CH40: stars

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Third POV:

Grey was half-asleep in Nidalee's bed, he rolled to his other side and felt something under him, he didn't give it much thought until he heard Nidalee's voice.

Nidalee: you know, I did agree that you could sleep in my bed but I never agreed that you can grope me whenever you want.

Grey's eyes immediately snap open he rolls away and end up falling from the bed.

He gets up, raises his hands and started apologizing.

Grey: I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-

He immediately stops as he saw that Nidalee wasn't in the bed and what was under him was just a pillow.

His expression immediately turns into an annoyed glare as he looked at the door where Nidalee was smirking and leaning on the door frame.

Nidalee: so... are you up yet?

Grey: (heavy sigh)... let me guess... Ahri's idea?

Ahri: (yell from living room) I won't deny or confirm that!

Nidalee chuckles while Grey rolled his eyes.

Grey: alright, give me a few minutes and I'll join you.

Nidalee nods and goes to the living room, Grey went through his morning routine and checked the schedule before going to the living room.

He saw Ahri and Nidalee on the couch, Silver was on Ahri's lap while she was petting him.

When Ahri saw Grey, she immediately gained a mischievous smile.

Ahri: hi Grey, did you sleep well?

Grey: (sigh) whatever, anyway, I checked the schedule and-

Ahri: I swear if you say that your the only one with a match I'll hurt you.

Grey: actually, your the only one with a match today.

Ahri: oh... (smug smile) well I guess it's about time my talent is recognized.

Grey: the one about ruining my sleep?

Ahri: (frown) you know what I meant.

Grey: sure, let's go get breakfast.

Silver then jumped from Ahri's lap, went to Grey and climbed up to his shoulder.

They all left to the dinning hall, once they got there, they found only Aki, Brite, Ezreal and Solas.

They sat down and gave their greetings.

Grey: hey, does anyone know where my sister is?

Brite: she went out with Katarina since Garen was busy.

Grey: alright, but where's Sona?

Both Ahri and Nidalee frowned.

Ahri/Nidalee: "why do you care?"

Ezreal: she's got a concert back in Demacia, Garen and Lux went there as extra protection... well, Garen did, Lux just went there for the music, anyway, got anything planned today?

Grey: well-

Ahri: I have a match, and Grey agreed to stay and watch it.

Grey: when did that-

Ahri: (kicks Grey under table) right Grey?

Grey: ow! Alright alright.

Brite: I think I'm in that match too.

Ezreal: me three.

Aki: I think I know why, there's been a new group skin, mostly girls, but Brite and Ezreal were an exception, it's really popular, I'm in the match, in fact I'll be playing Ahri.

Ahri: great, it's been a while since we took a match together.

Ezreal: so can we see the skins.

Aki: sure.

Ahri, Ezreal and Brite got up and moved back slightly from the table.

Aki waved her hands and casted a spell, a few seconds later, Ahri , Ezreal and Brite appeared In the new skin.

Ahri was wearing a white shirt with gold trimming and a star in the chest, disconnected sleeves, her hair is now blonde and her tails are the same color, her skirt is a light shade of red almost pink.

Ezreal was wearing a blue shirt also with a star on the chest, a white jacket and pants with gold trimming, his hair was longer and combed to the side, and his gauntlet had wings on the side and a star shaped crystal on top.

Brite was wearing a red shirt and like the other two he had a star at his chest, a white jacket and pants with gold trimming, his hair was also longer but into a ponytail, his helbard's staff was white, the blade was gold, and between the staff and the blade was a red star.

Aki: it's called the star guardians.

Ezreal: (looks at hands) wow, I got to admit, this is pretty cool.

Brite: sun themed, just the way I like it.

Ahri: hey Grey, (spin around) what do you think?

Grey: it really looks cute on you.

Ahri: (blush) thanks... Wait...

Ahri just noticed... that she wasn't touching the ground.

Ahri: I... can float?....... wohoo!

Ahri starts moving around in circles floating above the ground, a pink hue following her tails.

Aki: only in this skin, now try making an orb of deception.

Ahri tried creating an orb of deception, she did make one, but what appears to be a pinkish baby fox with multiple tails appeared.

Ahri: oh my God, whose this little guy.

Aki: that's Kiko, he's supposed to be company, anyway, I need to get the summoning chamber.

Aki then takes her leave.

Kiko: (chirps).

Ahri: oh your just adorable~.

Kiko starts floating around and then goes in front of Silver, the wolf pup barks and Kiko chirps as they start running around playing together.

Ahri: awwwe~ they're getting along.

Brite: I truly can't imagine a better way of living, getting to portect the Suns while also praising them with great warriors.

Brite then throws his arm over Ezreal's shoulder and starts waving his hand while both were looking at the same direction.

Brite: I can see it right now, Praising, praising everywhere.

Grey: calm down.

Brite: your just jealous.

Grey: why? I'm a Lord of cinder, and now I have life and death at my command, I'm basically a god, why in the name of the great Knight Artorias would I be jealous?

Solas: wait, what? Life and Death?

Grey: (sigh) you and I need to talk later.

Kiko: (chirps).

Ahri: what is it Kiko?

Kiko floats towards Grey, Kiko starts floating around Grey's head while pointing at him.

Kiko: (chirds).

Ahri: yeah, he's a great friend of mine, his name is Grey.

Grey: you can understand him?

Ahri: (shrug) kinda.

Kiko starts stealing glances between Grey and Ahri, he then gained a mischievous smile, the kind Ahri gets when teasing Grey.

Kiko then starts chirping longer than usual, when he was done, for some reason Ahri's face became as red as Grey's cape.

Ahri: what?!? No! (Waves finger) Bad Kiko! Bad! Me and Grey never did... that.

Grey: wait, what did he say?

Ahri: nothing! He said nothing at all! (Glares at Kiko) you and I are going to have a talk about moral decency later.

Ahri, Brite and Ezreal were covered in light and then vanished, the orb appeared in the middle of the dinning hall and everyone sees their names with the blue team.

Inside the rift:

Ahri, Ezreal and Brite appeared In the rift, with them were two other champions, they didn't pay much attention to them as the match began.

Ahri was floating with Kiko besides her as she traveled top lane when she started talking to Aki.

Ahri: you know, this reminds me of my first match with you.

Aki: yeah, I guess it does.

Ahri: hey, why don't we celebrate with a double date, you know, me and Grey... and you and Brite.

Ahri suddenly hits the ground and starts bouncing while rolling like a ball, after a few seconds she regains her balance.

Ahri: urghh (shakes head) ow, what happened?

Aki: s-sorry I-I dropped my o-orb, what did you say?

Ahri: I'd tell you, but I'm afraid of going through that again.

Somewhere in the Institute:

The Grand summoner was watching a replay of Grey's matches, more specifically, the time he used the power of a Lord of cinder.

Grand summoner: it's almost time, just a little longer, and I'll be able to see if your truly worthy..... Elpis.

(A/N: thank you for reading this, please comment in anyway you like and tell me how you like the story so far.)

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