CH36: the heir to Izalith

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Third POV:

The dark wraiths were walking around, weapons at hands as Grey drew his sword and knife and both he and Akali got their weapons ready while Ahri and Annie prepared their magic.

Akali: so how do we fight those things?

Grey: your not, I'm fighting them alone.

Ahri/Akali/Annie: What!

Before anymore protest was said Grey dashed forward striking the closest Dark wraith.

The dark wraith stumbled back slightly but then immediately struck it's sword forward planning to stab Grey.

Grey however, immediately rolled to the side and anchored his knife to swing his sword.

The dark wraith was struck in the chest and Grey finished it off by jumping and bringing his sword down to finish it off.

Another one came for Grey, but a kunai struck him in the chest and Akali came in, grabbed the kunai and ripped it our while kicking the dark wraith away from her.

The Dark wraith regained it's balance, but was immediately struck with two fire attacks, one blue and the other red.

Grey looked and saw that it was Ahri and Annie who fired as they made their way towards him with Akali regrouping as well.

Grey: what are you doing? I told you I'll fight alone.

Ahri: yeah, and we didn't listen.

Akali: Grey, I know it's your specialty to fight these things but you can't take that many in one fight.

Grey: ..... (heavy sigh) fine.

Grey looked at the dark wraiths and then at his friends.

Grey: alright, me and Akali will take close range fights, Ahri, charm magic won't work on these things, and don't bother taking their life essence, even if they do have any I'd rather not risk you getting hurt because of the Abyss's corruption.

Annie: what about me?

Ahri: I think you should go and find a place to hide Annie.

Grey: actually, Annie is our trump card.

Ahri/Akali: she is?

Annie: I am?

Grey: yes, creatures of the Abyss are weak against fire, so I want you to attack from the back while Ahri portect you, summon Tibbers if you want, also Akali, if you see them raise their free hand, jump back.

Everyone nodded and Grey looked only to immediately jumped out of the way as a blade gazed his shoulder.

Ahri threw an orb of deception at the one that attacked Grey, he stumbled back slightly and Grey jumped in slashing with his sword and knife.

He anchored his knife to swing his sword and finished it off.

Ahri: Grey, are you alright?

Grey: (looks at shoulder) it's just a scratch.

However, a drop of blood fell from Grey's shoulder and when it touched the ground all the dark wraiths immediately stopped what they were doing and slowly turned to Grey.

Akali: is... this normal?

Before Grey can answer, a dark wraith spoke in a very deep and demonic voice.

Dark wraith: the wolf's blood..... Artorias.

The dark wraiths all started walking towards them weapons at hand.

Grey: just do what I told you and you'll be fine.

They all nod, Grey and Akali move for close combat while Ahri and Annie were backing them up from behind.

Akali started dodging attacks while striking small openings at the dark wraith she was fighting.

Grey however looked like he was tearing the one he was fighting apart, he would jump at any opening and strike heavily.

Annie summoned Tibbers and he was helping Ahri keeping the other ones away while Annie helped Grey and Akali whenever she could.

The dark wraith that was fighting Grey brought it's sword for a swing only for Grey to parry the attack with his knife.

The dark wraith was left open and Grey struck it's chest with his sword, he pulled it back as the dark wraith fell to it's knees only to strike again and finish it off.

He turned around only to look in horror as a dark wraith was sneaking up behind Annie ready to finish her off.

Without time to think, he immediately dashed forward in attempt to portect the little pyromancer.

Annie threw another fireball at the dark wraith that was fighting Akali, she didn't notice either Grey or the dark wraith.

Ahri: Annie! Look out!

Annie looked behind her to see the dark wraith with it's sword raised ready to strike.

Before it can bring it's sword down, Grey appeared and took the stab while swinging his sword at the dark wraith.

The dark wraith stumbled back only for Tibbers to jump at him and finish it off.

Grey fell to the ground and the last thing he heard was Annie's voice calling to him full of worry.

Annie: Grey!

Akali: calm down, give him a few seconds and hopefully he'll be back with a flaming sword.

Even then both Ahri and Akali looked at Grey in worry.

Grey POV:

I opened my eyes to see myself in the temple, two statues were with me.

