Chapter 9: A wolf meets his end

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(Normal pov)

"What do mean Cutthroat is inside Arendelle?!! Hiccup! Slow down and speak plainly."

Hiccup turned to Agnarr and apologized for his ramblings, the boy the explained more clearly. "Cutthroat isn't just a Berserker, he's an infiltrator, he'd secretly embed himself within the ranks of the Berserkers enemies, and he'd wait for the perfect moment to strike from within and allow the Berserker armies to attack their enemies in complete surprise." Hiccup pointed toward Arendelle. "Cutthroat is in Arendelle Lord. And make no mistake, he will strike when you least expect it and if we don't triple the guard at the gates? Arendelle will fall." 

Agnarr sighed heavily and nodded in understanding, the king then turned to Hiccup. "Then we must make haste. Quickly!" The king mounted his horse and urged the steed to ride, Hiccup then climbed on top of Toothless, the duo shot up into the air and followed the king back to Arendelle, with the kings bodyguard and remaining soldiers, lords and nobles behind them. 

(One hour later)

Upon returning to Arendelle, Agnarr urged his horse to stop and cupped both his hands around his mouth and addressed the people. "People of Arendelle!! Hear me!!" He shouted, the people gathered to hear what their king had to say, when Hiccup and Toothless landed beside Agnarr, the king gestured to the duo. "Hiccup has informed me of a wolf among us. He is a heathen by the name of Cutthroat the Vile." Agnarr announced, Hiccup handed the king a portrait of the Berserker and the king passed it down to the people so they could study the face of the wolf that pretends to be a sheep. 

"I've seen this man!"

Agnarr and Hiccup turned to see a bulky man with a simple brown tunic, black belt, leather boots and he had a fishing rod in hand, the fisherman nodded at the king and Hiccup and spoke again. "I've seen him. He spends most of his time at the nearby inn, brothel and docks." Agnarr nodded in thanks to the fisherman and turned to Hiccup. "Is it possible for Toothless to sniff out this heathen?" He asked, the boy nodded in confirmation. "It its Lord, but I'd need something that belongs to Cutthroat so Toothless can have his scent." Hiccup said, the boy turned to the fisherman. "Is there any chance that this man left anything behind so that my dragon can have his scent and track him down?"

The fisherman pulled something out of his boot and revealed a smudged map, the man handed the map to Hiccup, the boy inspected it and lowered it down for Toothless to smell, the Night Fury took three sniffs and he soon caught the scent. 

::He is close Hiccup::

Toothless growled lowly, Hiccup turned to Agnarr and spoke his dragons words. "He is close." Agnarr nodded and began ordering soldiers at the ready, and the king had the citizens to return to their homes and lock their doors. With the citizens out of the way, the soldiers, lords and nobles spread out and kept their eyes open, while Toothless continued to sniff out Cutthroat's location, the scent of the Berserker led to an alleyway. 


Hiccup laid eyes on a hooded figure, the boy slid off his dragon and drew out one of his Inferno blades and ignited it, he then pointed the blade toward the hooded figure. "Don't move. Take off your hood. Slowly." Hiccup said firmly, the figure slowly removed their hood, when the hood dropped, Hiccup grit his teeth at the sight of none other than Cutthroat the Vile. 

"Well well well. If it isn't Hiccup the Useless." Cutthroat said in taunting tone before his tone became murderous. "You would dare side with these Saxon shits?! They worship a false god!" He spat out, but Hiccup snarled at his old bully. "No. You Vikings worship false gods. Where is Odin? Or Thor? Have you seen them? Hmm?" Before Cutthroat could speak, Hiccup continued. "No you haven't. None of you have seen the supposed "Allfather" because Odin doesn't exist!!" 

Cutthroat's blood boiled in rage, the cock on this runt to proclaim that Odin didn't exist. Of course he existed!

"So its true. You not only have sided with the Saxons, but you have also renounced the true gods!" Cutthroat said with disgust, he shook his head at Hiccup. "What would your father say?" He asked, Hiccup curled his lips and replied. "I don't care what Stoick would think. The man was never my father and I was never his son. My choices are my own, and so far? I've had no regrets so far since coming here."

"Good." Cutthroat said, his arms moving to his back. "I have no regrets either." He said before he threw two throwing knives at Hiccup and Toothless, the Night Fury vaporized the knife and Hiccup swatted the knife away, causing Cutthroat to back away slightly, before Hiccup could do anything else, an arrow embedded itself in Cutthroat's chest, causing the Berserker to roar in pain. 

