CH37: the pledge

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Third POV:

Ahri woke up in the morning to see both her and Grey covered in her tails, she couldn't help but smile remembering last night.

They came back pretty late and Grey was right about his sister, Ahri remembered how both Grey and Solas had to hold her back while Brite got away.

She untangled her tails and went through her morning routine, she got out to the living room and saw Nidalee.

She was sitting on the couch with Vordt's mace leaning on it, the table had Grey's weapons and his pledge and the window was open letting fresh air in.

Ahri: good morning.

Nidalee: morning.

Ahri: where's Silver?

Nidalee: Annie took him for a walk again, but enough about that, how was the date?

Ahri: it was pretty good, it did get a little chaotic at the end but everything was settled.

Nidalee: anything special happen?

Ahri: just a kiss on the cheek from me?

Nidalee: (raises eyebrow) just that? Not a full kiss?

Ahri: I wanted to do that, but I remembered that I promised to help you with a date with Grey, if I did give him a full kiss, then your chances with him would have been less.

Nidalee: (smile) thanks... so what do you mean by chaotic?

Ahri: it's a long story, but right now I just want to rest.

Ahri walked up to the couch and jumped in, but then unintentionally made Vordt's mace start falling.

It fell striking the bottom of Grey's knife, it worked as a catapult sending Grey's pledge that was at the blade into the air.

Their eyes followed the pledge as it flew over them... and flew right through the window.

It took them a second to realize what happened.

Ahri/Nidalee: AAAAAAAAH!

They both went to the window and immediately started looking around.

Nidalee: I can't see it! Can you?

Ahri: no! What are we going to do?

Before they can think of anything, they both tensed at the sound of a door opening.

They turned around to see Grey get out while putting his hat on, he looked up to them with a smile.

Grey: good morning... what's up with you two?

Ahri/Nidalee: Nothing! Nothing at all.

Grey: okaaaay... anyway, we're free today.

Ahri: that's great.

Then she went to Grey, turned him around and started pushing him to the door.

Ahri: how about we go get breakfast, I bet you're hungry.

Grey: w-wait, the rest of my stuff-

Ahri: will be here when you get back, it's just breakfast, now let's go.

Ahri pushed Grey out of the room, turned around, looked at at Nidalee and mouthed the words 'go find it'.

Once they were out, Nidalee looked outside the window trying to see where the emblem landed.

Meanwhile, Grey and Ahri were on the hallway and making their way towards the dinning hall when they ran into Sona.

Grey: good morning Sona.

Sona: [hello Grey, how are you?].

Grey: I'm fine, so do you have anything planned today.

Sona: [yes, I was gonna see if we could go to the garden together?].

Grey: well... I don't know?...

Ahri: what is it?

Grey: she asked if I would go with her to the garden, but I-

Ahri: that's a great idea, you should definitely go.

Sona was caught off guard by Ahri's change of personality.

In truth, Ahri dreaded the fact of leaving Grey with Sona, but it also meant more time for her to look.

Grey: are you sure?

Ahri: (smile) absolutely, so go on, don't let me stop you.

Grey: uhmm... ok, well let's go.

Sona nods, both her and Grey leave towards the garden, once they turn a corner, Ahri's smile immediately turns into a worried expression and she runs back to their room.

She reached it seeing Nidalee exit.

Ahri: well?

Nidalee: I know where it fell at least? Wait, where's Grey?

Ahri: he went with Sona to the garden.

Nidalee: (angry yelling) you left him with Sona!?!

Ahri: I was desperate, ok? So where is it.

Nidalee: it's in the backyard, we're lucky it's not connected to the garden.

Ahri: well let's go.

They both left hoping that they can find it before anyone finds out.

With Grey and Sona:

Grey and Sona just entered the garden and they immediately started looking at the beautiful scenery.

Grey: this place always amazes me, Zyra truly knows how to keep the life of nature.

Zyra: why thank you?

Grey and Sona saw Zyra come out of the garden.

Grey: morning Zyra.

Zyra: good morning, so do you have a reason for visiting my garden?

Grey: not really, me and Sona just wanted to hang out in the garden.

Zyra: well, I'm still checking on my children for today, so make yourself at home, as long-

Grey: as long as we don't hurt your children, (chuckle) I know the drill Zyra.

Zyra: (chuckle) just make sure that you follow it.

Grey nods and both he and Sona find a place to sit down while Zyra started checking on her children.

Grey told her why he wasn't around yesterday, about the date and the bloodmoon, while leaving the kiss out of the conversation.

Sona looked happily at Grey, she was interested in learning how Grey's date went........ while also checking if she needs a scarf made of fox fur.

