Learning To Have Fun

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Last Time on Academy Assassin's..............

With the other thugs frozen in fear, Jason did a powerful slash that cut deeply into them. They fell dead just like the sniper.

He put the shield back on his back and it turn back into his metal backpack. He then put his sword back into its holder.

He begin to walk away but then Kuroko then teleported infront of him. "What? Are you going to arrest me just because I save your life?" asked Jason.

"No....... I am not." Said Kuroko which is surprising Jason. "If what you are saying is true, then I will let it go just this one time. But don't do anything suspicious to make me change my mind." Said Kuroko.

"Thank you. I really mean it." Said Jason before he turned on his jet pack and flied away. Kuroko could only watch in amazing as he flied away in style.

Scar was in his room looking at the Academy City map on his chalk board. He then heard a knock on his door.

"Who could be at the door?" Scar said to himself. He walked to his room door and slowly open it up to reveal Jason.

"Jason! Are you okay?" asked Scar.

Jason walked into his room and sat on his bed. "Yeah. I did as you ask this morning. Find someone in this city to trust and to help us get the info we need when we needed it." Said Jason.

"That's..... that is great news Jason." Said Scar

"And I learned about one of the Templar leaders name and what he was doing. After learning that, I found him and killed him." Said Jason.

"I see. It was a one chance thing right? If you missed this chance you would have to start over again to find him?" asked Scar.

"Yeah. By the way, his name was Charles." Said Jason.

"Charles huh. I will need to find a picture of him so I can put it on this map of the targets. Now there is only four left." Said Scar.

"Also, I found this in his pocket." Said Jason as he pulled out the paper he got from Charles.

Scar gently grab it and begin to read it. "Is this what I think it is?" asked Scar.

"Yes. Possibly a clue to the Piece Of the Eden that is somewhere in this city." Said Jason.

"Thank you. I will have our boys in the lab in our base to analyze this clue. First thing in the morning." Said Scar "Once they have finished analyzing it, I will let you know where the clue is going to lead you. Why don't you take a break tomorrow and possibly make some friends."

"Thank you. I think I really need it." Said Jason as he got up from the bed and went to his own room to get some sleep.

Jason and Kuroko first encounter with each other wasn't the best one to say the least. Kuroko kept wanting answers from Jason even though he refuses. Jason had to take on a sniper and more Templar thugs. Kuroko is willing letting Jason go and thinking he is innocent as long he doesn't do anything too suspicious. Jason is going to get the break he needs tomorrow.


The Next Day, Morning...........

Jason was in his civilian clothes walking on the streets of Academy City. Today we was getting the break he needed.

The activity of the Templar Thugs has gone quiet for just today. With what Jason killing one of their higher ups,  they are keeping their actions to a bare minimum. Jason knows soon they will be causing trouble again.

Just before he could thinking about that, he bump into someone hard. to be more accurate, their foreheads accidental bump into each other. Which created a huge pain on their skulls.

"OW!" Said Jason.

"That really hurt!" Said a female voice.

Jason got up quickly just as the female he bump into, got back up. "Hey watch where you are going!" said Jason

"How about you watch where you are going mister!" Said the female voice. This person has chestnut hair and brown eyes and is wearing the exact uniform that Kuroko and Misaki have. Mikoto Misaka

"Okay your right. I should have watched where I am going." Said Jason as he apologized to this girl.

"And I am sorry as well. I had a lot on my mind." Said Mikoto.

"Like what?" asked Jason.

"Like this mysterious person that has been killing these new thugs in Academy City." Said Mikoto. "I just don't understand his motives."

"Oh I see." Said Jason.

'She is talking about me. She is talking about me when I have my Assassin uniform on.' Thought Jason.

"So who may I ask your name mister?" asked Mikoto.

"Huh? Oh my name. Just call me Jason." Said Jason as he smiled at her.

"Jason. Well, my name is Mikoto Misaka." Said Mikoto as she had her hand out to Jason which he grabbed it and shook it.

"Are you an Esper?" asked Jason.

"You got a good eye. I am a Level 5 Esper." Said Mikoto

"A Level 5 Esper. So may I ask what is your esper power?" asked Jason.

"My esper power is called Electromaster. It allows me to control and manipulate electricity. Here, let me give you a example." Said Mikoto.

She hold up her left and right first finger close together. A small electricity was sparking between her fingers.

"Wow." Said Jason. "You got a cool ability."

"Why thank you. Its nice to hear that someone thinks my ability is cool." Said Mikoto

"So um, may I ask what is that uniform you are wearing? I never seen like it before." Said Jason. After all, he is still new to Academy City.

"Oh I see you are new to this city." Said Mikoto

"Is it that obvious?" asked Jason

"Yes." Said Mikoto.

"Oh I see." Said Jason.

"Well, this uniform belongs to a middle school I go to. Tokiwadai Middle School. A Girl Only School." Said Mikoto.

"I see. So what you were doing before we... um bump into each other." Said Jason

"I was playing on going to an arcade to pass the time. My friends Kuroko, Saten and Uiharu are going to meet me their as well." Said Mikoto. "You want to come?"

"Um.... I don't know." Said Jason.

