Finding The Next Clue Part One

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Last Time on Academy Assassin's............

The screen on the machine the reads 91 points. "Ha! I am back on top! I am so in the zone!" Said Mikoto as she has the highest score.

"Oh man. You beat my high score." Said Saten.

"So you just punch it once?" asked Jason as he was trying to understand the rules of this game.

"Yeah. Here you give it a shot." Said Mikoto as she tossed him the boxing glove.

Jason puts on the boxing glove. He took a deep breath and let it out. He then reeled his arm back before striking the target.

When the screen displayed the total amount of points he has earned, the girls were shocked. The look on their faces was total shock and was surprised.

"You got to be kidding." Said Mikoto.

"There is no way." Said Kuroko.

"His total points....." Said Saten.

"It. its......" Said Uiharu.

"200 points!" Said the girls

Jason looked at the total amount of points he has earned from that one punch. He slowly turned around to face the girls.

"Did I do it wrong?" asked Jason. This caused the girls to shook off the shock off their face.

"No its not! We are just happy that you were able to get a new high score." Said Mikoto.

"What she said." Said the other girls.

"So how do you feel?" asked Kuroko.

"I feel.... happy for some reason. Is this what fun feels like?" asked Jason.

"You bet." Said Saten with a smile.

Jason then slowly begins to have a smile on his face as he learns what it means to have friends and have fun. On that moment, he begin to play the other arcade games with the girls. He was having fun for the very first time in a long while.


Somewhere in the darkest parts of Academy City............

"So Charles has been killed?" asked a mysterious man in his chair looking out of the window. This man was in a large office with at his table was a Templar thug near it.

"Yes sir. When their were no signs of him, a group of our soldiers found his dead body in the Switchyard. Along with other Templar soldiers. And the cargo he was suppose to get was destroyed as well." Said A Templar Thug. "Sir. You know as well I as do what this means."

"Yes I do." Said this man as he continues to look out of the window. "Your excused."

This Templar Thug then bowed before leaving this man office. Once the door closed, the man in the chair was not worried. in fact, he was showing sings of total confidence.

"So they have sent a Assassin to stop me and my followers from trying to conquer this city, find and get the piece of Eden?" asked this man as he stood up an got closer to the window. The only thing reflecting in the window is his red pupil eyes.

"Well they will have to learn the hard way that being the Grand Master is more than just a title. I have climb so far to earn this position along with getting some skills." Said this man as it was revealed it is the Grand Master that seeks to rule this city.

"So let him come and try to stop us! He will learn the hard way that we Templars are more difficult than this Assassin is thinking! Nothing is going to stop us from getting this Piece of Eden!!" Said the Grand Master as he let out a evil laugh.

Jason has meet Mikoto Misaka. He has meet new people to become friends with. He has learned what it means to have fun.


Back at the Base, Sunset.......... 

Jason had a good amount of time with his new friends. He told his new friends that he had to get back where he is staying.

He took a long path back to the entrance to the base. He had to do that to make sure no one is following him.

Once he reached back to the hidden entrance and pulled on the chain and once the secret entrance opened up, he did a leap of faith and fall into the pool of water.

Once he climbed out of the pool of water, he shook off any water he had on him. He walked forward to see Scar waiting for him.

"What the update on that clue?" asked Jason

"Well I got some good news and some bad news." Said Scar.

"Good news first." Said Jason

"The clue you got from that Templar Charles was actually coordinates to possibly the next clue to the Piece Of Eden. " Said Scar

"And the Bad news?" asked Jason

"I had some scouts of mine to search that coordinates area and they found a school building there. The Tokiwadai Middle School Campus." Said Scar

"You mean that girls only school?" asked Jason

"Yep." Said Scar

"And where do you think this clue could be in the campus?" asked Jason

"Possibly underneath the school. A underground cave. The secret entrance to that cave must be somewhere no one can suspect. You would have to check in the library of that campus." Said Scar.

"But why there of all places?!" asked Jason.

"Why are you asking me that question?" asked Scar.

"Three people I know, Mikoto, Kuroko, and Misaki go to that school." Said Jason.

"I see." Said Scar.

"So, can you think any reason why someone would create a cave underneath the school in the first place?" asked Jason.

"Possibly as a best place to hide a clue to the Piece Of Eden. Because it is underneath a girl only school, it would be the last place the Templars would dare to look." Said Scar.

"When do you think the secret entrance was built?" asked Jason.

"Possibly during the construction. A good Assassin at that time must have created a secret entrance without anyone knowing." Said Scar.

"Great. So you are asking me to sneak into a girls only school building. And you want me to do it at night time?" asked Jason.

"Yes. But only if you find a way inside." Said Scar. "We can't have you go sneaking into that building without a sure way to get inside."

Jason then begins to think for a moment. "I might have someone who can help me with that." Said Jason


Next Day, Park............

Jason was waiting for a certain someone in the park. As he continue to wait, he took a seat on one of the benches and begin to close his eyes to mediate.

He then felt someone poking on his forehead. He opened up his eyes to see Misaki right infront of him.

"You wanted to see me?" asked Misaki.

"Yeah. I need your help on something." Said Jason.

"Does it involves a possible clue to the piece of Eden?" asked Misaki

"You read my mind did you?" asked Jason.

"Maybe." Said Misaki as she took a seat right net to Jason.

"Okay. Let me get straight to the point. The next clue to the Piece Of Eden is located is somewhere underneath your school." Said Jason.

"I see. And what do you need my help with?" asked Misaki.

"Their is possibly a secret entrance somewhere in your library. I am going to sneak in your campus at night time. Do you have any suggestions of how I sneak in without breaking anything?" asked Jason.

"Hmmmmm. Let me think for a moment. You could try going through ventilation air ducts or you could try picking the main entrance lock to get in easy." Said Misaki.

