Finding The Next Clue Part Two

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Last Time on Academy Assassin's.......

"I just want to know what or who you really are and why you have to sneak in my school at night? And why did you have to keep this a secret from me or my friends?" asked Mikoto

"Why don't I show you?" asked Jason. "Just give me a second."

He turned on his Eagle Vision to see a bookshelf on the third floor glowing yellow. He fired his grabbing hook to that floor. Once he approach it, he pulled on one of the books.

The floor Mikoto and Misaki are on, right infront of them, a large square part of the floor begin to move as it begin to move down a little bit and slide into the ground. What it was hiding was a hidden staircase going down.

"Whoa." Said Mikoto.

"I know right." Said Misaki.

Jason then landed right next to them. He begin to walk down the steps only stop to look back at the girls.

"You girls are coming or not?" asked Jason.

This caused them to snap out of their shock state and begin to follow Jason down the hidden entrance.

Once they were far down into the secret entrance, the entrance begin to close up to hide it again. It was now completely dark in the secret stair case. Making it hard to see.

"I can't see!" Said Mikoto

"Just move carefully. We don't want to accidentally bump into each other." Said Jason.

"Ah! Something was touching my shoulder!!" Said Misaki

"Um.... that was me." Said Mikoto. "Sorry."

"Please don't do that again. I think my heart almost stopped for a second." Said Misaki.

"Hold on. I think I got something in my belt pockets to help to shed some light in here." Said Jason

"Whats down here?" asked Mikoto.

Jason pulled something out of one of his belt pockets and bend as it light begin to shine in this tunnel. The thing in Jason hand is a blue glowing stick

"Better?" Asked Jason

"Yes." Said the girls.

"Then follow me." Said Jason as they continue to walk down the staircase.

Jason has learned that the document that he got from the Templar Charles was actually coordinates to the first clue to the Piece Of Eden. Jason had to sneak into Tokiwadai Middle School at night to find the secret entrance. Mikoto has discovered Jason secret and has brought Misaki along with her. They now walk into the secret entrance, with no one knowing what is waiting for them down there.


With Jason...............

"How much longer? My legs are getting tired." Said Misaki as she was tired of walking down the steps.

"I think just a few more steps. Just be patience." Said Jason as he continue to use his glow stick to light the way they are going.

Suddenly, the glow stick stopped glowing. "What the....." Said Jason as he tried to shake it to get it working again.

"Great. Just great." Said Jason.

"What happened?" asked Mikoto.

"Must have pulled out a faulty one. Just give me some time and I can fix this." Said Jason.

He didn't had much time to do so since the girls behind him bump into each other and they begin to roll down the stairs.

"Whoa whoa! How do you stop!??" asked Mikoto as she was still rolling down the steps with Misaki and Jason

They continue to roll and roll until they reach the bottom of the steps and crashed into something soft to soften their rolling.

Jason got out of what ever they crashed into. He put his hands up against the cave walls and begin to walk around up against the cave walls to look for something. 

When he felt his right hand touch what feels like a lever, he pulled it down and suddenly, wall torches begin to light on by themselves.

Now that he can see, the thing that Mikoto, Misaki and himself crashed into is what looks like a pile of hay.

"Misaki, Mikoto. Are you two okay?" asked Jason as he sees them getting out of that pile of hay.

"Peachy." Said Mikoto as she blows off a piece of hay from her hair.

"Where are we?" Asked Misaki

"We are underneath your school. Heck, maybe even underneath Academy City." Said Jason

Jason looked around the cave to see anything that might be what he is looking for. He then sees a wooden bridge. That bridge is huge as the gap between the part of the cave Jason is on and to the other one is very long and huge. Jason looked over the edge to see that he can't see the bottom of this cave.

On the other side of the bridge he sees a metal structure building. On the front doors of this building, he can see the symbol for his Creed on it.

"There it is. I hope it has the clue I hope to find." Said Jason as he begin to walk on the bridge to the building he spotted.

"What clue!? What is going on Jason!?" asked Mikoto as she and Misaki followed him to the building.

"It is nothing important. You wound't understand Mikoto." Said Jason as he approach the door and begin to push against it to force it open. But the doors were really heavy, so at the moment, he can only push it at a slow speed to force it open.

"Then try." Said Mikoto. This caused Jason to stop pushing up against the door.

"Um.. Misaki? I don't think you need to know." Said Misaki.

"Oh spare me that Misaki. You properly know because you have read his mind and know what is going on." Said Mikoto

"I don't know what you mean Misaka." Said Misaki as she had her tongue out to the corner of her mouth in a silly way. 

Jason took a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh.  "What do you want to know Mikoto?" asked Jason

"I want to know who and what you really are? What are you doing in this city? Why were you killing a bunch of those mysterious thugs that appeared in Academy City? And what is so important that you need to find behind that door?" asked Mikoto.