"Why is that?" Asked Mikoto.

"Because um.... I never know what it means to have..... fun." Said Jason as he nervously looked to his left to avoid eye contact.

"Wait. You never had fun in your life?" asked Mikoto.

"Nope. Not even once." Said Jason.

Mikoto then grabbed his right hand and begin to drag him with her as she begins to walk to the arcade.

"Well then come with me!" Said Mikoto.

"Hey wait... I never agreed to this!" Said Jason as he was trying to get out of her grip but he keeps failing.

After a few minutes of walking, they eventually stopped right infront of a building that is called "Playland Gau".

"Well here we are." Said Mikoto

"This is an arcade?" asked Jason

"Yes. Now don't  be shy. Go on in." Said Mikoto She then guided Jason into the building to see tons of games to play.

Jason then saw Mikoto other friends. He remember Kuroko when he was in his Assassin clothes. The new person he sees is Ruiko Saten.

The other person is Kazari Uiharu.

"There you are Sissy!" Said Kuroko as she teleported right infront of Mikoto.

"Um... Hi Kuroko." Said Mikoto.

"Where were you? What was keeping you so......" Kuroko turned her face to the left to finally see Jason. She then gasped.

"Sissy! Why did you bring a boy with you? Are you secretly spending more time with him than........." She was silenced when she got electrocute by one certain Esper. Kuroko was now on the floor twitching.

"No you idiot! I just happen to bump into him today. He is new to Academy City. So I thought I brought him here with me to show him this arcade." Said Mikoto.

Saten then walked up to Jason to check him out. "Huh. He does look like he is new to this city." Said Saten.

"Saten. Give him some space. I think your making him nervous." Said Uiharu as she noticed that her friend is a little bit to close to his personal space area.

"Oh sorry." Said Saten

"It is okay." Said Jason

Kuroko then finally recovered from her little shocking experience. "So why did you bring him here Sissy?" asked Kuroko.

"I thought he could learn what it means to have fun. He says he doesn't know what it means." Said Mikoto.

"No way! Really?" asked Saten and Uiharu

"Yeah......" Said Jason.

"Then you got to play one of these games." Said Saten as she got behind him and pushed him gently to one of the arcade games. He now stand infront of what looks like a boxing machine.

"What is this?" asked Jason.

"This is a boxing machine to test how powerful your punches are." Said Uiharu.

"Here let me show you how to do it." Said Mikoto as she grabs a red boxing glove and begin to rotate her arm before striking the target.

The screen on the machine the reads 91 points. "Ha! I am back on top! I am so in the zone!" Said Mikoto as she has the highest score.

"Oh man. You beat my high score." Said Saten.

"So you just punch it once?" asked Jason as he was trying to understand the rules of this game.

"Yeah. Here you give it a shot." Said Mikoto as she tossed him the boxing glove.

Jason puts on the boxing glove. He took a deep breath and let it out. He then reeled his arm back before striking the target.

When the screen displayed the total amount of points he has earned, the girls were shocked. The look on their faces was total shock and was surprised.

"You got to be kidding." Said Mikoto.

"There is no way." Said Kuroko.

"His total points....." Said Saten.

"It. its......" Said Uiharu.

"200 points!" Said the girls

Jason looked at the total amount of points he has earned from that one punch. He slowly turned around to face the girls.

"Did I do it wrong?" asked Jason. This caused the girls to shook off the shock off their face.

"No its not! We are just happy that you were able to get a new high score." Said Mikoto.

"What she said." Said the other girls.

"So how do you feel?" asked Kuroko.

"I feel.... happy for some reason. Is this what fun feels like?" asked Jason.

"You bet." Said Saten with a smile.

Jason then slowly begins to have a smile on his face as he learns what it means to have friends and have fun. On that moment, he begin to play the other arcade games with the girls. He was having fun for the very first time in a long while.


Somewhere in the darkest parts of Academy City............

"So Charles has been killed?" asked a mysterious man in his chair looking out of the window. This man was in a large office with at his table was a Templar thug near it.

"Yes sir. When their were no signs of him, a group of our soldiers found his dead body in the Switchyard. Along with other Templar soldiers. And the cargo he was suppose to get was destroyed as well." Said A Templar Thug. "Sir. You know as well I as do what this means."

"Yes I do." Said this man as he continues to look out of the window. "Your excused."

This Templar Thug then bowed before leaving this man office. Once the door closed, the man in the chair was not worried. in fact, he was showing sings of total confidence.

"So they have sent a Assassin to stop me and my followers from trying to conquer this city, find and get the piece of Eden?" asked this man as he stood up an got closer to the window. The only thing reflecting in the window is his red pupil eyes.

"Well they will have to learn the hard way that being the Grand Master is more than just a title. I have climb so far to earn this position along with getting some skills." Said this man as it was revealed it is the Grand Master that seeks to rule this city.

"So let him come and try to stop us! He will learn the hard way that we Templars are more difficult than this Assassin is thinking! Nothing is going to stop us from getting this Piece of Eden!!" Said the Grand Master as he let out a evil laugh.

Jason has meet Mikoto Misaka. He has meet new people to become friends with. He has learned what it means to have fun.


To Be Continued........

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