Lap 2 - The Friendly Rider

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A few days have passed ever since the first round of the World Grand Prix.

Now, the tournament moves on towards the second round.

However, it does not take place in Metal City, but somewhere else. The next course is in a place called Splash Canyon.

The terrain of the course is filled with rivers, strong currents, and waterfalls everywhere you look.

As a matter of fact, the second round of the tournament already began, as there are Riders already racing.

They are seen riding their Extreme Gears across the strong currents of the rivers, like they're surfing, and even riding up and down the waterfalls.

The audience who are watching the races happening from a huge billboard cheer for their fellow Riders for putting on a show.


The scene shifts to seeing a bunch of Riders walking around and talking with one another, while watching the view of the track and surroundings, until it focused towards our main characters.

Accelerator and his friends are seen in random area, walking down the sand while seeing waterfalls from the side.

But Accelerator suddenly stops in hearing Omochao's announcement.

Omochao: The next race is about to begin, all participants please come to the gate.

Accelerator: ...!

Echo: Whoa, whoa! Chill, Accel. Your race ain't happening until much later, so relax.

Accelerator: Right. Sorry, almost got excited just now.

Sapphire: Sounds like you're more than ready for today, but it's also important you should take your time and relax a bit.

Accelerator: Heh heh, oh come on Sapphire. It's not that bad to have some motivation.

The three turn to see the scenery of the area.

Sapphire: Although, I never imagined the next course would be in a place like this. It's so beautiful.

Echo: Well, it's not like the World Grand Prix is gonna take place in one setting.

Accelerator: Then this makes it all very interesting. It'll be fun to ride in a place like this. I can't wait!

Suddenly, the three hear someone shouting a loud noise full of excitement.

They already found the one responsible for that. It was one of the new character Riders from before, the one who looks like a jellyfish.

That Rider is seen riding along the river for a bit while performing some tricks after jumping from the little waves.

After a little bit of showing off, the Rider jumped off and landed on his feet in front of Accelerator and his friends.

Jellyfish: Hooooo-we! Those waves were sick!

The group was surprised and confused, until the Rider turned around and put down his goggles.

Jellyfish: Yo, what's up dudes and dudette! Do any of you go by the name Accelerator, or something?

Accelerator: Who's asking?

Jellyfish: Oh, so you must be the dude I'm looking for. Name's Dive, Dive the Jellyfish. I saw your last race back in Metal City, I gotta say dude, you totally shredded the competition.

Accelerator: Uh, thanks I guess.

Sapphire: Dive, right? Why were you looking for Accel? Surely you didn't come all this way just to meet him.

Echo: Wait Saphee, I saw this guy's name from the record board. He's pitted in the same race with Accel.

Dive: Whoa, dude you really are smart. But really, I wanted to meet Accelerator dude here because I heard you're a rookie Rider, but only got 1st in all his races.

Dive then grabbed Accelerator's shoulders and showed his eyes sparkling. Accelerator didn't sweat upon reaction.

Dive: Dude, how did you pull it off without wiping out? I've seen lots of Riders out there, but you've gotta be the coolest I've ever seen. Tell me man, what's your secret?!

Accelerator: Huh? Well... I just like to go really fast!

Dive: So... Your way of riding is using just speed? ...That's so cool, I didn't know you're that fast!

Accelerator: Heh, thanks! I like being fast myself!

As for Sapphire and Echo, they are confused about the situation.

Sapphire: You know, Dive kind of acts like a blockhead.

Echo: Agree with you there, Saphee.

Dive: Anyways, I'm looking forward to ride with you during the race Accelerator. Hope we can have fun at the same time.

Accelerator: Sounds good, but I won't go easy on you.

Dive: *chuckles*You got it, dude. I'll see you at the race at sunset!

Dive then rode his Extreme Gear through the river.

Accelerator: Something tells me this next race is going to be a good one.

Echo: Better watch yourself against a trickster, Accel.

Sapphire: A trickster?

Accelerator: What's that?

Echo: I should probably tell you this, but there are two factions among Riders. There are tricksters like Dive who are focused on performing tricks on their Gear, and Velociters who are focused in using speed like you Accel.

