

I had to hold back so I don't throw an orb of deception at the blue haired lier, I can see Nidalee doing the same with her spear.

Lux: so what do you girls want to do?

Ahri: I wanna buy a few stuffed animals.

Ahri: I'd like some too.

Nidalee: you want to buy a few stuffed animals? Really?

She didn't like the idea, but I knew how to change her mind.

Ahri: hey Nidalee, you know there's a cute Grey plushy on sale, I already have one, you can get one too.

Nidalee: ..... what the hell are we waiting for?

We started walking to the nearest toy store, I saw Sona giving me a smile, why was she smiling?

Then I realized that I just told her about the Grey plushy too, I can't believe I didn't think about that!

Ignoring that for now, we walked in and saw all kinds of toys and stuffed animals, there's also a few action figures about some champions.

Me and Aki went to buy a few stuffed animals, she got a couple while I got enough to fill my bed.

When we reached the counter we found that both Sona and Nidalee got the Grey plushy, we paid for them and left.

Lux: isn't that a little much?

Ahri: no, I think it's the right amount.

Lux: well, it's your stuff.

Sona took out her board and started writing.

Sona: '''let's go get something to drink, I'm thirsty'''.

Aki: I have to agree with that.

Lux: sure, what about you two?

Ahri/Nidalee: ...... I guess.

Sona smiled and went ahead to some store while me and Nidalee just glared at her.

Aki: Ahri, what's wrong? You don't seem to like Sona.

Ahri: it's not that I don't like her... it's just that I hate her.

Lux: your kidding, right? Sona is great, one time I didn't get a ticket to her concert and she got me to the backstage.

Ahri/Nidalee: if only you knew.

Nidalee: let's just get going.

We got to the store and I ordered for everyone milkshakes, me and Aki got strawberry, Nidalee chocolate, Lux vanilla, and Sona... I really had to resist the urge to just say poison but she got a banana milkshake.

We sat together drinking until sunset arrived and we went to meet the boys, when we met them, Grey had a couple of small bags.

Ahri: hi Grey, are you gonna make that Estus soup stuff?

Grey: yes, since there's no bonfires, I need to refill my Estus Flask on my own, also what's with that many bags?

Ahri: oh right! (Gives bags) carry that stuff for me would you?

Grey: wha- why do I have to?

Ahri: (puppy eyes) please~.

Grey: ........... (sigh) fine.

Ahri: (victory smile) thank you.

Grey took the bags from me and carried them, we then started going back to the Institute.

Solas: I've been gone for thousands of years and men are still weak to women's tears?

Brite: no, it's just Grey.

Grey: shut up.

We got back and Grey went to get our stuff at our room, when all of us met back at the dinning hall we decided to have dinner.

Nothing really happened, we just made small talk whenever we can and finished dinner.

Lux: well, I should get back to Demacia, Garen and the others should be back and it's getting late, also, Grey, your done being a bodyguard since Garen returned.

Grey: alright.

I smiled in victory, I looked smugly at Sona and she was... still smiling?

Lux: hey Sona, are you gonna go back with me?

Sona wrote down something and showed it to Lux.

Lux: oh, your gonna stay here in your room at the Institute? (Sona nods) ok.

Okay hold up, she has a room here? Oh right! She's a champion! How can I forget that?

Lux: anyway, see you guys tomorrow.

Ezreal: take care, Lux.

Lux: yeah you too Ezreal.

Ahri: "oh my God! when are those two gonna ask each other out?"

Right after I thought of that I looked at Grey... and realized... I have no right to speak about that supject.

Third POV:

Lux went to the transport station and got back to Demacia, she got to the royal castle and waited for her brother.

Soon, Garen, Shyvana, Xin Zhao, Jarvan III and IV showed up, she went to greet them.

Lux: good evening your highness, how did it go?

Jarvan III: ah Luxanna, it went well I suppose, there's still a few problems but I didn't expect peace to happen overnight.

Lux: I'm glad to hear that your majesty.

The king nodded and left to enter the royal castle while Lux went to her brother.

However, before the guards even had a chance to open the gates, someone dropped from above them and landed behind the king.

Xin Zhao, Garen, Lux, Shyvana Jarvan IV, Xin Zhao and the guards all drew their weapons.

But the person was faster, they immediately pulled out a purple glowing sword and held it against the king's throat.

???: anyone moves and his head will be off his shoulders!

Everyone stood still, the champions saw that it was a woman, she was wearing a knight like armor with a cage like visor and a wedding gown connected to the helmet.

Jarvan IV: who are you? Are you a Noxian assassin?

???: I don't know or care what a Noxian is, now you will listen to me, I have questions and I want answers, he's suppose to be important, so I assume you don't want him as a corpse.

To proof her point, she brought her sword closer to the king's neck, everyone backed off slightly.

Garen: what do you want?

???: I'm looking for someone, and I heard that you people have a lot of information.

Garen: who is it?

???: he's a man, he's tall and wears dark clothing, a red cape, a pointy metal hat, and uses a sword and a knife for weapons.

She saw that everyone looked shocked at the man's description and the champions looked between each other.

Garen: uhmm... he wouldn't be called Grey Ashnex by any chance, would he?

???: so you do know him, where is he?

Lux: wait! Wait! Wait! We're friends with Grey.

???: proof it! Tell me something only a friend of Grey would know.

They all looked among each other trying to think of something and Lux said the first thing she thought of.

Lux: uh... he always covers his face without realizing it?

The woman looked at Lux who thought that she messed up big time.

However, to their surprise, the woman sighed while pulling back her sword and strapping it to her wist where they saw another sword.

???: that stupid idiot still has that dumb habit of his.

She backed up and the king moved to his son's side, who along with Xin Zhao stood in front of him while still in stance.

Jarvan IV: who are you?

???: just call me the Dancer for now.

Lux: the Dancer?

Dancer: yes, now your friends with Grey, does that mean you can take me to him.

Garen: we can, but first, what's your relationship with Grey?

Dancer: to put it simply........ I'm his sister.

(A/N: hi, thank you for reading this, I'm sorry there wasn't more action in this chapter but I hope you enjoy it, and remember to comment in anyway you like.)

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