CH39: the wolf's blood

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Third POV:

Grey woke up in Ahri's bed covered in stuffed animals, he got up and stretched.

Grey: urghh, I told her she bought too much.

Grey went and finished showering, getting his clothes and armor, checking the schedule and seeing if any of them has any matches.

He saw that he has one in the afternoon, an official match too.

Grey left Ahri's room and found both Ahri and Nidalee on the couch watching TV with Silver besides them, but they seemed to be in thought.

Grey: good morning.

Ahri: o-oh! Morning Grey.

Nidalee: did you see the schedule?

Grey: yeah, I have an official match this afternoon, Noxus VS. Zaun, I'll be fighting for Noxus this time.

Nidalee: urghh, why do you have to fight for Noxus?

Grey: (shrug) I got nothing against them, so why not? Anyway, wanna go for breakfast?

Ahri: sure.

They left their room, entered the dining hall and found Aki, Ezreal, Lux, Garen, Katarina, Sona and Tiara sitting together.

Grey: morning everyone.

Ezreal: hi Grey, got anything planned today?

Grey: well, I'm fighting a match for Noxus this afternoon.

Lux: you too?

Grey: wait, too?

Tiara: I'm in that match too, I'll be fighting for Noxus as well.

Katarina: well it's good to know I at least have two other teammates I can rely on, the other two aren't that trustworthy.

Grey: so where's Brite and Solas.

Garen: they left a while ago, something about praising the Sun at it's dawn.

Grey: figures.

Sona: [so what will you do until the match?]

Grey: just wait I guess.

They all sit together and start having breakfast.

Time skip:

It was now the afternoon, nothing much happened, but Brite and Solas coming and joining everyone else.

Katarina: well, I guess the match will be any minute now.

Tiara: I got admit I'm happy that I was finally picked for a match.

Aki: oh! That reminds me, Grey, Tiara, you two will be using new skins for the match.

Grey/Tiara: new skin?

Aki: y-yeah, you two got a new dual skin and you'll be using it for the match.

Grey: well can we see it?

Aki: sure.

Grey and Tiara walked a little away from the table while Aki started waving her hands and casting a spell.

Tiara was now wearing clothes that were black in color, she had a crow shaped mask, a big hat, she was also wearing a cape made of black feathers and her swords took an odd shape.

Grey was also wearing black clothing, a tattered tri-corn hat, a cloth covering his face, a black trench coat with a short cape on the shoulders, his knife looked the same but his sword was replaced by an extended weapon that looks like a combination between a saw and a cleaver.

Tiara: (looks at hands) urghh, I look like the crystal sage.

Grey: it actually looks good on you.

Tiara: easy for you to say that, the guy spoiled you when the Abyss watchers were raising you, speaking of you look like one of Rosaria's fingers.

Brite: yes it is creepy.

Grey: I don't know, I feel comfortable on this.

Grey, Tiara and Katarina were surrounded by light and then vanished, the orb appeared in the middle of the dinning hall showing the two teams.

They saw Grey and Tiara's names with Noxus, they also saw that they had the same Picture.

Brite: wait, both Grey and Tiara are fighting together....... (chuckle) I feel pity for the sorry fools that are actually going up against them.

Ahri: wait, what?

Brite: you'll see.

Inside the rift:

Grey, Tiara and Katarina all showed up in their team's base, and saw the other two champions.

One of them was wearing a fur coat, he had tattoos, a wild looking hair and a pair of throwing axes.

The other one looked more serious, he had black armor, short neatly combed hair, a red cape and he was holding a big axe.

Katarina: Darius, Draven, you two ready?

Draven: of course I am, we'll win because we have Draaaaaaven!

Darius: this is serious Draven, don't mess this up.

Draven: no no, it's not Draven, it's Draaaaaaven!

Darius sighed while Katarina leaned to Grey and Tiara.

Katarina: (whisper) this is what I was talking about.

Darius turned to them and looked at Grey and Tiara with an inspecting look.

Darius: so you'll be fighting with us? I hope you can keep up.

Tiara: (chuckle) just don't get in our way.

Grey and Tiara got ready in front of the other three, Grey doing his pose while Tiara crouched slightly ready to begin.

Grey/Tiara: tonight... the Ashnex joins the hunt.

The sound that marks the start of the match was heard, Grey and Tiara were the first to move as they dashed forward.

