CH32: the Ashnex family

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Third POV:

Ahri woke up, she saw that she and Grey were almost covered in stuffed animals, and the rest was still in the bags.

Ahri: huh... maybe I did buy too much... nah.

She waved it off and went through her morning routine, once she was finished, she woke up Grey so he could do his.

While he got ready, she went out to the living room and found Silver asleep on the couch.

She sat down and started scratching his head, a few seconds later both Grey and Nidalee got out.

Grey: (yawn) i saw the schedule, and it looks like Nidalee is free today, while me and Ahri are fighting in a match together.

Ahri: really, that's great, when is it.

Grey: late afternoon, so we got plenty of time, let's go get breakfast shall we.

They both nod and Silver jumps on Grey's shoulder, the make their way to the dining hall and find Aki, Ezreal, Brite, Sona and Solas sitting together.

When they came into view, Ahri and Nidalee made a quick glare at Sona but got over it and sat down with Silver sitting besides the table.

Grey: morning everyone, is Lux and Garen back yet?

Ezreal: they should be in a while, so let's just wait.

They started eating and talking, right now, Solas was telling them the legend of someone.

Solas: and then he said, (starts waving finger) he was casual, so I stabbed the fu**er and took his humanity.

Grey: wow I am glad I wasn't there when he was around.

Lux: hey Grey! We got someone who wants to see you.

They realized Lux and Garen were walking up to them with someone else, Grey stood up and turned around.

Grey: who is...

He trailed off seeing whose with them, they both stood in front of each other and everyone saw it was a woman in a knight like armor and she was actually as tall as Grey.

Grey: D-Dancer?

Dancer: Grey.

Lux was excited with a big grin waiting for the heartwarming family reunion between the two.


However, to her and everyone else's shock, she only saw the Dancer delivery a punch straight to Grey's face.

Dancer: you freaking IDIOT! I've been worried sick about you for months, and I find you here playing champion with a bunch of weirdos.

Brite: (chuckle) I love it when she's mad at him.

Dancer: (looks at Brite) you're in no better position you sun praising idiot!

Brite: wha- what did I do!?

Dancer: nothing! You did nothing but praise the sun when I told you if you hear anything about Grey to tell me!

Grey: (grunt) yeah Brite, way to go on doing nothing.

Dancer: which is exactly why this idiot has been playing peacekeeper instead of looking for a way back home!

Grey: yea-oh... well in my defense, I found a home here.

Dancer: does it look like I give shit about that!

Ahri: hey! Hey! Hey! Who are you to talk to Grey like that?

Dancer: I'm his sister, that's who.

Everyone but Grey, Brite, Lux and Garen: WHAT!?!

Ahri: Grey you have a sister!?!

Grey: well...

Dancer: yes he does.

Ahri: well why are you scolding him?

Dancer: I'm not gonna get lectured on how I treat my brother by some fox dressed up as a whore.

Ahri gasped and everyone went wide eyed from what the Dancer said.

Ahri: wha... (looks at Grey) Grey are you just going to stand there and let her talk to me like that.

Grey: (sigh) Dancer you took it too far, I'm the one your mad at.

Dancer: your defending her?

Grey: yes, now knowing you, your not gonna apologize so at least don't call her something like that again.

Dancer: ........ fine, but I expect a full explanation of what this place is.

Grey: alright, and Ahri, I'm sorry for what she said, truly I am.

Ahri: whatever.

Ahri huffed and Grey sat besides her while the Dancer sat in front of him as he began his explanation.

It took him almost an entire hour to be done with it and she was thinking it over.

Dancer: so we're stuck here.

Grey: apparently, which is why I joined the Institute to find a home, not to mention that Ahri, who you insulted was with me the whole way.

Dancer: fine, I get it, I said something wrong, I won't call her something like that again, happy?

Ahri: not really.

Dancer: why you little... anyhow, the only part that I don't believe is you being a Lord of cinder.