"Thank you Misaki." Said Jason.

"But do me a favor. Don't do anything that might get yourself noticed or leave anything behind that someone was there." Said Misaki.

"Why?" asked Jason.

"It will cause trouble if they discovered someone has sneaked into their campus during the night. Even more, if they discovered it was a male that did it." Said Misaki.

"I understand Misaki. I will try to be careful." Said Jason. He then stood up from his seat as he left to get himself ready for this mission.


A few hours later.............

Jason was in his Assassin clothes as he was sneaking into area located in District 7. He was leaping building to building stealthy. He is in the place called "Garden of Learning".

As he continues to do this, he had to make sure no one spots him because the only people he sees down at the streets are female school students.

Jason then landed on another building as he can see the place he plans to sneak in tonight. The Tokiwadai Middle School campus.

"So that is Tokiwadai Middle School campus? It is a lot bigger than I thought." Said Jason.

He pulled out a binoculars from one of his belt pockets. He then look through them to one of the windows. Because it can see very far, he could see the target room through one of its windows. The Tokiwadai Middle School Library.

"And that is the library. All the students in there, they look like they are having the time of their lives." Said Jason.

He put his binoculars down and then put it back into his belt pockets. "And their freedom must be saved from the Templars so they can have a future to be happy with.

He then begin to find a good hiding spot on the rooftop while he waited for it to be night time.


Night Time...........

Jason a long time as he had to wait for each student to leave and go back to their dorms. It is night time as he noticed how the view of the Garden of Learning looks like at night time.

He activated his wings out and turn it to glide mode. He ran to the edge of the building and jumped off as he begin to glide over the Tokiwadai Middle School campus gates.

Jason landed infront of the Campus doors. "Well that was a little bit too easy." Said Jason as he deactivate his wings on his metal backpack.

He then pulled his pick lock tools from his belt pockets. He then got on his knees as he begin to try to pick the lock.

One his first try to pick the lock, it didn't go so well. "Stubborn lock." Said Jason.

One his second attempt, he was able to pick the lock. He slowly opened up the door and enter the building.

Once was inside, he gently closed the door behind him and lock it back up. He then begin to walk in the hallways until he reached the library room.

Just as he walked down the steps, one of the table lamps turned on, stopping Jason for the moment.

Once he got used to the sudden blight light, he notice two people at that table in their seats. Two familiar people Jason knew. Mikoto and Misaki.

"What is going on here?" Asked Jason in his deep voice.

"I am so sorry. She caught me." Said Misaki in a apology tone to Jason.

"But how?" asked Jason.

"I had a feeling that Misaki was involved in this somehow. And I overheard her talking to someone in the park this morning. So I have caught you mysterious being. Or should I say, Jason?" asked Mikoto as she got out of her seat and begin to walk to Jason.

Jason walked over to Mikoto and stood right infront of her. He gently pulled back his hood to reveal his face.

"So I was right. It was you." Said Mikoto.

Jason moved his head to the right to avoid eye contact. "What give me away?" asked Jason in his normal voice.

"The points you earned on that arcade game yesterday. Their was no way you could be that strong unless you were trained to be that strong. So I thought that you could be the mysterious being that Kuroko saw. And when then I heard the person that Misaki was talking to in the park and I heard her talking to you. So then I almost 100% positive you were that guy that Kuroko saw. And it turns out I was correct." Said Mikoto.

"And she kinda forced me to come along with her to wait for you here." Said Misaki.

Jason placed a hand on Mikoto shoulder, surprising her. "Congratulations. You have discovered my secret. What are you going to do now?" asked Jason. "Tell the whole Academy City who I really am?" 

"Misaka isn't going to do that. Right?" asked Misaki as she walked over to Mikoto.

"I just want to know what or who you really are and why you have to sneak in my school at night? And why did you have to keep this a secret from me or my friends?" asked Mikoto

"Why don't I show you?" asked Jason. "Just give me a second." 

He turned on his Eagle Vision to see a bookshelf on the third floor glowing yellow. He fired his grabbing hook to that floor. Once he approach it, he pulled on one of the books.

The floor Mikoto and Misaki are on, right infront of them, a large square part of the floor begin to move as it begin to move down a little bit and slide into the ground. What it was hiding was a hidden staircase going down.

"Whoa." Said Mikoto.

"I know right." Said Misaki.

Jason then landed right next to them. He begin to walk down the steps only stop to look back at the girls. 

"You girls are coming or not?" asked Jason.

This caused them to snap out of their shock state and begin to follow Jason down the hidden entrance.

Once they were far down into the secret entrance, the entrance begin to close up to hide it again. It was now completely dark in the secret stair case. Making it hard to see.

"I can't see!" Said Mikoto

"Just move carefully. We don't want to accidentally bump into each other." Said Jason.

"Ah! Something was touching my shoulder!!" Said Misaki

"Um.... that was me." Said Mikoto. "Sorry."

"Please don't do that again. I think my heart almost stopped for a second." Said Misaki.

"Hold on. I think I got something in my belt pockets to help to shed some light in here." Said Jason

"Whats down here?" asked Mikoto.

Jason pulled something out of one of his belt pockets and bend as it light begin to shine in this tunnel. The thing in Jason hand is a blue glowing stick

"Better?" Asked Jason

"Yes." Said the girls.

"Then follow me." Said Jason as they continue to walk down the staircase.

Jason has learned that the document that he got from the Templar Charles was actually coordinates to the first clue to the Piece Of Eden. Jason had to sneak into Tokiwadai Middle School at night to find the secret entrance. Mikoto has discovered Jason secret and has brought Misaki along with her. They now walk into the secret entrance, with no one knowing what is waiting for them down there.


To Be Continued..........

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