Prologue - The Black Blur

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Metal City... one of the sections in Future City where its famous because the first EX World Grand Prix was hosted there.

Here in this futuristic city, there are massive skyscrapers and fast cars populating the area.

And many Mobians of different animal species enjoy their everyday lives in peace.

But within this city... There are special individuals who have the power to lift the spirits of others and bring a next evolution of racing.

Riders. Racers who ride on Extreme Gears, special hoverboards that use the power of air to hover and go at extreme speeds.

Riders see the world differently than most, they ride with the wind. The roads, walls, and even rooftops become pathways and merely playgrounds for them to ride on.

The power of the air keeps them riding, keeps them breathing... keeps them alive.

After seeing the scenery of Metal City, the sight of shops and Mobians talking with one another, it focuses on a sight of a crossway.

From there, it focuses on the sight of a pretty light-blue female hedgehog, with dark-blue, tarp-like clothes named Sapphire Stone.

Sapphire is waiting with a group of other people before crossing the street.

As soon as the sign turns green, Sapphire was about to go across.

But suddenly, out of nowhere, a truck was closing in fast and about to hit her.

Sapphire: Oh no! Look out-!

However, at the last few seconds, Sapphire was moved out of the way in time by a strange shadow.

The truck then crashed into a wall, getting the civilians attention at what happened.

When Sapphire opened her eyes, she found herself carried by the hands of her savior riding on a Extreme Gear.

This savior happens to be none other than the protagonist himself, Accelerator the Hedgehog.

Accelerator: Are you okay?

Sapphire: Y-Yes, I'm alright. Um, are you the one who saved me?

Accelerator gently put Sapphire down on her feet while still on his Extreme Gear.

Accelerator: Be careful next time. You need to think fast to be fast.

He then rode away on the road, leaving the scene.

Sapphire: Wait-! ...That person. Could he be... a Rider?

Sapphire showed a curious look before she ran to where Accelerator was going.


Sapphire is seen running throughout the city, trying to find where her savior went.

Sapphire: *pant**thoughts*Where did he go? I didn't have the chance to thank him yet.

As Sapphire exited out of an alleyway, she stumbled to what appears to be a crowd of civilians and Riders alike.

When Sapphire got a closer look, she realized what she saw around her.

Sapphire: That's right! I forgot there was a race challenge today.

Ever since the first EX World Grand Prix came to a close, Metal City created an event for rookie Riders to participate in practice racing. Therefore, bringing new generation of Riders to participate in a new World Grand Prix.

While inspired by the sight, Sapphire saw something up in the sky.

Who happens to be the previous announcer of last Grand Prix, Omochao.

Omochao: Hello, everyone! It's great to see you all again. I'm Omochao, your eyes in the sky. As you already know, it's that time again. That today's another practice racing challenge. We have a lot of sets of races coming up, so make sure to sit back, relax, and enjoy the thrill. Without further ado, let's meet with our first contestants. And here they are!

The billboard screen then focuses on seeing the Riders in the race. Some are Mobians, and even others are actually robots.

But among them, Sapphire can see in the middle is Accelerator.

Sapphire: *thoughts*That's him! That one who saved from earlier. So, he's participating in today's race too.

But while looking at the billboard, Sapphire notices the other Riders beside Accelerator started to sweat while staring at him in secret.

Sapphire: *thoughts*But, why are the other Riders acting like their afraid of him? Is he really that good?

Omochao: Alright then, the race is about the begin. All participants get ready!

Accelerator and the riders prepared themselves.

But before it starts, Accelerator spoke up.

Accelerator: Alright... Let's ride!

And so the race begins...

(note: All riders in this story can grind rails, fly through gates, and move obstacles out of the way, just like Super Sonic)

One race later...

Omochao: Alright, now we've reached the final lap and are at the finish line. Let's see who approaches there first.

Everyone, even Sapphire, started to tense up while staring at the billboard.

Suddenly, they all see the Rider after he made another jump on the final ramp and performing a trick.

The screen visibly shows that it's Accelerator who's first. And after he landed, he reached the finish line.

Everyone in the crowd cheered for Accelerator very loudly.

Omochao: Unbelievable! Ladies and gentlemen, the participant Accelerator the Hedgehog was the first to pass the finish line! And...

The billboard then shows the remaining Riders about half-way off from Accelerator.