They finished their talk when someone else arrived.

Annie: hi Grey, hi Sona.

They both looked and saw Annie walking towards them, Tibbers in her arms while Silver was walking besides her.

When they got closer, Silver immediately ran up to Grey, jumped to his shoulder and started nuzzling to his head.

Grey: (chuckle) I missed you too boy, so how are you Annie.

Annie: oh I'm great, I just took Silver around the Institute, he really loves to run around.

Grey: (laugh) well, thanks for taking care of him.

Silver: (muffled bark).

Grey: hmm, what is it? Do you have something for me?

With Ahri and Nidalee:

Ahri and Nidalee just came in to the backyard, it had stone floor, a few statues and a fountain in the middle.

They immediately started looking, Nidalee turned to her cougar form sniffing around, while Ahri used her agility to jump on the statues and look from on top of them.

Ahri jumped down and Nidalee turned back to human.

Ahri: did you find it?

Nidalee: no.

???: what are you looking for?

They both turned around and saw it was Teemo who talked.

Ahri: oh! Hey Teemo, did you see something fall in here?

The Yordle started scratching his head trying to remember.

Teemo: well I only came here a little before you two... but I did see Ezreal come out of here after he picked something from the ground.

Ahri: thanks.

They turn around and exit the backyard.

Nidalee: so now we have to find Ezreal.

Ahri: yeah, let's go.

They start walking through the hallways, they got close to the garden entrance and tense seeing Grey exit, Silver on his shoulder and Sona at his side.

Grey: oh, hi you two, what's up.

Nidalee: y-you know, just walking around.

They both tried to think of any kind of way to distract him so Ahri said the first thing that came to mind.

Ahri: uhmm... h-hey Grey, have you ever been to the arcade before.

Grey: what's an arcade?

Ahri: well your in luck, where going to go there right now, Sona can even join us.

She grabbed Grey's arm, started walking towards the arcade while pulling him along.

Sona looked back at Nidalee for a second, but then shrugged and followed those two.

Zyra: well, don't you look rather tense.

Nidalee yelped in surprise and turned around holding her spear, she saw it was Zyra.

Zyra had her arms crossed with an unimpressed look at the spear, Nidalee can see Annie behind Zyra playing in the garden.

Nidalee: oh... Zyra, hi... hey you wouldn't happen to know where Ezreal is, would you?

Zyra: (raises eyebrow) Ezreal? Well, it's late afternoon so he should be at the library.

Nidalee: thank you.

Nidalee took off running towards the library, she asked a couple of summoners and she was able to find it.

When she got to it's gates, she didn't want to believe what she saw.

Other than having books, the library was enormous, it had shelves everywhere, honestly, it looked like a big maze made of books.

Nidalee: urghh... well... better start looking.

With Grey, Ahri and Sona:

Ahri managed to keep Grey in the arcade till it was dinner time, she found out that Sona was actually very good at games.

Right now, she was playing a fighting game with Grey... and he was winning.

Ahri: no! No! Nooooo!

Ahri's screen turned red and showed 'looser' while Grey had was blue and showed 'winner'.

Ahri: urghh, how are you doing this?!?

Grey: I... I still don't know what I'm doing, or what I'm supposed to do.

Ahri groaned and slammed her head on the screen, Grey was about to help her but then saw Nidalee enter the arcade.

Grey: oh, hi Nidalee.

Ahri's ears twitched and she looked up at Nidalee, said girl walked up to them.

Nidalee: hi Grey, do you mind if I talk to Ahri for a second.

Grey: uhmm, sure.

Nidalee took Ahri, they walked away a little just out of earshot.

Ahri: so?

Nidalee: I didn't find it.

Ahri: what?!?

Nidalee: Zyra told me that Ezreal was in the library, I went there and was looking the entire day, but then this giant dog guy told me Ezreal was in a match.

Ahri: well we got to find him, I can't keep Grey in the arcade forever.

Nidalee: (frown) so while I was looking inside a big maze of books you were playing video games.

Ahri: (frown) hey, do you have any idea how hurt my pride is, Grey still doesn't know what a video game is and he's still kicking my butt.

Ahri felt someone tapping her shoulder, she turned around and both her and Nidalee jumped slightly from seeing Sona standing behind her with a suspicious look.

Ahri: o-oh, hi Sona.

Sona took out her board, she wrote down and showed it to them.

Sona: '''you two messed something up, didn't you?'''.

Nidalee: what are you t-talking about? (Nervous chuckle).

Sona couldn't look less convinced if she tried, she started writing again.

Sona: '''you know, if I tell Grey you've done something, he's going to start questioning you two'''.