Solas: I can assure you he is one, I saw it myself.

Dancer: and who are you?

Solas: I'm Solas, the Sun's first born.

Dancer: ... should I be impressed?

Solas: no, you should show respect.

Dancer: to someone who was exiled by his family?

Solas frowned and lighting started cracking in his left hand.

Grey: isn't the whole reason why your an outrider knight was because you were exiled?

The Dancer frowned while Solas smirked.

Garen: so what's your name? I doubt It's the Dancer.

Dancer: it's none of your business.

Grey: come on, we're in a different world, don't worry too much, her name is Tiara Ashnex.

Solas: Ashnex? I think I heard that name before, other than Grey I mean.

Tiara: ever heard of Ghear.

Solas: wait, as in Ghear Ashnex, the moonlight hunter!

Grey: yes.

Nidalee: who?

Brite: Ghear Ashnex, or more commonly known as the Moonlight hunter, was a legend in hunting beasts and hollows from our world.

Solas: so does that mean you two are his children?

Grey: no, but he is the reason we're siblings.

Lux: I'm confused.

Tiara: one day, Ghear decided to retire but agreed to take two students, one from the Boreal valley, and the other from Farron's undead legion.

Grey: that was such a long time ago, it was when me and Tiara were still human and not undead yet, we also didn't have a last name.

Tiara: like Grey said, I was exiled, I used to be part of a royal family but they kicked me out, and that's when the Pontiff took me in, after my training as a Dancer was finished, I only needed battle experience, so they sent me to Ghear.

Grey: while me, I didn't have a last name to begin with, and at the end of my training to become an Abyss watcher they sent me to him.

Tiara: at the beginning, he's training was so harsh I wanted to kill either him or myself, but it paid off.

Aki: uhmm, that still doesn't explain how you two are siblings.

Tiara: as much as I hate to admit it, over time we grew found of the old man and started to see him as the father figure we never had, and he had the same with us as his children.

Grey: one day, near the end of our training in his hands, he gave us the chance to have his last name by bringing a big bowl of ale and asking us if we all wanted to be family, we said yes so he made us give a drop of his, Tiara's and my blood and mix it with the ale, and we all had a toast to the new family of Ashnex.

Lux: that sounds sweet... and disgusting at the same time.

Tiara: whatever.

Solas: so what happened to him?

Both Grey and Tiara tensed, they both made a big sigh.

Tiara: he... he was-

Grey: I killed him.

Everyone looked at Grey in shock, and Tiara looked concerned.

Tiara: Grey... you do-

Grey: it's alright.

Ezreal: what do you mean?

Ahri: Grey... what happened?

Grey: (heavy sigh) after our training with Ghear finished, he told us the real reason why he retired was because he was going hollow.

Solas: what!?! Why didn't you use a purging stone?

Tiara: he didn't want one, he thought that if we did use one he was just gonna end up going hollow again, so he made us promise that one day, one of us would come back to kill him after he completely turns hollow... and that was Grey.

Grey: (sigh) that was around twenty years ago.

Flash back:

Grey was walking towards a hill that was surrounded by trees, at the end of the hill was a pair of metal gates.

Grey reached the metal gates and saw that no trees was inside.

Grey: it's time.

Grey reached forward and pushed the gates open.

In front of him was a big open field filled with blood red roses, in the middle of it was a gazebo and in front of it was a man in a wheelchair.

Grey walked up to the man, he was an elderly man with with chin length white hair like Grey.

He wore clothes similar to Grey, except instead of a cape he was wearing a sleeveless red trench coat, and on his head was a hat similar to a top hat.

Grey: Ghear.

Ghear: ah... if it isn't the young Abyss watcher, you are undead now.

Grey: yes.

Ghear: then... I will show you mercy, I will kill you, take your soul, and free you from this terrible undead curse.

Grey: ... no.

Ghear: (chuckle)... dear oh dear, what was it? The souls, the curse, or the dark abyss?