I honestly wanted to take Nito's soul, but I knew it's power was rather wild, if I used it, I might hurt the others.

I thought back on how Annie was just left open like that, she could have been more than hurt, I want to get back to the battle and make sure she's safe.

I also wanted to portect Ahri, I don't want her to be hurt, I lost to many loved ones to the Abyss.

I was about to take the wolf's blood soul, but then the ground shook and another statue emerged from the ground.

When the statue was completely out, it showed a woman coverd in robes and a hood.

She had her hands extended forward as if offering something and then a small flame appeared between her hands.

Unlike Nito's soul, this one was bright red and it took me a while to realize what it is.

It was the soul of life... the Witch of Izalith's soul, but what can I... ?

Grey: Pyromancy! Of course, it can really help me right now.

I reached for the soul and it floated towards me and entered my chest... at that moment, I heard a voice... and I knew who it was.

Witch of Izalith: I could not save my daughters, my loved ones, but perhaps you may succeed in where I failed.

Third POV:

Ahri dodged another swing from a dark wraith's sword, she, Annie and Akali managed to take down a couple of them.

They were only six left, and she was getting tired.

She saw the dark wraith approach her again only for a red fireball to strike it, the dark wraith died and fell on the ground a little covered in lava.

Ahri: thanks Annie.

Annie: uhmm... that wasn't me.

Ahri stopped and looked back to see Grey standing but there was some changes.

His cape was covered in glowing root like patterns, instead of holding his knife his left hand was covered in flames and he was holding his signature flaming sword.

He raised his left hand as the flame in it intensified and he thrust it forward throwing a big red fireball at the dark wraith Akali was fighting and it gained the same fate as the past one.

Grey turned his attention to the remaining four dark wraiths and started walking towards theme.

Ahri saw that every time Grey took a step, a white flower that was on fire but not burning would grow where his foot used to be.

One of the dark wraiths started making its way to Grey.

The Abyss watcher raised his hand with the flame intensified again and thrust it in his chest.

Grey was covered in red aura, he swung his sword at the attacking dark wraith, the strength of the attack sent the sword out of the dark wraith's hand and Grey brought back his sword and finished it off.

Another one came for a strike but Grey dodged it, he grabbed the dark wraith by the face, lifted him off the ground, reeled back his hand and thrust it forward making an explosion of fire on the dark wraiths head turning it to ash.

The remaining two didn't move yet but they didn't need to, Grey jumped towards them making a big swing striking both of them with his flaming sword.

Before they managed to get back up, Grey raised his left hand and then thrust it in the ground making a few pillars of fire appear finishing the dark wraiths off.

After the fire faded away, Grey stood with some lava covering his surrounding.

The others reached Grey but slightly cautious of the lava and they saw his flames die down.

Akali: ok... what was that?

Grey: a new power apparently.

Ahri: you just keep coming up with those, don't you?

Grey: (shrug) I'm not complaining, (sigh) but all being serious I need to talk to Solas about this or someone else.

Akali: (sigh) I'm just glad that this is over, I wouldn't mind not seeing these things ever again.

Grey: (snort) please, I used to see these things on a daily basis.

Akali: please tell me your joking.

Grey didn't answer he just walked away from the fallen dark wraiths, the others joined him and they got back to Akali's stand.

After getting back their stuff, Akali agreed to take Annie home to make sure she's safe while Ahri and Grey started making their way towards the transport station.

Along the way, Grey broke the silence.

Grey: hey Ahri.

They both stopped, turned towards each other and Grey uncovered his face with a troubled look.

Ahri: yeah?

Grey: look... I'm sorry the date didn't exactly go well, if I can pay you back then please just tell me what to do.

Ahri didn't say anything for a few seconds, she then leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

She backed away to see his blushing face and gave him a warm smile.

Ahri: I actually had a lot of fun, you don't need to do anything for me, as long we're together that is.

Grey would have kept being frozen but Ahri's warm smile brought back his senses.

Grey: thank you Ahri.

Ahri: no problem.

Grey: now (hold Ahri's hand) let's go home....... hopefully we'll be able to stop Tiara from killing Brite.

(A/N: thank you for reading this, I'm sorry if it came a little late, and please comment In anyway you like.)

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