Ahri: ok ok ok, we... lost Grey's pledge.

Sona: (raises eyebrow) '''the one that's been with him since he was a baby?'''.

Ahri: he told you about that? Nevermind, please don't tell him, we just need a little more time to find it, please.

Sona looked to be in thought for a moment before answering.

Sona: (innocent smile) '''alright, I won't tell him'''.

Ahri/Nidalee: wait, just like that?

Sona: '''sure, in fact, it's like I never knew about it'''.

Sona turned around and left, the two of them were a little taken back by what she did.

Ahri: something isn't right here.

Nidalee: I know, but let's figure it out later, now all we could do is wait for Ezreal and take it from him.

Ahri nods and they both go, they find Grey standing in front of a game and Sona was watching him.

Ahri: hi Grey, what are you playing.

Grey: souls dark, Sona told me it's a great game.

Ahri: sooo... why aren't you doing anything?

Grey: I want to play, I really do, but I'm just stuck listening to the theme song.

Nidalee: okaaaay... let's go get dinner, it's a little late.

Grey: ok.

They all left the arcade, they made their way towards the dinning hall, got in and found a table with Aki, Brite, Solas, Tiara, Lux, Garen and Katarina sitting together.

They all sat down and started eating after giving Silver his food.

Tiara was getting along well with Katarina, Solas was telling a story with Lux and Garen listening, while Grey and Brite got into a little argument.

Ezreal showed up a little while later.

Ezreal: hi everyone.

Ahri: oh Ezreal, I've been looking for you, can we talk to you for a second.

Ezreal: uhmm... yeah, sure.

Ahri and Nidalee got up and went with Ezreal away from earshot.

Ezreal: so what's up?

Ahri: were you at the backyard today?

Ezreal: yeah?

Nidalee: did you pick up something by any chance?

Ezreal reached for his pocket, they were both filled with hope, but all of it came crashing down as they saw him pull out a coin.

Ezreal: you mean this coin?

Ahri: a... coin.

Nidalee: are you sure you didn't get anything else?

Ezreal: no nothing... what's wrong? You two look terrible.

Ahri and Nidalee sighed, they told him of what happened and looking all day.

Ahri: so... what are we supposed to do?

Ezreal: well... sorry but you got to tell him, you can't keep lying.

They both knew he was right, the only thing they can do is tell the truth.

They went back to the others, finished their dinner and left.

Grey, Ahri and Nidalee all walked back to their room, Sona had joined them asking to see it.

After they got in, Ahri and Nidalee sat down on the couch while Grey and Sona were still standing.

Sona: [I have to admit, it is quite the peaceful looking place].

Grey: yeah.

Ahri: hey Grey.

Grey: yeah.

Grey looked at Ahri and Nidalee, they were sitting on the couch with a look of guilt.

Nidalee: we... have something to tell you.

Grey: (raises eyebrow) what is it.

Ahri: (deep breath) we...... (ears fall) lost your pledge.

Grey remained quiet, simply looking at them as they shrunk more in their seats.

Ahri: I know you're mad, take it out on me, it was basically my fault so don't blame Nidalee.

Nidalee: no, I deserve some of the blame, so don't hold anything against Ahri, please.

They both went quiet, waiting for whatever Grey was going to do, after a few seconds of agonizing silence, he spoke.

Grey: you mean this pledge?

They both looked and their jaws dropped, because in Grey's hand was the pledge they thought lost.

Ahri/Nidalee: how?...

Grey: when I was at the garden, Annie showed up and Silver had it with him, they found it in the backyard apparently, I figured out you lost it from the way you were acting this morning, I didn't say anything because I wanted you to tell me yourself, I knew that you wouldn't lose it on porpus, so I wouldn't have been mad at you, I just hoped you had a little more faith in me.

Grey left to Nidalee's room to prepare for the night, meanwhile, both Ahri and Nidalee were looking down in shame.

Nidalee: wait... in the garden? But wasn't he with...

Realization struck them as they both looked at Sona who was giving them an innocent smile.

Ahri: you knew, didn't you?

Sona made an obviously fake confused expression before taking out her board.

Sona: '''oh my, whatever could you be talking about?'''.

Ahri: you knew Grey had the pledge all along.

Sona: (sinister smile) '''of course not, in fact, I never even knew it was missing to begin with'''.

Sona turned around and left the room while both Ahri and Nidalee were glaring holes into her back.

Ahri: hey Nidalee... is there some kind of poisonous fruit from the jungle we can put in her food.

Nidalee: I'll start looking.

(A/N: thank you for reading this, I hope you enjoy it, and remember to comment in anyway you like.)

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