Accelerator: Is that so?

Echo: You better be careful during this race though, tricksters have many ways to pass through Riders no matter how fast they are.

Accelerator: I think I'll be okay Echo. After all, my speed is key.

Echo: If you say so. Come on, we wasted enough time here. Better head back and rest before your next race.

Sapphire: Echo, I thought I said earlier to not put pressure on Accel.

As the three head back, Accelerator suddenly feels a jolt from his mind.

When he turns back, the area he saw earlier transformed into an ancient-like state.

Accelerator rubs his eyes, and when he opened them back up, he didn't see the ancient ruin picture anymore.

Accelerator: *thoughts*There it was again...

Sapphire: Accel!

Accelerator: Yeah Sapphire, I'm coming!

Accelerator than ran to where his friends have gone while still having the sudden event earlier in his mind.


The time is now at sunset, and it's the same time where Accelerator's race is about to begin.

He's currently at the starting gate with all the other Riders, along with Dive beside him.

Dive: Hey, I knew you would make it here dude!

Accelerator: I wouldn't miss this for the world.

From the stands, Sapphire and Echo are cheering for their friend.

Sapphire: Accel, I know you can do it! We believe in you!

Accelerator heard Sapphire and smiled.

Dive: Hey, Accelerator dude.

Accelerator looked at Dive with his fist up.

Dive: Let's bump, to a good race.

Accelerator accepted and bumped fists with him.

Accelerator: Yeah, to a good race.

And now, with the race about to begin, the Riders with their Extreme Gears prepared themselves...

The scene shows both Accelerator and Dive coming out from inside the waterfall.

As they ride down the cliff, the two are both neck-to-neck on their way to the finish line.

As it's in reach, Accelerator final sprinted past Dive and in the end, reached the finish line first.

With his second race over, the crowd once again cheered for Accelerator's victory.


In another area in Splash Canyon, where the time is still in the afternoon, Accelerator and his friends are confronted with Dive once again.

Dive: Dude, I totally wiped out. I can't believe you actually beat me.

Accelerator: Still, you did perform great in the race. But in the end, speed is the key. Although, I couldn't have done it without my friends.

Sapphire: Aw, thanks Accel. I made sure to cheer for you all the way.

Echo: Besides, I think it was more your skills than the Gear.

Dive: You really got some cool friends, Accelerator my dude. That's totally a cool part about you.

Echo: So Dive, what are you gonna do now? Even though you got 2nd, you still have enough points to make it to the next round.

Dive: Well... If I don't mind myself, I was thinking in hanging around with you guys.

Accelerator: What?

Dive: Thought it'll be fun if I hang out with you three dudes. For some reason, I feel like I'll have a good time if I join ya. So... can I?

Accelerator and his friends then turned and each nodded their heads in agreement.

Accelerator came and lent out his hand to Dive.

Accelerator: Welcome to the team Dive!

Dive: Sweet! Thanks, dude!

Accelerator and Dive then shook hands in the name of their new friendship.

Echo: Alright, come on guys. Let's head back and be ready for the next round of the tournament.

Accelerator and his friends then walked away.

However, as Accelerator walks in the direction of the setting sun, his mind suddenly felt a jolt.

He then sees another flashback of a younger version of himself. Where he was sitting on top of hill with another hedgehog who looked like his friend, and the two watching the sunset together.

Accelerator snapped out of it and silently grunts as he felt a little headache.

Sapphire was the only one who notices and rushes to his side.

Sapphire: ...! Accel, are you okay?

Accelerator: Yeah, I think so.

Sapphire: Are you feeling dizzy because of the race?

Accelerator: No, I just felt a little bit of a headache all of a sudden. I'll be fine.

Sapphire: Please don't push yourself even more. Here, let me help you.

Accelerator: ...Sorry, and thanks Sapphire.

Sapphire: *giggles*You're welcome. You can always rely on me if you need help.

While Sapphire continues to support Accelerator while walking, it ends with him thinking of what happened just now.

Accelerator: Why is this happening to me...? What are these pictures popping up in my head? Could they be... my memories?

To be continued...

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