Chapter 10: Surprise attack

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(Normal pov)

Dagur was sharpening his battle axe while sitting near a fire pit, it had been three days after the parlay and he should've received word from Cutthroat by now. Something was wrong. The Berserker chief suddenly heard a faint whistling in the sky, he looked up and saw nothing at first, but then Outcast and Berserker warriors were barking out orders to each other to get ready. Dagur got up to his feet to see what was going on, but before he took a step, something landed right in front him, causing the chieftain of the Berserkers to yelp in surprise, when he looked toward the sky, his mouth was gaped wide open. 

It was Hiccup, sitting on top of... a Night Fury!!? 

Then in the blink of an eye, the duo were gone. Dagur looked to see what Hiccup dropped off for him, it was sack, and something was clearly inside of it. Dagur picked the sack up and when he opened it, his rage was at a boiling point and he let out an animalistic like roar, Dagur then looked up to the heavens and screamed out. "I SWEAR I WILL SEND YOU TO CORPSE HALL HICCUP!!!! I WILL RIP OUT YOUR GUTS AND MOP THE GROUND WITH THEM!!!!!! MARK. MY. WORDS!! ARGH!!!!!!" Dagur then threw his cousins head aside and marched to Alvin's tent, he barged and saw Alvin playing around with two whores, the women yelped in surprise at seeing Dagur's enraged face and hid their nakedness from him, Alvin turned to see Dagur and groaned in annoyance. 

"What is it Dagur? I'm busy." The Outcast chief said while gesturing to the whores, Dagur then pointed outside and seethed out. "I don't give a damn Alvin! Cutthroat is dead!!" Alvin cocked his head in confusion. "He's dead?" He asked, Dagur nodded furiously. "YES!!! His head is right outside!! Hiccup killed him. He killed my cousin to taunt me." Dagur mumbled, the Berserker chief looked into Alvin's eyes and said a bloodthirsty tone. "I want to attack. Now."

Alvin sat up from his bed and held a hand out. "Dagur. We cannot just throw our armies toward Arendelle without a clear plan. You need to get your anger under control." Alvin advised, but Dagur let out a roar of anger and flipped over a nearby table; sending papers, weapons, and a jug of ale flying a clattering on the ground, Dagur then turned back to Alvin. "I will attack. And I will take my army with me. If you want this trip profitable, I suggest you come with me right now. Or else I'll kill you and Savage will take command of the Outcasts. I'm sure he would love the promotion of being chief." 

Alvin glared at Dagur, the boy was like a child with a tantrum, he wouldn't stop until the Outcasts joined him and the Berserkers in taking Arendelle for themselves. 

The Outcast chieftain rose from his bed and put on his leather pants and shrugged at Dagur. "Fine, I'll give my men the command we're marching to Arendelle." He said, but before Dagur could speak, Alvin got right in the younger chiefs face. "But, if this doesn't end well? I'll kill you myself, take your army and add them into the Outcast ranks and look for another Viking warlord or chief who has sights on Arendelle as well." Alvin said in a cool tone before backing off and walking to where his remaining clothes were. Dagur then walked out of the Outcast chiefs tent and growled out. "Not if I kill you first." He then went to rally his men and prepare them to attack. 

(Astrid's pov)

I let out a fierce battle cry and let my axe fly, my weapon soared through the air and struck flesh. Flesh of a dragon. Once more Berk was under attack by these damned beasts, and what shocked us all was that they were raiding us in the middle of the day. Regardless, Berk was under attack and we had to defend it from the flying lizards. I could see a Zippleback sticking its gas head into the barn, its green gas was seeping out of the cracks of the barn, the other head soon ignited it and--


The barn was blown to bits and livestock scattered in fear or were on fire themselves, regardless, the Zippleback managed to get its claws on a net and swooped by a herd of sheep and flew away with its bounty. I let out a disbelieving roar and pulled my axe out of the dead dragon I killed and moved on to find the next one. 

Bjornolf and his people were still here, spending the last few days here after our wedding celebration, despite being married, Bjornolf was an excellent warrior, and his prowess showed. A Gronckle charged him like a enraged yak, but Bjornolf sidestepped the Boulder Class dragon and when the dragons neck was exposed, my husband cut the dragons head clean off. He let out a battle cry and moved on to the next dragon, I could see the many of Wolf tribes people helping the Hooligans that didn't fight put out fires, I dodged a volley of Nadder fire and raised my shield to block its poisonous spines, I then saw a beautiful blue Deadly Nadder mixed with yellow and a peace colored underbelly. 

