CH41: band?

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Third POV:

Ahri, Ezreal and Brite's match ended with their victory, they all gathered at the dinning hall to have dinner.

Right now, it was Ahri, Aki, Brite, Ezreal, Nidalee, Grey, Solas and Tiara who joined them a few minutes earlier and now sitting together, Silver was near the table having his own dinner.

Solas: so Grey, you said we need to talk?

Grey stops eating and sighed.

Grey: yeah..... you see, I have Nito and the Witch's soul.

Brite, Solas and Tiara all looked at him like he grew a second head.

Solas: ....... I'm sorry, what?

Brite: Grey what are you talking about?

Grey: (sigh) the soul of life and the soul of death, I have them.

Tiara: Grey if this is a joke, it's not funny.

Grey: it's not... (sigh) just listen.

Grey went and told them what happened, How he discovered the souls of the Lords, when he used them and how he used them.

After he was done Solas, Brite and Tiara all had a few seconds of thinking.

Grey: so after I told you that, here's what I wanted to talk to you about Solas, What's happening to me? Why do I have the souls of the Lords?.

Solas: I... don't know... it is possible, but only if you're as old as I am.

Grey: sadly I'm not.

Tiara: I can vouch for that, I was there when the Abyss watchers gave him the Darksign.

Solas: well then I have nothing.

Aki: oh right! Before I leave, Grey, Brite, Solas and Tiara, there's a new skin made especially for you guys, it's going to come out tomorrow but you need to be together to see it.

Grey: what is it about?

Aki: I'm not sure, they'll give me the details tomorrow.

Grey: well, I guess I'll call it a night then, goodnight everyone.

Everyone said their goodnight and they all left to their rooms.

Time skip:

It was next morning, Ahri, Grey and Nidalee got out of their room and headed to the dinning hall.

Nidalee: I saw the schedule, we're free today.

Ahri: so Grey, Are you excited about the group skin?

Grey: I guess...

Ahri: what's wrong?

Grey: nothing, it's just that I'm a little upset that Solas couldn't give me answers.

Nidalee: look, I don't know about this soul stuff but i say don't worry about it, the answers your looking for will come out when it's time.

Grey: alright I guess.

They arrived at the dinning hall and found Sona waiting at the entrance.

Grey: good morning Sona, how are you?

Sona: (smile) [good morning Grey, I'm doing great thank you].

Grey: I heard you had a concert last night, I hope it went well.

Sona: [it went great].

Grey: I'm glad to hear that, would you like to join us.

Sona: [yes].

They enter the dinning hall while Sona ignored the glares from Ahri and Nidalee.

They found Aki, Brite, Solas and Tiara sitting together waiting.

Grey: morning, so is the new skin ready.

Aki: yeah, just stand together with the other three.

Grey nods and he walks up and stands besides Brite, Solas and Tiara.

Aki casted the spell and after a few minutes the four of them showed up in their new skin.

Tiara was now wearing a leather jacket and a purple shirt under it, she was wearing a short skirt along with fishnet leggings, her blue hair was now dark purple while it remained in the same style, her weapons have been replaced by big drumsticks, one red and one blue.

Solas was now wearing a blue shirt and jeans that were torn in the knees, his hair was now blonde and half it's length, his swordspear was replaced with a giant electric guitar.

Brite was wearing a white and green shirt with the warriors of sunlight's crest on it, light blue jeans, his hair was the same, and his helbard was replaced with a bass that was in the shape of his helbard.

Grey was now wearing a black long sleeved shirt, his face was uncovered and he didn't have his hat making his snow white hair visible, his old cape was replaced by a blue one that looks like it was made by the finest silk, his knife looked more clean and at the bottom of the knife's handle was a microphone, his sword was more shiny and on the cross guard was a speaker with blue highlights.

Aki: it's a band skin.

Brite: as in a musical band

Grey: (looks at hands) huh, not bad, what do you think.

Ahri: it's great.

Nidalee: it suits you honestly.

Sona couldn't answer, she was too busy gawking, what could be her ideal version of Grey was standing right in front of her.

She had a slight blush on her cheeks and her mouth was slightly open, luckily for her, Grey didn't notice, but unluckily for her, Tiara did.

She walked up closer to her and made sure only Sona can hear her.

Tiara: (whisper) hey Sona, is your nose bleeding?

Sona immediately regains her senses and her hands covered her nose, she removed them to see if there's anything red but saw nothing.

Right now, Sona had two feelings, anger for what Tiara did, and embarrassment because she didn't doubt for a second that her nose was bleeding.

Aki: also, you should know that if you guys want to keep that skin you have to make a song.

Grey: oh... I guess I'll be losing this skin then.

Brite: I think not, I say we do sing a song.

Tiara: I'm up for it.

Grey: Solas please tell me your on my side.

Solas: actually, I think it would be quite enjoyable.

Tiara: 3 against 1 Grey.

Grey: we don't even have any songs to sing.

Aki: actually the summoners already wrote a lyrics to song for you.

Tiara: there, are you happy?

Grey: look... I really don't want to sing, ok?

Ahri: Grey doesn't have to do it, let him do what he want.

Ahri then felt someone tapping her shoulder, she looked and found Sona holding up her board with something writing in it but only Ahri was able to see it.

Sona: '''you know Ahri, Grey's skin is a good match for your pop star skin'''.

Ahri: ........... (looks at Grey) Grey what are you waiting for? Go ahead and sing.

Grey: wait, what? What happened to what I want?

Ahri: who cares what you want, it's not like you wanted to come to Runeterra to begin with.

Tiara: you heard the lady.

Tiara starts pushing Grey with Brite and Solas following.

Ahri looked proud of what she did, until she saw Nidalee shaking her head while pinching the bridge of her nose.

Nidalee: are you really that dumb?

Ahri: what?

Aki: Ahri, all of Sona's skins are music based.

Ahri: so?

Nidalee: so Grey's new skin doesn't match only one of Sona's skins but it matches all of them.

Ahri finally understood as she turned to Sona who had her innocent smile on her face.

She couldn't believe it, she didn't only make herself look bad in front of Grey but she also gave Sona an advantage.

Time skip:

Ahri, Aki, Brite, Grey, Nidalee, Sona, Solas and Tiara were all sitting together in a table in the afternoon.

Grey, Brite, Solas and Tiara were back to normal and Grey had his head on the table.

Ahri: come on Grey, it can't be that bad.

Tiara: no, the song was good, he's just upset that we forced him to do it.

Grey: urghh, whatever, at least it's over now.

Aki: oh... I probably should have mentioned that the song will be broadcasted in the Institute... sorry.

Grey: wait, what!?!

Then they heard music being played and then Grey's voice was heard all over the dinning hall.

Once the song was over, many people, both champions and summoners started clapping.

Grey just groaned and brought down his hat covering his face completely.

Grey: I really hate being a celebrity.

(A/N: thank you for reading this, please comment in anyway you like and tell me how you like the story so far.)

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