Grey went alone to the top, Tiara disappeared in the jungle, Katarina went to the bottom, Darius and Draven went together in the middle.

After a few minutes, Grey and the minions reached the enemy, minions and two champions.

One of them was Warwick, the other was a purple man with a large butcher knife.

Purple: finally! Something for Mundo to slice up.

Grey didn't respond, he extended his sawcleaver and dashed forward to strike.

He ducked under a strike from Warwick and ended up between him and Mundo.

He anchored his knife to swing his sawcleaver and struck Warwick in the back.

Grey rolled under a swing from Mundo's butcher knife, he got up and struck Mundo twice in the chest before jumping to avoid Warwick's jaws.

He anchored his knife again and swung in a full circle striking both Warwick and Mundo.

He got up and jumped back making distance between him and the two champions.

They started making their way towards Grey while he just stood there, but then Tiara jumped out from the forest and landed on Mundo's back.

Mundo: What the!

He didn't have time to finish because Tiara crossed her blades above his neck and then removed his head.

Grey took his chance and jumped forward swinging his sawcleaver and striking Warwick.

He anchored his knife to swing again and then pulled it out and jumped swinging down and finished Warwick off.

He stood up and then both him and Tiara went after the turret, after a few minutes, they destroyed it.

They looked at each other and nodded, then they both jumped in the forest running towards the middle of the rift.

After a few seconds they reached the middle lane, they found Darius and Draven fighting two other champions.

One of them was a man in red rags holding a green container of green liquid, the other was a giant rat with a crossbow.

The man was about to spray them from the container, but he was cut off by Tiara who jumped in and struck him in the chest.

The man recoiled back slightly and Tiara took her chance, she reeled back both her swords to the right and started spinning while swinging them.

She finished him off and stopped spinning, she saw Grey jump in and finish off the rat.

Draven: hey! That was my kill!

Grey didn't respond, he looked at Tiara and motioned to the forest, she nodded and disappeared to it again.

Time skip: outside of the rift.

To say the Noxian team dominated the match would be an understatement, Zaun barely managed to destroy two turrets.

While Grey and Tiara destroyed the enemy team completely without any problems.

Neither of them died once, and they got more kills then both teams combined.

Ezreal: wow... just wow.

Lux: if I ever went against those two, I'll immediately recommend surrendering to my team.

Garen: I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree.

Solas: guess they didn't train with Ghear for nothing.

Ahri: the way their fighting is... kinda scarry.

Nidalee: yes, there's something feral about it.

Brite: that's Ghear's teaching.

Aki: what do you mean?

Brite: Grey told me that Ghear believed that if you want to hunt beasts, you have to be a greater one.

Inside the rift:

Grey and Tiara just entered the enemy base after killing that rat and Warwick again.

They saw Mundo and the man with red rags defending the enemy's Nexus.

Mundo: hey you, Mundo remembers you, Mundo is going to kill you and use your guts for Mundo's next experiment.

Neither of them reply, Tiara then walked up and stabbed her left sword in the ground and dragged it in a line.

Mundo and the man ran up to them to attack, but then the line from Tiara's sword exploded into dark magic.

Both Mundo and the man were stunned which gave Grey and Tiara their chance.

They both jumped in and finished both the man and Mundo off.

They then turned to the Nexus and started attacking, after a few seconds, they managed to destroy it.

Announcer: VICTORY, Noxus.

Grey and Tiara were covered in light and then vanished, they reappeared in a room with the rest of the champions in their normal form.

Katarina: way to go guys.

Darius: not bad.

Draven: you stole my kills!

Tiara: whatever.

Grey: thanks and sorry about your kills Draven.

They exited the room and were met with the sight of a happy Swain.

Swain: well done, I expect nothing less.

The Noxian champions thanked their general and then he turned to the other two.

Swain: good job Abyss watcher, and to your companion as well, if you ever change your mind about joining Noxus just give me the word.

Grey: I'll keep it in mind General.

They all split up, Darius and Draven followed Swain while Grey, Tiara and Katarina went to meet up with their friends.

On the way Tiara spoke.

Tiara: was it just me... or was that guy a Runeterra version of Pontiff Sulyvahn?

(A/N: thank you for reading this, please comment in anyway you like and tell me how you like the story so far.)

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