The dragon hissed at me, and what confused me were the dragons eyes, they were changing from big orbs to thin slits every second or so. It seemed as if it was... being controlled? Could the dragons be controlled by something? Another dragon perhaps? Wait. I remember Fishlegs mumbling about how dragons sometimes serve other dragons and must submit their lives and loyalties to this... higher power within their nests. What if these dragons serve another dragon at Helheim's Gate? 

A roar from a Monstrous Nightmare snapped me out of my thoughts, the enraged dragon was engulfed in its own flames and charged me, I slashed the Nightmare across the face, the blade of my axe cutting both its eyes, causing the dragon to roar in agony, I then charged in and hacked its head off, when the Nightmare fell dead, I roared to the heavens and searched for one dragon in particular. 

The Night Fury. 

We haven't seen it for weeks now, in the past, that dragon seemed to be... an enforcer to the other dragons that raid us, the black demon would destroy our watchtowers and catapults, letting the other dragons waltz right through Berk without any problem. Where was that Night Fury?


Before I could react, a Gronckle knocked right into me and sent me crashing through a burning building, I groaned in pain as I saw a sizable gash on my right side, I crawled out of the building just in time as it collapsed in on itself, I could see Bjornolf killing the Gronckle who hurt me and then rushed to my side. "Hey hey, are you alright?" He asked with concern, I only nodded to him, he sheathed his sword and carried me bridal style, he then rushed through the mayhem and entered the Great Hall where those among us who couldn't fight were, as well as Gothi and our healers. "Gothi! Astrid's hurt!" Bjornolf said, the elder had him place me on a bedroll near a pillar and she soon got to work stitching my wound, I groaned and shrieked in pain as Gothi stitched my wound closed. 

"You're going to be fine. You hear me?" Bjornolf said, he raised my hand and kissed my knuckles, I snorted lightly at him and let Gothi continue her work. I hated to admit it, but Bjornolf wasn't bad company, sure, he talks a little too much at time, but other than that? He's a great warrior and man. On our wedding night, those of high standing in both our tribes witnessed Bjorn and I completing our wedding by the two of us having sex. It was beyond embarrassing, and... I though I enjoyed the pleasure and sensations, I imagined another man who was giving me please. It was not Bjornolf. 

It was Hiccup I was imagining. 

Though I was shocked at the very notion of me imagining Hiccup giving me pleasure. Yes, we were the best of friends when we were children, but... well, Uncle Finn died and I cast him aside to become Berks finest shield-maiden and avenge my uncles death and restore the Hofferson clan honor. 

The doors of the Hall opened and I saw Stoick and Magnus caked in dragon blood, as were many of the warriors just now entering, they all were muttering and cursing under their breaths, I heard Magnus speak to Stoick. "Odin's beard! I can see why you asked for help Stoick, the dragons that raid you lot are... more violent, organized and coordinated than the dragons we have to deal with." Stoick grunted in agreement, he then pulled out maps to Helheim's Gate and began showing Magnus them, I sighed heavily and shook my head, we needed to find whatever is causing the dragons to raid us, and soon. 

"Gods help us all." 

(Hiccup's pov)

Upon returning to Arendelle, I entered the castle to speak with Agnarr, the guards told me that he was eating his noon day meal with his family, I nodded in acknowledgment and entered the dining hall. There, I saw Agnarr, Iduna, Anna and Elsa all laughing and talking to each other, Agnarr turned to me and smiled warmly. "Ah! Lord Hiccup! Come, join us please." He said, I nodded to him and sat next to Anna and across from Elsa, we three shared a warm smile and I turned to Agnarr. "Lord, I have done as you instructed. I presented Cutthroat's head to Dagur. And knowing Dagur, he acts based on his... animalistic impulses and will no doubt attack Arendelle at the soonest opportunity." 

Agnarr nodded and turned to me. "Excellent. Then, might I suggest you and Toothless slow them down, the two of you can take down a sizable amount of their men and meanwhile, myself and Arendelle's lords, nobles and soldiers will attack them from behind and catch them by surprise." The king said, I nodded in understanding. "Yes Lord." I bowed my head, a servant approached me with food-- it was smoked salmon, mashed potatoes, vegetables of some kind, and pastry. 