Ghear slowly got up from his wheelchair revealing his hight to be taller than Grey.

Ghear: well... no matter, it always comes down to the hunters helpers to clean up after their messes.

Ghear reached behind him and pulled out a big scythe swinging it once and then resting it on his back.

The scythe's blade was made of a blue purplish crystal and the staff was covered in bandages.

Ghear: tonight... Ghear Ashnex... joins the hunt.

Grey pulls out his weapons and got read for battle, he knew this was his biggest fight yet.

Ghear jumps high in the air and brings down his scythe making Grey roll back to avoid it.

The strike was strong enough to leave a decent crater, Ghear pulls out his scythe and swing at Grey.

Grey rolled under the scythe and immediately anchored his knife in the ground to spin quickly.

He dealt a decent strike to Ghear's chest, said man jumped back and reeled back his scythe.

The scythe started glowing and Grey knew what's coming.

Ghear slashed his scythe and a magical slash went to Grey who immediately jumped away from it.

Ghear reeled back his scythe again and it began glowing, he jumped high In the air and brought down his scythe.

Grey was able to dodge the scythe but not the magical explosion that followed afterwards.

He was sent rolling on the ground, Grey got up to see Ghear spinning towards him while swinging his scythe.

Grey jumped under the scythe and Ghear stopped spinning, Grey anchored his knife and spinned around swinging his sword.

He was able to strike Ghear's back, he stumbled forward but turned around and tried to strike Grey.

But Grey was able to jump back dodging the attack and immediately jumped forward swinging his sword and knife not giving Ghear time to charge his scythe.

Ghear was struck with a big amount of damage and he had to jump back, he was breathing heavily and Grey knew he was on his last leg.

Ghear got ready to strike again, Grey stood his ground not moving while he reeled back his knife.

Ghear dashed forward swinging his scythe... but Grey parry the attack with his knife as strong as he can.

Ghear was left completely open and Grey reeled back his sword and delivered a devastating strick to Ghear in the chest.

Ghear's hands fell limp and he dropped his scythe, he also dropped to his knees.

Ghear: (chuckle) it seems you were able to complete your promise, young Abyss watcher.

Grey: (tears up) Ghear... I...

Ghear: no need to be sad, I knew this would happen... and truthfully... I'm proud of you, and I finally get it.

Ghear fell on the ground, Grey ran to his side and turned him over.

Grey: g-get what?

Ghear: (cough) why you've always been such a great Abyss watcher... your his son, aren't you.

Grey: Ghear what are you talking about?

Ghear: just promise, (cough) promise that you'll take care of your sister.

Grey: I... I promise.

Ghear: thank you... I can finally... rest... in... peace.

Ghear stopped breathing and Grey knew what it was over for him.

End of flash back:

Grey: The next morning, Tiara showed up and we buried his body along with his scythe in his garden.

Brite: so that's how the old man passed away.

Ahri held Grey's hand and gave him a reassuring squeeze and a warm smile which he returned.

Tiara: Grey.

Grey: yeah?

Tiara: I decided.

Grey: decided on what?

Tiara: that I'll join this league of legends and become a champion too.

Everyone was taken back by what she said, specially Grey.

Grey: ........ please tell me your joking.

(A/N: thank you for reading this, and special thanks to both xDarkStar204 and AuthorKnight because they helped me create Ghear's OC, and for anyone who wants Ghear's full story, then here:

Ghear, the moonlight hunter.

Ghear was an ancient undead hunter who specialized in killing beasts and hollows of all kinds, one day he saved a royal family that came from the Boreal valley and to reward him, Pontiff Sulyvahn gave him a scythe infused with magic as pure as the moonlight, the undead legion heard of Ghear's abilities and asked for his help on developing their fighting style, however one day Ghear grew old and retired, but he wanted to pass on his knowledge so he agreed to take two students, one from the Boreal valley, and one from the undead legion.)

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