Lap 3 - A Cold Introduction

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It's now the beginning of the third round of the World Grand Prix.

The next course selected takes place in one of Dr. Eggman's facilities.

But the citizens reconstructed the place as a track for today's tournament. In which they call it, the Ice Factory.

Sapphire: Brrr...! It's so cold in here.

Dive: Heh, I don't know about you dudes, but this place totally looks sick.

Accelerator: I wonder what's got them to make this a course for the race?

Echo: Actually, this place used to be one of Eggman's research bases.

Dive: Wait, isn't that the egg-headed guy that hosted the previous World Grand Prix?

Echo: Yep. Remember how I told you guys that he's a scientist? Well, Eggman used to conduct research and experiments here to build his robotic army for unknown purposes. But for some reason, he abandoned this place. And after some years have passed, it turns out that the cooling generators of the factory malfunctioned, turning into this present state.

Sapphire: I see. But speaking for Accel, how did they turn this factory into a course?

Echo: Some people back in Metal City came and fixed the problem of the generators. Also, because of the area's size, they redesigned the halls and pathways into a track.

Accelerator: Well, this course isn't much. But it doesn't matter as long as it's a place to ride and test my speed.

Dive: *wraps around Accelerator's shoulder*Heh, now you're speaking my language Accelerator! Yeah I agree with ya, let's do our best and have some fun!

As the group of four continue kept walking down, they stopped to hear a lot of girl cheery-screams.

They ran and went over to see that the source comes from seeing a bunch of female Riders making way for an individual male Rider who's a wolf. The one from earlier in Metal City.

Accelerator: Wow, I didn't know that guy's popular.

Echo: He absolutely is. That guy you saw was Lance, Lance the Wolf. He's a pro Rider himself and quite handsome as you saw.

Accelerator: A pro Rider you say?

Dive: Yeah, dude. They say that Lance dude is cool-headed who's got killer speed and performs the gnarliest tricks.

Echo: He's also a resident back in Metal City. But because he's a little too good, he rarely participates in the mock races. And sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but he's also going to be your opponent in your race.

Sapphire: Eh!? Oh no. Are you sure you're going to be okay, Accel?

Accelerator: You worry too much Sapphire. Besides, racing wouldn't be any fun if there aren't any rivals riding along with.

The conversation was stopped when the group hears Omochao's announcement.

Omochao: The next race will begin in a few minutes, all participants please report to the gate.

Echo: Oh that's your race, Accel. You better get going or else you'll mis its.

Sapphire: We'll be going to the stands, so do your best.

Dive: We'll be rooting for you all the way, dude!

Accelerator: Thanks, you three. But don't get too comfy, I'll end my race in a jiff!

As Accelerator sees his friend walking to the stands, he walks the other to head towards the starting gate.

While Accelerator is walking, he begins to think back on the events on the previous race. Where he was having visions of seeing his younger-self and the ancient-like civilization.

Accelerator: *thoughts*I haven't told them yet about those weird dreams I had. But what could those be. Could they be... my memories.

Accelerator then stops and snapped himself off of his train of thought.

Accelerator: *thoughts* No, I can worry about that stuff later. Right now, I have to focus on the race. After that... I will tell the others about it.

With that said in his mind, Accelerator jumps and rides on his Extreme Gear over to the starting gate...

The next scene is placed near the final lap.

There are two Riders who are almost near the finish line, Accelerator and Lance.

As they reach the home stretch, both of them are neck-to-neck until they reached the curve.

They finally reached the finish line, where surprisingly, the two crossed it at the same time.

After a little while with the other Riders crossing the finish line, Omochao announced that Accelerator and Lance tied for 1st place.

Echo, Sapphire, and Dive are surprised by this, and the audience cheered for the two winners.

Accelerator: A tie?! Huh, this is my first time getting one in a matter of speed.

Lance: You...

Accelerator then turns around to see Lance approaching him.

Accelerator started to get concerned when seeing Lance's apparent mean face.

Accelerator: Yeah, what is it?

After a little silence, Lance started to raise his hand... and offer a handshake to Accelerator.

Lance: That... was a good race.

Accelerator was a little surprised, but smiled at Lance and gave him the handshake. Ending the scene by seeing the two riders smiling at each other.


It's near the end of the tournament, but the races are still going on. Accelerator and his friends are grouped together again in a random area.

Dive: Dude, our races today were totally sick!

Echo: And the best part is that you two still have enough points to get to the semi-finals.

Sapphire: How are you feeling right now, Accel? I couldn't believe it when you got a tie with that Rider, Lance.

Accelerator: I'll admit, it was very thrilling. And knowing there's actually someone who's rivaling me against my speed makes this competition all the more exciting.

Echo: It may get more challenging for you from here on out. I'll check on your Gear before the next race.

Accelerator: Thanks Echo, you're the best.

Suddenly, the group hears loud footsteps approaching, as well as hearing some people booing.

It reveals to be focusing on the group of three Riders who were also from Metal City earlier. The narwhal, the dolphin, and the whale.

Dolphin: Hmph, let them spout their own hate. It will only make us more tougher.

Whale: Ha Ha Ha! They're jealous. No one can stop us! Right, boss?

The Narwhal Rider only stayed in silence, but only for his eyes to face Accelerator while still walking.

All he showed to him was a smirk with a little smile showing, along with slowly giving a thumbs down towards him before he and his team continue walking down and leaving.

Accelerator was a little questioned until Echo suddenly showed an angry expression.

Echo: Tch, that jerk is still the same as ever.

Accelerator: Echo, do you know that Rider just now?

Echo: *sigh*...Yeah. That guy who gave you that thumbs down is Urchin the Narwhal. And those two beside him are Reefa the Dolphin and Humpback the Whale. Together, those three Riders make the sub-group, Team Pacifica.

Accelerator: Pacifica? Who's that?

Dive: A bunch of nasty dudes who always cheat and use dirty tricks to win races. It's just sickening to think about it.

Sapphire: I heard about them too. Those two, Reefa and Humpback, always knock the other racers off their Gears, making it easier for their team's leader, Urchin to cross the finish line. Many Riders were hurt and their Gears were destroyed because of them.

Accelerator: Wow... I didn't know there are bad Riders.

Echo: *puts hand on Accelerator's shoulder*Accel, just a piece of advice man, it's best you should steer clear from those three. They don't care about who they hurt, to them, it's nothing but competition.

Sapphire comes in and grabs Accelerator's hand with both of her hands, while showing a worried expression on her face.

Sapphire: But... if you do face them... Please be careful, Accel.

Accelerator: Both of you relax. I appreciate the worries, but I'm not afraid to face a bunch of cheaters. If that time really comes though, then I'll show them what happens when they mess with riding.

Sapphire: Accel...

Dive: Dude, those were some sick words right there.

Echo: Alright, there's nothing left for us here. So let's head back and worry about this the next day.

The four then started to walk away and take their leave.

But as Accelerator continues to walk down while holding onto Sapphire's hand, he speaks up.

Accelerator: Hey, guys.

The group then stopped and turned to Accel.

Sapphire: What's wrong, Accel?

Accelerator: Let's meet up together on the next day at the next course. I... have something to tell you.

To be continued...

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