As I dug into my food, we all set aside business and began striking normal conversation, it was a good and pleasant time. Just getting to know all of them better and better made me happy, Anna and Elsa told me that when they were younger, they'd sneak out of bed and play in the snow that Elsa made with her powers within the castle halls and that they built a snowman they named Olaf. Seeing both sisters smile warmly at each other made me realize just how long they had been separated from each other and how much they missed each other, it was a beautiful sight to behold. 

Finally, after eating, we all excused ourselves and as I made my way to my room, I turned around to see both Anna and Elsa behind me with coy yet innocent smiles, I laughed at them and invited them in my room. There, Toothless was already fast asleep and the two sisters looked around my room, they had awed faces at my drawings, blueprints of building new war machines for Arendelle's army, and just drawings in general. 

Anna turned to me and showed me a picture of Toothless. "This is sooo good Hiccup! It looks so real." She praised, I nodded to her in thanks and wrapped my arms around her, she sighed happily and hugged me back, I then turned to Elsa and invited her into my arms as well, she smiled and accepted and I looked to both sisters. "You two... drive me absolutely insane. In the best kind of way." I clarified, both of them giggled lightly and nuzzled their faces into my chest and Elsa looked up at me. "Hiccup, I wanted to thank you, for not just being in our lives but... but for reuniting me with my sister." Elsa gave Anna a loving look, and the younger returned the look, Elsa then caressed my cheek lovingly. "She's not afraid of me because of my powers. And... I want to thank you." She then kissed me passionately while tears of joy slid down her cheeks, I kissed her back with just as much passion. 

When we broke the kiss, I turned to Anna and smirked at her before kissing her too, she immediately melted into the kiss and moaned happily while kissing me back, Elsa meanwhile was kissing my neck and playfully nipping at my ear, when I broke away from Anna's lips, I pulled Elsa in my arms and kissed her deeply, she moaned happily and wrapped her arms around my neck, while I was kissing Elsa, Anna began removing my tunic, I broke off from Elsa's lips to fully remove my tunic so that both sisters could look at my body, and by the look? Both of them had a hungry look in their eyes. 

Elsa dragged her fingertips across my arm sleeve tattoos, leaving a trail of light frost, the coolness of her touch caused me to gasp lightly and I smiled at Elsa's curiosity, Anna moved behind me and began kissing my back and wrapping her arms around my torso and caressing my torso, the touches from both girls were causing my cock to become painfully erect. Before any intimacy could continue though, Toothless's shot up and his pupils turned into slits, before I could ask him what was wrong, there was a rumbling outside, and then a--


"What was that?!" Anna asked, I pulled away from the sisters and ran out the door with Toothless right behind me, what I saw made my heart drop in my stomach, I heard Anna and Elsa both gasp in horror as well. Outside, the gates to Arendelle were destroyed and Outcast and Berserker armies came pouring in the city, with Dagur and Alvin leading the charge on their horses.


That was Dagur's voice, he had he battle axe in hand and let out an animalistic cry and attacked the nearest Saxon,  I looked to both sisters, each gave me a pleading face not to go out there, I placed a hand on each of their shoulders. "Elsa, Anna, I have to help in Arendelle's defense. Alright?" I said, Anna shook her head and was about to protest but I beat her to it. "You have Elsa to protect you and Toothless." I turned to my faithful dragon and patted his neck. "Bud, protect them alright?"

::I will Hiccup. You better not die out there::

I chuckled lightly and patted Toothless's head, I then turned to my room to strap on my leather armor, Elsa and Anna behind me. "Hiccup, please... you don't have to go." Elsa said with fear in her voice, I turned to her and caressed her cheek. "I'm not letting Dagur and Alvin's men anywhere near you or Anna." I then pecked her forehead and looked deeply into her azure eyes. "Be safe." I said, Elsa nodded. "You too." She said, we shared a passionate kiss, when we broke apart, I turned to Anna and hugged her tightly, as did she. "Be strong for me Anna. Alright?" I said, Anna nodded. "I will Hiccup." We pulled apart from our hug and we too kissed passionately, when we broke apart, I turned to Toothless. "I'll Agnar and the army defend the city as long as I can bud. Do what you can to protect them."

Toothless nodded in understanding, I then gestured them to go, the sisters gave me a concerned look before taking off with Toothless, I sighed heavily and finished strapping my armor on, I grabbed both Inferno blades and headed toward the castle doors, I took a deep breath. "Give me strength Lord." I said before opening the door and sunlight made my vision go white.

A/N: So, the next chapter, regrettably, Agnarr and Iduna will die, leaving Elsa and Anna orphaned and Elsa is to become queen soon. Stay tuned for the next one.

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