Jason didn't speak to Mikoto for one minute. "Alright. Just to tell you right now, I can't tell you everything right now. I can only reveal what I can say at the moment. To start of. My name really is Jason. As for what I am, I am a Assassin." Said Jason as he did one final push and he force the doors wide open.

"Assassin!? Do you just go around killing people for hire?" asked Mikoto. 

Jason giggled at her question. "You got me confused with those people for hire. I am part of a group that has been around far longer than you can imagine. I am part of the Assassin's Creed." Said Jason as he walked into the building.

Mikoto and Misaki walked right behind him. He pulled out another glow stick, this time not a faulty one, and bend it to let it shine some light in this building. The structure and design of this building looks like a mansion or a castle.

"Assassin's Creed?" asked Mikoto

"We have been guarding the freedom and saving human kind future from those who wishes to control it." Said Jason as he continues to walk around and begins to walk up a large case of steps.

"From who?" asked Mikoto

"The Templars." Said Jason.

"Huh?" asked Mikoto.

"They are corrupted people that wishes to control the lives and take the freedom of all people in the world. They think it is a true way to a perfect utopia for everyone. No more wars and no more fighting against each other." Said Jason. "All that is lies from Templars. They just want to control us as slaves."

"Then why are you killing them?" Asked Mikoto.

"Because their is no other way. They are too far gone and they will never repent for their crimes. Its not just me. Their are other Assassin's across the world, hiding in the shadows, striking the Templars when ever they get the chance." Said Jason.

"But, what if they have families?" asked Mikoto.

Jason then stopped walking, causing to Mikoto to bump into his back. He slowly turned around for Mikoto to see his angry glare and face.

"After what they did of what I saw, I don't care. Because I know the life they run will always be in the family blood." Said Jason before the turned around and begin to walk again.

Mikoto was scared when she saw the burning anger and rage in his eyes. Jason stopped to take a breath and calmed down.

"I am sorry. I am sorry for getting angry at you. It just...... they took everything from me when I was a kid and I never forgive them for that." Said Jason.

"They took your parents lives didn't they?" asked Misaki

"Did you read my mind to figure that out?" asked Jason

"No. I made a guess. And the way you spook to Misaka, it seems I was right." Said Misaki.

"Yes. You are right. I don't tell this to others. I lost my parents to the Templars." Said Jason in a sad tone.

"Is that why you hate the Templars so much?" asked Mikoto

"Yes." Said Jason

"Sorry for asking that question. I didn't know it was personal to you." Said Mikoto

"Its fine. I just don't want to talk about it so please don't ask me what happened everything that day." Said Jason.

"Okay. Can you tell me what you are trying to find in this place?" asked Mikoto

"A clue that will lead me to the Piece of Eden." Said Jason.

"A what?" asked Mikoto

"It is a powerful artificial technology that was left behind by the Isu civilization." Said Jason

"Isu?" asked Mikoto

"The Isu were a powerful race that had created many dangerous artifacts. Back then, they were considered to be like gods. They are the people that created us. So many years ago, they created the humans to do their work." Said Jason.

"You mean....... someone created us many years ago?" asked Mikoto.

"Yes. Somewhere along the way, the humans back then fought back against their creators and the Isu were gone. Leaving only behind, their dangerous technology." Said Jason.

 Jason then turned to his right to see a door. He pushed against it to see that this room is a very large room that has stone walls. In the middle of the room was stone pedestal. 

"In here." Said Jason.

The girls followed Jason into this room. While the girls begin to look around this room, Jason walked up to pedestal to see that on top of it has the Assassin Creed symbol on it.

Jason pressed his right hand on it and the symbol sinked into the stone structure. It then flipped 180 degrees to reveal a small notebook.

He picked it up and opened it up to read some notes in this. Once he read enough, he put this notebook into his back belt pockets.

He notice Mikoto staring at a stone carving. He walked up to her to see a man holding what looks like a staff with a gem on the top of it and pointing this staff at a damage land. He looked at the next carving to see the same man is now sitting on a throne and with tall building behind him. This same man is also surrounded by other humans and they were bowing down to him.

"What does this mean?" asked Mikoto

"I don't know. But we need to get out of here before something happens." Said Jason.

"Its too late for that Assassin." Said a male voice.

The girls and Jason turned around to see a large tall man with a huge mace in his right hand and a shield in his left hand. He is has metal armor plating on his shoulders, chest, and legs. A red Cross was on his shield and metal armor plating

"Templar!" Said Jason.

"You got it right on the first try." Said this large Templar person.

"Girls, get behind me." Said Jason as Mikoto and Misaki got behind him so he can protect them.

"How did you find us? Heck, how did you even know to find us down here?" asked Mikoto.

"My nose picked up your Assassin buddy scent. I just followed my nose and followed you into this place." Said this large Templar person.

