Lap 1 - Catching the Wind

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It's currently night time in Metal City, as the scene gazes of a boring mood of seeing skyscrapers and hover-cars in the middle of the night.

Suddenly, the mood changed to excitement as there are spotlights in a certain area and sounds of cheers echoing throughout the huge city.

And it's all because of the start of a major event in this planet, the start of another World Grand Prix.

After a little bit of seeing the track and Riders hanging around before the race begins, the huge billboard shows none other than the host of the tournament, Omochao.

Omochao: Hello all of Future City! Welcome to the second annual EX World Grand Prix! I'm your host Omochao, your eyes in the sky. You must be all excited, because there's no way you can ignore an event so juicy. To all those participating in this tournament, the rules are the same as before. The first rider to reach the finish line first is the winner, and those who have the most points in the series of races will move on to the next round. Onto further news of the upcoming courses...

While Omochao continues talking, the scene shifts to where Accelerator and Sapphire are.

They are currently sitting at a table, enjoying their drinks.

Accelerator: Wow, so this is what it feels like to be in a tournament. My heart is already racing with excitement.

Sapphire: *giggles*I know what you mean, look how many Riders there are. Everybody here is ready to race and have fun. Do you think you will be okay, Accelerator?

Accelerator: Sapphire, I already told you. Even though I had a brief time staying in this city, I never lost a single race. I'll be fine.

Sapphire: I know that. I'm just worried about you, that's all. By the way, where's Echo?

Echo: Over here!

Echo is seen running towards the two with Accelerator's Extreme Gear.

Echo: Sorry I'm late, had to make some final adjustments to Accel's Gear. Here, it's all fixed.

He gave Accelerator his Extreme Gear back.

Accelerator: Thanks, Echo. It really means a lot.

Echo: Ah, you know I got your back, man. By the way, I just checked up on the board earlier and it said that your race will come up after the first one.

Accelerator: Already? Heh, how nice of them to let me race so soon.

As Accelerator got up and picked up his Extreme Gear, the three hear and see some police cars rolling by.

Accelerator: Why are the police here all of a sudden? Are they going to cancel the race?

Echo: No, no don't worry about it. They're probably here to steer others away from the track so the Riders won't accidentally hurt them. But you better be careful, it might take them a while to get them out of the way, so make sure to steer clear from the cars during the race.

Accelerator: Alright, thanks for the warning. I'm going to head to the starting gate and get myself ready.

Before Accelerator goes, Sapphire spoke up.

Sapphire: A-Accel...!

Accelerator stops, while he's a little surprised that Sapphire called him by that name, but didn't speak up about it.

Sapphire: *smiles*Good luck. I will be cheering for you.

Accelerator responds with a smile and nodded and then heads on over to the starting line.

Sapphire starts to feel uneasy, but Echo puts his hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

Echo: It's going to be okay, Saphee. It's like you said, Accel will be fine.

Sapphire: Yes. I know he will...

Accelerator continues running over to where he needs to go, while the scene shifts into seeing the starting line...

After the race...

As expected, Accelerator came in first during his first race in the first round.

It was moments after he crossed the finish line, where he got off his Extreme Gear and looked around to see the audience and other Riders cheering for his victory.

Even though the race was over, Accelerator's heart couldn't stop beating as he smiled in seeing his results of placing 1st.

Accelerator: Wow, I can't believe it... I won, I actually won!

Suddenly, Accelerator suddenly felt a jolt from his mind.

As soon as he knew, he started to see a flashback with ancient-mood colors.

In that flashback, he saw what appears to be a younger version of himself riding on a weird Extreme Gear.

That younger version is seen racing with other young Riders on a ruin-like course related to the Great Wall of China.

But there's more, there was a seeing of what appears to be a modern ancient-like city. Accelerator only saw a glimpse of it from afar.

The flashback ends with seeing his younger version winning the race, being in a similar situation of being cheered by an audience of ancient people.

Accelerator: *pant*Nngh...! Wh-What the heck was that? Where was I? And that kid... Was that... Was that me?

Sapphire: Accel!

Accelerator was able to snap out of it after seeing Sapphire running up and hugging him, along with Echo arriving as well.

Sapphire: Congratulations! You won your first race in the World Grand Prix.

Echo: I knew you could pull it off, I never doubted you. With you being first place out of the way, you'll be sure to go to the next round.

Accelerator: Y-Yeah, thanks you two.

Sapphire: Accel, are you okay? You're sweating.

Accelerator: O-Oh, this? I'm just... still thrilled after the race.

Sapphire: I see, that's good.

Accelerator: So, what now?

Echo: Well, there are still a few more races left before we move on. Hey, since you secured your place in the next round, let's go sit back and watch the remaining races.

Sapphire: Echo, he needs a break. Accel just finished his race and-

Accelerator: It's okay, Sappire I don't mind. Besides, I actually enjoy seeing other Riders racing.

Sapphire: Okay, but please, I still want you to rest. Okay?

Accelerator: Alright.

Accelerator and his friends then walked away. But on the way, Accelerator holds his head after what he just witnessed.

Accelerator: *thoughts*What was that all about?

From another area, far from where Accelerator and the others are, there's an Rider who looks like a humanoid jellyfish with his Extreme Gear.

He's seen looking at a random billboard, seeing a picture of Accelerator as the winner.

Jellyfish: That Rider was sick. Those were some gnarliest tricks and skills I ever seen. Heh, I better bring on my A-game if I'm going to face that dude.

Then that Rider left the scene.

In another area, there's another Rider who looks like a wolf that's walking around.

But while walking, there were a bunch of girls and even female Riders that started to show their affection for the wolf individual.

The Rider then turned to also see a billboard of Accelerator as the winner.

Wolf: Maybe... this tournament won't be boring after all.

The scene shifts again in seeing three more Riders in an alleyway, in which they saw the billboard of Accelerator as well.

Their faces couldn't be seen since the alleyway was too dark, but each of the three Riders appear to be a dolphin, a whale, and a narwhal.

The female dolphin rider spoke up.

Dolphin: Ooh lookie there, another Rider that won a race. Look at him, thinking he's all that proud and confident after winning.

Whale: Yeah, but he's nothing like the boss since he's the best. Am I right boss?

Both the two Riders turned to see their third laying his back against a wall and looking up at the billboard.

Then he started smiling.

Narwhal: Those amateurs better enjoy their victory while they still can. But in the end, I will be the one to wipe out the floor with them!

Overall, neither any of each side knows that they're going to cross paths very soon...

To be continued...

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