Omochao: What'd you expect, the other racers are still far off from the finish line. You passed this race with flying colors once again Accelerator, congratulations!

Sapphire, who was still in the crowd, started to sow signs of curiosity again.

Sapphire: Accelerator... That's his name.

???: Wow, that was gnarly!

Sapphire snapped out of her train of thought when she over heard a conversation of two other Riders.

Rider1: No, I mean that was sick, bro. He nailed this race once again!

Rider2: I know, man. That hedgehog made a perfect example of others eating his dust.

Sapphire: Excuse me!

The two riders then noticed Sapphire walking over to them.

Sapphire: I'm sorry to interrupt, but do you two know that Rider?

Rider1: What? You mean that kid, Accelerator? Yeah, every Rider just started to know him.

Rider2: That guy has a real talent. He's always ahead of the racers at the start of the race, and no Rider was able to pass him at least once. He even earned himself a nickname, the "Black Blur".

Rider1: Whoa dude, seriously!?

Sapphire: *thoughts*That time from earlier... that's why he goes by that name.

Rider1: Still...

Sapphire: Huh?

Rider1: It's kind of weird that Accelerator is that good. I mean, he just popped up out of nowhere like a couple of weeks ago and never got anything except 1st place in his races.

Rider2: I think it's strange too, I've seen a lot of rookies here in this city. Normally takes them a few months to master riding a Gear and winning. But that kid rides it normally like it was nothing. I wonder who is he exactly?

Rider1: Hey now, dude. Don't say it like that, it's kind of creepy.

Sapphire then left the crowd and continues to search for Accelerator.


It's revealed after the race, Accelerator is riding down further out from the racing event.

He then comes to a stop at an area within the course, looking at the view of Metal City.

The city itself is so big than imagined, and Accelerator felt some comfort.

Accelerator: The wind here that breezes through this place... It makes me feel calm, but at the same time... excited. This place, this city, really is fun.

Sapphire: Hey!

As soon as Accelerator realizes, Sapphire is seen running to him.

Sapphire: *pant**pant*Finally... I caught up to you.

Accelerator: You're... the one from earlier.

Sapphire: ...U-Um.

Accelerator: Did you... need something from me?

Sapphire: I... I just want to say thank you for saving me earlier.

Accelerator: Oh, well you're welcome. Honestly, I was wondering about what happened to you, I'm glad to see you're alright.

Sapphire: *chuckles*Is that so?

The conversation was interrupted when Accelerator's Extreme Gear started showing sparks.

Accelerator: Oh, no. My Gear's overheated. I better have him check up on it again.

Sapphire: Where are you going to go?

Accelerator: To the EX Repair Shop, the place where they fix others' Extreme Gears and such. 

Sapphire: I can take you to the repair shop, I know the place. Besides, I want to pay you back in some way.

Accelerator: Thanks a lot.


Accelerator and Sapphire then walk through the city to the repair shop.

On the way, Sapphire spoke up.

Sapphire: I haven't told you my name yet. My name is Sapphire, Sapphire Stone. It's a pleasure to meet you.

Accelerator: It's nice to meet you too, Sapphire. My name is-

Sapphire: Accelerator, right? I already know your name from Omochao earlier.

Accelerator: I see.

Sapphire: Ah, there it is!

Sapphire pointed to a shop nestled beside the buildings that has a sign of an Extreme Gear on top.

Accelerator: This is the place. Thanks for your help, Sapphire.

Sapphire: Oh, no worries Accelerator. After all, I did wanted to pay you back.

Accelerator and Sapphire then entered in the shop.

Inside, the place behaves like a black market, but it's only the front that counts.

From there, the two walk up to a Chao on the desk.

Chao: Welcome-! Ah, Accelerator. Welcome home.

Sapphire: Home? Wait, Accelerator is this where you live?

Accelerator: Sort of, ever since my arrival here in Future City, he decided to take me in for shelter.

Sapphire: He?

???: He means me.

As the two heard a voice, a white hedgehog with headphones appeared out of a sliding door.

Sapphire: Echo, it is you!

Echo: Hey Saphee, it's been a long time. Never thought I'd see you here.

Accelerator: You two know each other?

Sapphire: Yes, Echo and I are childhood friends who grew up here.

Echo: Yeah, that's great and all. But Accel, why did you bring her along as well? Wait, are you two on a date!?