"Who are you?" asked Jason

"I was Charles Elite punishment force. Anyone that dares to try to stop in my boss work, will get hunted down by me and will meet their end by the end of my mace. My code name is Hunter." Said Hunter.

"Well, Hunter, you will just me the same end I did to your boss." Said Jason.

He then charged at Hunter and pulled out his sword to slash at him. Hunter put his shield out infront of him and blocked Jason attack.

"I don't think so Assassin." Said Hunter as he kicked Jason in the stomach, causing him to crash into the stone walls.

"Ow." Said Jason.

"Jason!" Said Mikoto. 

"Girls! Find a way out of here and get to safety! I will deal with him!" Said Jason

"But... You might need help." Said Mikoto.

"No. You got to get out of here. Only I am trained to deal with him. Now go!" Said Jason as he charged at Hunter again.

Jason kicked away Hunter shield and begin to clash his sword again Hunter mace. As this happens, Mikoto and Misaki were trying to find a way out.

"Where do you even think a way out is?" asked Misaki

"I don't know. Push up against the wall! There must be some kind of hidden door." Said Mikoto

Jason then headbutted against Hunter as he made Hunter dizzy. Just as he was about to swing his sword down, Hunter grabbed his arm and throw him into the floor, causing him to loose grip of his sword.

"You lose Assassin." Said Hunter.

Hunter then punched Jason in the face really hard to knock him out. The girls turned around just in time to see Jason just lost to Hunter.

Hunter then walked up to Mikoto and Misaki and grabbed them by the neck. "I may have lost my boss, but I am sure the other Templar higher ups in this city will have some ideas of what to do with you ladies." Said Hunter with a twisted smile.

"Let go of creep!" Said Misaki

"Hmm....... I am thinking no." Said Hunter.

"I will zap you into next week if you don't let go!" Said Mikoto. But Hunter but more pressure on Mikoto neck, making it hard to breath.

"Hehe." Said Hunter. 

Suddenly, something striked into a exposed part of his armor on his shoulder, causing Hunter to let out a pain sound. This cause him to let go of Mikoto and Misaki. Hunter looked at his shoulder to see a knife was thrown into his shoulder.

"What! Who did that!?" asked Hunter

He turned around to see Jason back on his feet, and has his eyes super narrowed at Hunter in 100% fury.

"You!?" asked Hunter.

Jason didn't say anything as he charged at Hunter and grabbed him by his arms and spin him around and tossed him away from the girls.

"This boy's fury..... I never felt anything like it before." Said Hunter.

Jason then jumped onto Hunter and begin punching him in his face, about a hundred times. A tooth was knocked out from his mouth.

Jason then picked him up and tossed him to the stone walls. Hunter was at that moment, scared for his life for the first time.

Jason jumped onto the stone pedestal and used it to leap in the air towards Hunter. In the air he had his right hand back and has left hand out in a eagle grab formation.

Once his left and hand grabbed Hunter by his neck, his Hidden Blade activated and stabbed Hunter in his neck. Hunter fall down to his back as he was killed by Jason.

Jason slowly got up  and calmed down as his rage was gone for the moment. Jason walked away from the dead Hunter. He didn't even bother to look at the girls.

"I am sorry you had to see that." Said Jason as he walked to the wall the girls were next to and pushed up against it to reveal a secret entrance as the stone part of that wall swing open like a door.

"Jason......... Are you okay?" asked Mikoto

"I am not. You just saw me do that and you know who I really am. A murder in your eyes." Said Jason.

"But..........." Said Mikoto.

"It doesn't matter what you say. I will always know that you think of me as a killer." Said Jason.

"I don't." Said Mikoto.

"What?" asked Jason.

"It is what you were told to do right? Take the Templars down? I guess I can understand at least the reason why." Said Mikoto.

"Thank you Mikoto." Said Jason as he suddenly hugged her for about three seconds.

"Your welcome Jason." Said Mikoto

He then begin to walk into the secret exit with the girls. This way lead them back to the surface, as they came out through a sewer manhole cover in a alleyway.

Jason looked at the sky to see that it is still night time. "Looks like you girls can head back to your dorms with some time left to spare." Said Jason

"So what will you do now?" Asked Mikoto

"I will head back to my my Creed base in this city and have them take a look at this notebook. Then I will get back to hunting Templars." Said Jason.

"But are you going to be okay?" asked Misaki

"Of course. After all, I was trained for this." Said Jason with a smile. He pulled up his hood over his head. His jet back then activate and as he flied away from the girls. The girls smiled as they watched him leave in style

Jason and the girls has found a underground building underneath the Tokiwadai Middle School campus. Jason revealed a little bit about his Creed, and his past to the girls. He has the notebook that has the clues about this Piece of Eden. The real question is, what is this Piece of Eden and what powers does it have?


To Be Continued............

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