Hiccup turned around to see Saxon soldiers behind him and Toothless, one of them had a bow in hand and the soldiers then moved in to arrest Cutthroat, when Agnarr arrived, the soldiers bowed their heads to their king and looked up to him for orders. "Lord? What shall we do with the heathen?" They asked, Agnarr watched as Cutthroat's face twisted in pain, thanks to the arrow still embedded in his chest, the king then turned back to his soldiers and gestured to the jails. "Lock him up." The soldiers bowed their heads and headed off toward the jails, Hiccup retracted Inferno and approached Agnarr. 

"Lord, may I suggest killing Cutthroat? Dagur expects him to open the gates and let both Outcast and Berserker armies inside. What if we use that to our advantage?" Hiccup said, Agnarr raised an eyebrow at Hiccup's suggestion. "What do you purpose?" The king asked, Hiccup clicked his tongue and spoke his thoughts. "We let the Outcasts and Berserkers in, but not before getting the people, royals and your family to safety first, we then have the enemy in a massive kill box." Hiccup pointed toward the high towers and castles. "Have your men pick the enemy off and Toothless and I will destroy them from the air--"


Agnarr and Hiccup heard the screams of a man not too far, Hiccup climbed on Toothless and urged the Night Fury to investigate the source of the scream, upon arriving to the source of the scream, Hiccup winced at the sight of the soldiers who were escorting Cutthroat to the jails. Both their throats were slashed wide open. When Agnarr arrived, he covered his mouth at the ghastly sight and turned to Hiccup. "Cutthroat knows that he's trapped in here with us looking for him, what do you think he'll do?" He asked, Hiccup looked toward the castle and his heart dropped in his stomach. "Your family Lord. He'll use them as leverage." Hiccup and Toothless rushed to the castle with Agnarr and soldiers close behind them.

(Hiccup's pov)

As I burst the doors to the castle open, my fear skyrocketed at the sight of dead servants and household guards. I then urged Toothless to follow me, I ran toward Anna's room, fearing if Cutthroat had gotten his hands on her, when her room came into view, I could see the door creaked opened, I kicked the door open to see Cutthroat holding both Iduna and Anna at knife point, I stopped dead in my tracks. 

"Cutthroat. Let them go." I said, the Berserker shook his head. "Sorry, but right now they're my bargaining chip." The Berserker grinned as Agnarr arrived, the king turned to his soldiers and guards to stand down, the king then turned to the Berserker. "Cutthroat. Please... they're innocent. Let them go." Agnarr pleaded, Cutthroat let out a sadistic laugh and smirked at Agnarr's plea. "Alright King Agnarr, lets make a deal..." Cutthroat pressed his knife against Iduna's throat, causing the queen to gasp in pain, the Berserker shushed her and looked back to Agnarr. "...I let your beautiful wife and daughter go and you allow me to leave your kingdom this  with my life." 

But before another word was spoken, a thin yet razor sharp spike of ice came out of nowhere and embedded itself through Cutthroat's face, causing Iduna and Anna to scream in horror and escape the dying Berserkers grasp right as he backed up against the window behind him and crashed right through it and fell. Hiccup turned around to see Elsa with her hand outstretched and panting heavily, her azure eyes were full of rage, but that rage soon disappeared and was replaced with horror. "I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't-" 

Before Elsa could continue speaking, Agnarr pulled his first born daughter in a warm embrace, Idnua rose to her feet and she too embraced her daughter, Anna gasped in amazement at the power her sister wielded, when the parents broke their embrace with Elsa, the older girl and Anna met each others gazes. 



Both sisters said at the same time, before Elsa could speak, Anna embraced her sister tightly and whispered. "You saved my life. Thank you Elsa." Anna cooed with love, she nuzzled her face into Elsa's neck and Elsa returned her sisters hug, it had been far too long since the two of them even got to touch each other, let alone speak to each other. When the sisters broke their embrace, Hiccup and Toothless bowed their heads at the royal family, Agnarr then drew his sword and approached Hiccup. "My boy, take a knee." He said, Hiccup nodded and kneeled before Agnarr, the king then dubbed Hiccup as a Lord. "I, King Agnarr of Arendelle appoint you Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III as a Lord of Arendelle. Rise." 

Hiccup rose to his feet and bowed his head in thanks to both Agnarr and Iduna, when his eyes meet Elsa and Anna, both sisters smiled warmly at him and he returned their smile. He was now a Lord! This was a responsibility that Hiccup would most definitely live up to and he wouldn't let Agnarr, Idnua, Elsa or Anna down. 

A/N: Short I know, but I had a very long and exhausting day at work, but don't worry, expect several updates tomorrow. Possibly two or three, just to give y'all that heads up, catch y'all in the next update.

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