Sapphire: Eh? A d-date!? No, I just-

Accelerator: She helped me earlier in bringing me here.

Echo: Really? Darn, here I thought your on a roll Accel. Winning races back to back and even getting a girlfriend. Besides, Saphee's pretty and cute and may be your type~.

Sapphire: Geez, Echo! You're embarrassing me!

Echo: *laugh*I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Anyway, how did the race go?

Accelerator: Eh. It went well, got first place again. But I was wondering if you could do something about this.

Accelerator then but his Extreme Gear on the counter.

As Soon as Echo was about to touch it, sparks flew out much to his surprise.

Echo: *sigh*You overheated your Gear's air booster system again, didn't you?

Accelerator: What can I say? Everyone needs to be fast during a race.

Echo: Honestly, you do live up to your name. Alright, come on we'll fix your Gear again.


The three characters are now inside the shop's repair room.

From there, Accelerator and Sapphire watched as Echo worked on the Extreme Gear's inside systems using his tools and readjusting its wiring.

While working, Sapphire spoke up.

Sapphire: I see, so Echo took Accelerator in after you found him in an alleyway.

Accelerator: I was around the time when Echo took a shortcut to head back here. That's where he found me unconscious.

Echo: Hey, hey. I couldn't just leave you hanging like that. Especially the fact that you haven't recovered your memories yet.

Sapphire: Recovered your memories? Wait, Accelerator. You have amnesia!?

Accelerator: ...Yes, I have a case of memory loss. It started a few weeks ago. I didn't understand how I got to this city, but all I can remember is my name and that I had my Gear with me.

Echo: That's right. Since then, I took Accel in and I figured out recently that he's a fast learner as a Rider.

 Sapphire: Wow, that's a great trait you have Accelerator.

Accelerator: Really? Hm, I don't think it's that big a of a deal.

The three then stopped when they turned to see a TV screen, where their announcing something big.

Echo: Whoa, they decided to start it already? Man, time flies fast.

Accelerator: What are you talking about?

Sapphire: They're announcing that a new World Grand Prix will begin soon.

Accelerator: The... World Grand Prix?

Sapphire: Yep, it's a huge tournament where Riders with Extreme Gears challenge each other all over the world.

Accelerator: Such an event like that exists?

Echo: They decided to create another tournament after the first one half a year ago. It was hosted by a scientist named Eggman. However, the people realized that he set it all up to gain some sort of power.

Sapphire: Really? What was it that he was after?

Echo: Don't know, but I heard there was a certain blue hedgehog who stopped Eggman's plans. The international security organization, G.U.N. tried to capture and arrest him, but couldn't find his whereabouts. Even without him as the host, people all over in this city and across Mobius are still willing to become Riders.

Accelerator then walked closer to the TV where the news are still announcing the big event.

Accelerator: The World Grand Prix...

Echo then realizes what Accelerator is thinking and walks over to him.

Echo: Oh, no. No, not gonna happen. You're thinking about entering the tournament, aren't you?

Accelerator: Yes I am. My heart just can't stop pounding at the thought of challenging different Riders.

Echo: Accel, you just started riding a few weeks ago. I know all you got in your previous races are 1st place, but I just don't think it's a good idea to immediately enter a competition you don't know about.

Accelerator: Echo, I know you want to keep me safe. But there's something about this tournament that makes me feel... excited.

Echo: Accel...

Sapphire: Let him go, Echo.

Echo: Saphee!?

Sapphire: We can both clearly tell Accelerator is the type that once he makes a decision right away, there's no stopping him.

Accelerator: Sapphire... you-

Sapphire: Accelerator, you don't have to worry about others' permission. If you find something you like and want to do it, then I want you to go for it.

Accelerator: Heh. Thanks a lot, Sapphire.

Sapphire: You're welcome. Besides, you won't be alone, me and Echo are coming with you too.

Echo: Wait, me!?

Sapphire: Of course, you're also worried about Accelerator, right? So the two of us will be right behind him if he's ever in trouble.

Echo: *sigh*... Guess I'm you're personal mechanic if you're Gear's gonna get busted time to time. Man this process is moving faster than my brain could handle. ...Alrighty then, I'm in.

Accelerator: Thanks, you two.

And with that, the story begins...

To be continued...

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